From D Require Export prelude.
From iris.program_logic Require Import language.
From D.Dot Require Export syn rules.
Implicit Types
(L T U : ty) (v : vl) (e : tm) (d : dm) (ds : dms) (p : path)
(Γ : ctx) (ρ : env) (Pv : vl → Prop).
Unset Program Cases.
Lemma tskip_subst i e s : (iterate tskip i e).|[s] = iterate tskip i e.|[s].
Proof. exact: cons_subst. Qed.
Lemma TLater_subst i T s : (iterate TLater i T).|[s] = iterate TLater i T.|[s].
Proof. exact: cons_subst. Qed.
Lemma path2tm_subst p ρ : (path2tm p).|[ρ] = path2tm p.|[ρ].
Proof. by elim: p ⇒ /= [//|p → l]. Qed.
From iris.program_logic Require Import language.
From D.Dot Require Export syn rules.
Implicit Types
(L T U : ty) (v : vl) (e : tm) (d : dm) (ds : dms) (p : path)
(Γ : ctx) (ρ : env) (Pv : vl → Prop).
Unset Program Cases.
Lemma tskip_subst i e s : (iterate tskip i e).|[s] = iterate tskip i e.|[s].
Proof. exact: cons_subst. Qed.
Lemma TLater_subst i T s : (iterate TLater i T).|[s] = iterate TLater i T.|[s].
Proof. exact: cons_subst. Qed.
Lemma path2tm_subst p ρ : (path2tm p).|[ρ] = path2tm p.|[ρ].
Proof. by elim: p ⇒ /= [//|p → l]. Qed.
path_wp, but for Coq predicates.
Inductive path_wp_pure : path → (vl → Prop) → Prop :=
| pwp_pv vp Pv : Pv vp → path_wp_pure (pv vp) Pv
| pwp_pself p vp q l Pv : path_wp_pure p (eq vp) → vp ,, l ↘ dpt q → path_wp_pure q Pv →
path_wp_pure (pself p l) Pv .
#[local] Hint Constructors path_wp_pure : core.
Lemma path_wp_pure_pv_eq Pv v : path_wp_pure (pv v) Pv ↔ Pv v.
Proof. split; by [inversion_clear 1 | auto]. Qed.
Lemma path_wp_pure_pself_eq Pv p l : path_wp_pure (pself p l) Pv ↔
∃ vp q, path_wp_pure p (eq vp) ∧ vp ,, l ↘ dpt q ∧ path_wp_pure q Pv.
Proof. split; first inversion_clear 1; naive_solver. Qed.
#[global] Instance pwp_pure_proper : Proper ((=) ==> pointwise_relation _ iff ==> iff) path_wp_pure.
(* The induction works best in this shape, but this instance is best kept local. *)
have pwp_proper_2 : ∀ p, Proper (pointwise_relation _ iff ==> iff) (path_wp_pure p).
by rewrite /pointwise_relation ⇒ p P1 P2 HPeq; split;
induction 1; naive_solver.
Lemma path_wp_pure_wand {Pv1 Pv2 p} :
path_wp_pure p Pv1 →
(∀ v, Pv1 v → Pv2 v) →
path_wp_pure p Pv2.
Proof. elim; eauto. Qed.
Lemma path_wp_pure_eq p Pv :
path_wp_pure p Pv ↔ ∃ v, path_wp_pure p (eq v) ∧ Pv v.
- elim; naive_solver.
- move ⇒ [v [Hpeq HPv]]. dependent induction Hpeq; naive_solver.
Lemma path_wp_pure_det {p v1 v2} :
path_wp_pure p (eq v1) →
path_wp_pure p (eq v2) →
v1 = v2.
move ⇒ Hp1 Hp2; move: v2 Hp2; induction Hp1; intros; inverse Hp2; first naive_solver.
lazymatch goal with H1 : ?vp ,, l ↘ dpt ?q, H2 : ?vp0 ,, l ↘ dpt ?q0 |- _ ⇒
(suff ? : q = q0 by subst; auto);
(suff ? : vp = vp0 by subst; objLookupDet);
Lemma path_wp_pure_swap p w :
path_wp_pure p (λ v, v = w) ↔
path_wp_pure p (eq w).
Proof. split ⇒ Hp; exact: path_wp_pure_wand. Qed.
