
Free-variable lemmas for DOT.

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From D.Dot Require Import syn.

Implicit Types
         (L T U : ty) (v : vl) (e : tm) (d : dm) (ds : dms)
         (Γ : ctx) (ρ : vls).

Here is a manual proof of fv_vabs_inv, with explanations, as documentation for solve_inv_fv_congruence.
Lemma fv_vabs_inv_manual e n : nclosed_vl (vabs e) n nclosed e n.+1.
  rewrite /nclosed_vl /nclosed ⇒ /= Hfv s1 s2 HsEq.

  (* From Hfv, we only learn that e.|[up s1] = e.|[up s2], for arbitrary
  s1 and s2, but substitutions in our thesis e.|[s1] = e.|[s2] are not
  of form up ?. Hence, we rewrite it using decomp_s / decomp_s_vl to
  get a substitution of form up ?, then rewrite with e.|[up (stail s1)] = e.|[up (stail s2)] (got from Hfv), and conclude.

  rewrite ?(decomp_s _ s1) ?(decomp_s _ s2) ?(decomp_s_vl _ s1) ?(decomp_s_vl _ s2) (eq_n_s_heads HsEq); last lia.
  injection (Hfv _ _ (eq_n_s_tails HsEq)); rewritePremises; reflexivity.

The following ones are "direct" lemmas: deduce that an expression is closed by knowing that its subexpression are closed.

Lemma fv_vabs_inv e n : nclosed_vl (vabs e) n nclosed e n.+1.
Proof. solve_inv_fv_congruence. Qed.