Lemma path_wp_exec_pure p v :
path_wp_pure p (eq v) →
∃ n, PureExec True n (path2tm p) (tv v).
move HE: (eq v) ⇒ P Hp; move: v HE; induction Hp; intros; simplify_eq.
by ∃ 0; constructor.
have [m /(_ I) Hs1] := IHHp1 _ eq_refl.
have [n /(_ I) Hs2] := IHHp2 _ eq_refl.
∃ (m.+1 + n) ⇒ _ /=.
eapply (nsteps_trans m.+1), Hs2; eapply nsteps_r.
by apply (pure_step_nsteps_ctx (fill_item (ProjCtx l))), Hs1.
by apply nsteps_once_inv, pure_tproj.
Definition alias_paths p q :=
path_wp_pure q (λ vp, path_wp_pure p (eq vp)).
Lemma alias_paths_pv_eq_1 p vr :
alias_paths p (pv vr) ↔ path_wp_pure p (eq vr).
Proof. rewrite /alias_paths. by setoid_rewrite path_wp_pure_pv_eq. Qed.
#[global] Hint Extern 1 (path_wp_pure _ _) ⇒ by apply path_wp_pure_swap : core.
Lemma alias_paths_pv_eq_2 p vr :
alias_paths (pv vr) p ↔ path_wp_pure p (eq vr).
rewrite /alias_paths -path_wp_pure_swap.
by setoid_rewrite path_wp_pure_pv_eq.
Lemma alias_paths_self p v :
alias_paths p (pv v) → alias_paths p p.
rewrite alias_paths_pv_eq_1 /alias_paths !path_wp_pure_eq; naive_solver.
Lemma alias_paths_refl_vl v :
alias_paths (pv v) (pv v).
Proof. hnf; eauto. Qed.
Lemma alias_paths_sameres p q :
alias_paths p q ↔
∃ v,
path_wp_pure p (eq v) ∧
path_wp_pure q (eq v).
Proof. rewrite /alias_paths !path_wp_pure_eq; naive_solver. Qed.
Lemma alias_paths_symm p q :
alias_paths p q ↔ alias_paths q p.
Proof. rewrite !alias_paths_sameres. naive_solver. Qed.
Lemma alias_paths_symm' p q :
alias_paths p q → alias_paths q p.
Proof. apply alias_paths_symm. Qed.
Lemma alias_paths_trans p q r :
alias_paths p q → alias_paths q r → alias_paths p r.
rewrite !alias_paths_sameres ⇒ -[v [Hpv Hqv]] [w [Hqw Hrw]].
have Heq : v = w by exact: path_wp_pure_det. simplify_eq; eauto.
Lemma alias_paths_samepwp_pure p q :
alias_paths p q ↔
(∃ u, path_wp_pure p (eq u)) ∧
∀ Pv, path_wp_pure p Pv ↔ path_wp_pure q Pv.
rewrite alias_paths_sameres; split.
- destruct 1 as (v & Hp & Hq).
split. by eauto. intros Pv.
rewrite !path_wp_pure_eq.
f_equiv ⇒ w; split ⇒ -[Hr];
[ rewrite -(path_wp_pure_det Hp Hr)
| rewrite -(path_wp_pure_det Hq Hr)]; auto.
- intros [[u Hp] Heq]. ∃ u.
split; by [|rewrite -Heq].
Lemma alias_paths_elim_eq_pure Pv {p q} :
alias_paths p q →
path_wp_pure p Pv ↔ path_wp_pure q Pv.
Proof. move ⇒ /alias_paths_samepwp_pure [_]. apply. Qed.
Lemma alias_paths_pself {p q l w} :
path_wp_pure (pself q l) (eq w) →
alias_paths p q →
alias_paths (pself p l) (pself q l).
intros Hql Hal; inverse Hql; econstructor; eauto.
rewrite path_wp_pure_eq; ∃ w; split ⇒ //; econstructor; eauto.
by rewrite (alias_paths_elim_eq_pure _ Hal).
Lemma alias_paths_simpl {p q} :
path_wp_pure p (λ v, alias_paths q (pv v)) ↔
alias_paths p q.
Proof. setoid_rewrite alias_paths_pv_eq_1. apply alias_paths_symm. Qed.
For primitives.
Definition prim_sem (B : base_ty) :=
match B with
| tbool ⇒ bool
| tint ⇒ Z
Definition prim_evals_to (B : base_ty) (v : vl) : prim_sem B → Prop :=
match B return prim_sem B → Prop with
| tbool ⇒ λ l, v = vlit $ lbool l
| tint ⇒ λ l, v = vlit $ lint l
Definition pure_interp_prim B v := ∃ l : prim_sem B, prim_evals_to B v l.
match B with
| tbool ⇒ bool
| tint ⇒ Z
Definition prim_evals_to (B : base_ty) (v : vl) : prim_sem B → Prop :=
match B return prim_sem B → Prop with
| tbool ⇒ λ l, v = vlit $ lbool l
| tint ⇒ λ l, v = vlit $ lint l
Definition pure_interp_prim B v := ∃ l : prim_sem B, prim_evals_to B v l.
For definition typing.
Definition label_of_ty T : option label :=
match T with
| TTMem l _ _ ⇒ Some l
| TVMem l _ ⇒ Some l
| _ ⇒ None
Definition defCtxCons Γ V := TLater V :: Γ.
Notation "Γ |L V" := (defCtxCons Γ V) (at level 60).
Lemma norm_selfSubst ds s : selfSubst ds.|[up s] = ds.|[(vobj ds).[s] .: s].
Proof. by rewrite /selfSubst up_sub_compose. Qed.
Notation "Γ |L V" := (defCtxCons Γ V) (at level 60).
Lemma norm_selfSubst ds s : selfSubst ds.|[up s] = ds.|[(vobj ds).[s] .: s].
Proof. by rewrite /selfSubst up_sub_compose. Qed.
Presence and absence of definitions.
Definition dms_has ds l d := dms_lookup l ds = Some d.
Definition dms_hasnt ds l := dms_lookup l ds = None.
Lemma dms_hasnt_map ds l f :
dms_hasnt ds l →
dms_hasnt (map (mapsnd f) ds) l.
elim: ds ⇒ //; rewrite /dms_hasnt/mapsnd/= ⇒ [[l' d] ds IHds H].
by case_decide; eauto 2.
Lemma dms_hasnt_subst l ds ρ : dms_hasnt ds l → dms_hasnt ds.|[ρ] l.
Proof. apply dms_hasnt_map. Qed.
Lemma dms_lookup_head l d ds : dms_lookup l ((l, d) :: ds) = Some d.
Proof. by cbn; case_decide. Qed.
Lemma dms_lookup_head_inv l1 l2 d d' :
dms_lookup l1 [(l2, d)] = Some d' →
l1 = l2 ∧ d = d'.
Proof. rewrite /dms_lookup /=; case_decide; naive_solver. Qed.
Lemma dms_lookup_mono' l l' d ds :
dms_hasnt ds l → l ≠ l' →
dms_lookup l' ((l, d) :: ds) = dms_lookup l' ds.
rewrite /dms_hasnt /= ⇒ Hlds Hne. by case_decide; simplify_eq.
Lemma dms_lookup_mono l l' d d' ds :
dms_hasnt ds l →
dms_lookup l' ds = Some d' →
dms_lookup l' ((l, d) :: ds) = Some d'.
Proof. rewrite /dms_hasnt ⇒ Hlds Hl. rewrite dms_lookup_mono' //. naive_solver. Qed.
Lemma dms_hasnt_notin_eq l ds : dms_hasnt ds l ↔ l ∉ map fst ds.
elim: ds ⇒ [|[l' d] ds] /=; first by split; [inversion 2|].
rewrite /dms_hasnt/= not_elem_of_cons ⇒ IHds. case_decide; naive_solver.
Definition dms_hasnt ds l := dms_lookup l ds = None.
Lemma dms_hasnt_map ds l f :
dms_hasnt ds l →
dms_hasnt (map (mapsnd f) ds) l.
elim: ds ⇒ //; rewrite /dms_hasnt/mapsnd/= ⇒ [[l' d] ds IHds H].
by case_decide; eauto 2.
Lemma dms_hasnt_subst l ds ρ : dms_hasnt ds l → dms_hasnt ds.|[ρ] l.
Proof. apply dms_hasnt_map. Qed.
Lemma dms_lookup_head l d ds : dms_lookup l ((l, d) :: ds) = Some d.
Proof. by cbn; case_decide. Qed.
Lemma dms_lookup_head_inv l1 l2 d d' :
dms_lookup l1 [(l2, d)] = Some d' →
l1 = l2 ∧ d = d'.
Proof. rewrite /dms_lookup /=; case_decide; naive_solver. Qed.
Lemma dms_lookup_mono' l l' d ds :
dms_hasnt ds l → l ≠ l' →
dms_lookup l' ((l, d) :: ds) = dms_lookup l' ds.
rewrite /dms_hasnt /= ⇒ Hlds Hne. by case_decide; simplify_eq.
Lemma dms_lookup_mono l l' d d' ds :
dms_hasnt ds l →
dms_lookup l' ds = Some d' →
dms_lookup l' ((l, d) :: ds) = Some d'.
Proof. rewrite /dms_hasnt ⇒ Hlds Hl. rewrite dms_lookup_mono' //. naive_solver. Qed.
Lemma dms_hasnt_notin_eq l ds : dms_hasnt ds l ↔ l ∉ map fst ds.
elim: ds ⇒ [|[l' d] ds] /=; first by split; [inversion 2|].
rewrite /dms_hasnt/= not_elem_of_cons ⇒ IHds. case_decide; naive_solver.
Well-formedness of definition lists.
Definitions ds appear in the object resulting from evaluating path p.|[ρ] .
Definition path_includes p ρ ds :=
path_wp_pure p.|[ρ] (λ w, ∃ ds', w = vobj ds' ∧ ds.|[ρ] `sublist_of` selfSubst ds' ∧ wf_ds ds').
Lemma path_includes_equiv ρ ds : path_includes (pv (ids 0)) ρ ds ↔
∃ ds', ρ 0 = vobj ds' ∧ ds.|[ρ] `sublist_of` selfSubst ds' ∧ wf_ds ds'.
Proof. by rewrite /path_includes path_wp_pure_pv_eq. Qed.
Lemma ds_notin_subst l ds ρ :
l ∉ map fst ds →
l ∉ map fst ds.|[ρ].
intros; by apply dms_hasnt_notin_eq, dms_hasnt_subst, dms_hasnt_notin_eq.
Lemma wf_ds_nil : wf_ds ([] : dms). Proof. constructor. Qed.
#[global] Hint Resolve wf_ds_nil : core.
Lemma wf_ds_sub ds ρ : wf_ds ds → wf_ds ds.|[ρ].
elim: ds ⇒ [//=|[l d] ds IH]; cbn.
inversion_clear 1; constructor; last by eauto.
exact: ds_notin_subst.
Lemma path_includes_self ds ρ : wf_ds ds → path_includes (pv (ids 0)) (vobj ds.|[up ρ] .: ρ) ds.
by constructor; ∃ ds.|[up ρ]; rewrite /= /selfSubst up_sub_compose; split_and!;
last apply wf_ds_sub.
Lemma path_includes_split p ρ l d ds :
path_includes p ρ ((l, d) :: ds) →
path_includes p ρ [(l, d)] ∧
path_includes p ρ ds.
rewrite /path_includes !path_wp_pure_eq; cbn.
intros (v & Hpw & ds' & → & ((k1 & k2 & Hpid & Hpids)%sublist_cons_l & Hno)).
repeat (split_and! ⇒ //; try eexists); rewrite Hpid; apply sublist_inserts_l.
by apply sublist_skip, sublist_nil_l.
by apply sublist_cons, Hpids.
Lemma dms_has_in_eq l d ds : wf_ds ds →
dms_has ds l d ↔ (l, d) ∈ ds.
rewrite /dms_has; elim: ds ⇒ [Hwf|[l' d'] ds IH /= /NoDup_cons [Hni Hwf]];
[by split; [|inversion 1]| rewrite elem_of_cons].
case_decide; first split; first 1 last; [|naive_solver..].
destruct 1; simplify_eq/=; [naive_solver|destruct Hni].
by eapply elem_of_list_In, (in_map fst ds (_,_)), elem_of_list_In.
Lemma dms_lookup_sublist l p ds :
wf_ds ds → [(l, dpt p)] `sublist_of` ds →
dms_lookup l ds = Some (dpt p).
rewrite sublist_cons_l; intros Hwf ?; ev; simplify_eq/=.
apply dms_has_in_eq; [done|].
rewrite elem_of_app elem_of_cons. naive_solver.
Lemma path_includes_field_aliases p ρ l v :
path_includes p ρ [(l, dpt (pv v))] →
alias_paths (pself p.|[ρ] l) (pv v.[ρ]).
rewrite /path_includes/alias_paths/= !path_wp_pure_eq;
intros (w & Hwp & ds & → & Hsub & Hwf').
enough (dms_lookup l (selfSubst ds) = Some (dpt (pv v.[ρ]))) by eauto 10 using objLookupIntro.
apply dms_lookup_sublist, Hsub. exact: wf_ds_sub.
path_wp_pure p.|[ρ] (λ w, ∃ ds', w = vobj ds' ∧ ds.|[ρ] `sublist_of` selfSubst ds' ∧ wf_ds ds').
Lemma path_includes_equiv ρ ds : path_includes (pv (ids 0)) ρ ds ↔
∃ ds', ρ 0 = vobj ds' ∧ ds.|[ρ] `sublist_of` selfSubst ds' ∧ wf_ds ds'.
Proof. by rewrite /path_includes path_wp_pure_pv_eq. Qed.
Lemma ds_notin_subst l ds ρ :
l ∉ map fst ds →
l ∉ map fst ds.|[ρ].
intros; by apply dms_hasnt_notin_eq, dms_hasnt_subst, dms_hasnt_notin_eq.
Lemma wf_ds_nil : wf_ds ([] : dms). Proof. constructor. Qed.
#[global] Hint Resolve wf_ds_nil : core.
Lemma wf_ds_sub ds ρ : wf_ds ds → wf_ds ds.|[ρ].
elim: ds ⇒ [//=|[l d] ds IH]; cbn.
inversion_clear 1; constructor; last by eauto.
exact: ds_notin_subst.
Lemma path_includes_self ds ρ : wf_ds ds → path_includes (pv (ids 0)) (vobj ds.|[up ρ] .: ρ) ds.
by constructor; ∃ ds.|[up ρ]; rewrite /= /selfSubst up_sub_compose; split_and!;
last apply wf_ds_sub.
Lemma path_includes_split p ρ l d ds :
path_includes p ρ ((l, d) :: ds) →
path_includes p ρ [(l, d)] ∧
path_includes p ρ ds.
rewrite /path_includes !path_wp_pure_eq; cbn.
intros (v & Hpw & ds' & → & ((k1 & k2 & Hpid & Hpids)%sublist_cons_l & Hno)).
repeat (split_and! ⇒ //; try eexists); rewrite Hpid; apply sublist_inserts_l.
by apply sublist_skip, sublist_nil_l.
by apply sublist_cons, Hpids.
Lemma dms_has_in_eq l d ds : wf_ds ds →
dms_has ds l d ↔ (l, d) ∈ ds.
rewrite /dms_has; elim: ds ⇒ [Hwf|[l' d'] ds IH /= /NoDup_cons [Hni Hwf]];
[by split; [|inversion 1]| rewrite elem_of_cons].
case_decide; first split; first 1 last; [|naive_solver..].
destruct 1; simplify_eq/=; [naive_solver|destruct Hni].
by eapply elem_of_list_In, (in_map fst ds (_,_)), elem_of_list_In.
Lemma dms_lookup_sublist l p ds :
wf_ds ds → [(l, dpt p)] `sublist_of` ds →
dms_lookup l ds = Some (dpt p).
rewrite sublist_cons_l; intros Hwf ?; ev; simplify_eq/=.
apply dms_has_in_eq; [done|].
rewrite elem_of_app elem_of_cons. naive_solver.
Lemma path_includes_field_aliases p ρ l v :
path_includes p ρ [(l, dpt (pv v))] →
alias_paths (pself p.|[ρ] l) (pv v.[ρ]).
rewrite /path_includes/alias_paths/= !path_wp_pure_eq;
intros (w & Hwp & ds & → & Hsub & Hwf').
enough (dms_lookup l (selfSubst ds) = Some (dpt (pv v.[ρ]))) by eauto 10 using objLookupIntro.
apply dms_lookup_sublist, Hsub. exact: wf_ds_sub.