Automation for the "Persistent Update" modality.
"Persistent updates".
<PB> P is an intuitionistic propositon that allows allocating persistent ghost state before proving P.
Notation pbupd P := (□ |==> □ P)%I.
Notation pfupd E P := (□ |={E}=> □ P)%I.
Notation "<PB> P" := (pbupd P) (at level 20, right associativity).
Notation "<PF{ E }> P" := (pfupd E P) (at level 20, right associativity).
Section persistent_updates.
Context {PROP : bi}.
Implicit Type (P Q R : PROP).
Section bupd.
Context `{!BiBUpd PROP}.
(* <PB> is a monad on the subcategory of intuitionistic propositions. *)
Lemma PB_return P : □ P -∗ <PB> P.
Proof. by iIntros "#$". Qed.
Lemma PB_bind P Q : <PB> P -∗ □ (□ P -∗ <PB> Q) -∗ <PB> Q.
iIntros "#P #W !>". iMod "P" as "#P".
iApply ("W" with "P").
Lemma PB_join P : <PB> <PB> P -∗ <PB> P.
Proof. iIntros "#P !>". by iMod "P". Qed.
(* <PB> distributes over conjunctions. *)
Lemma PB_sep_curry P Q : <PB> P -∗ <PB> Q -∗ <PB> (P ∗ Q).
iIntros "#P #Q !>".
by iMod "P" as "#$"; iMod "Q" as "#$".
Lemma PB_sep P Q : <PB> P ∗ <PB> Q -∗ <PB> (P ∗ Q).
Proof. iIntros "[P Q]". iApply (PB_sep_curry with "P Q"). Qed.
Lemma PB_and P Q : <PB> P ∧ <PB> Q -∗ <PB> (P ∧ Q).
iIntros "[#P #Q] !>".
iMod "P" as "#P". iMod "Q" as "#Q".
by iFrame "#".
Lemma PB_and_curry P Q : <PB> P -∗ <PB> Q -∗ <PB> (P ∧ Q).
Proof. iIntros "P Q". iApply PB_and. iFrame. Qed.
End bupd.
Section fupd.
Context `{!BiFUpd PROP} E.
(* <PF{E}> is a monad on the subcategory of intuitionistic propositions. *)
Lemma PF_return P : □ P -∗ <PF{E}> P.
Proof. by iIntros "#$". Qed.
Lemma PF_bind P Q : <PF{E}> P -∗ □ (□ P -∗ <PF{E}> Q) -∗ <PF{E}> Q.
iIntros "#P #W !>". iMod "P" as "#P".
iApply ("W" with "P").
Lemma PF_join P : <PF{E}> <PF{E}> P -∗ <PF{E}> P.
Proof. iIntros "#P !>". by iMod "P". Qed.
(* <PF> distributes over conjunctions. *)
Lemma PF_sep P Q : <PF{E}> P ∗ <PF{E}> Q -∗ <PF{E}> (P ∗ Q).
iIntros "[#P #Q] !>".
iMod "P" as "#P". iMod "Q" as "#Q".
by iFrame "#".
Lemma PF_sep_curry P Q : <PF{E}> P -∗ <PF{E}> Q -∗ <PF{E}> (P ∗ Q).
Proof. iApply wand_curry. iApply PF_sep. Qed.
Lemma PF_and P Q : <PF{E}> P ∧ <PF{E}> Q -∗ <PF{E}> (P ∧ Q).
iIntros "[#P #Q] !>".
iMod "P" as "#P". iMod "Q" as "#Q".
by iFrame "#".
Lemma PF_and_curry P Q : <PF{E}> P -∗ <PF{E}> Q -∗ <PF{E}> (P ∧ Q).
Proof. iIntros "P Q". iApply PF_and. iFrame. Qed.
End fupd.
End persistent_updates.
Notation pfupd E P := (□ |={E}=> □ P)%I.
Notation "<PB> P" := (pbupd P) (at level 20, right associativity).
Notation "<PF{ E }> P" := (pfupd E P) (at level 20, right associativity).
Section persistent_updates.
Context {PROP : bi}.
Implicit Type (P Q R : PROP).
Section bupd.
Context `{!BiBUpd PROP}.
(* <PB> is a monad on the subcategory of intuitionistic propositions. *)
Lemma PB_return P : □ P -∗ <PB> P.
Proof. by iIntros "#$". Qed.
Lemma PB_bind P Q : <PB> P -∗ □ (□ P -∗ <PB> Q) -∗ <PB> Q.
iIntros "#P #W !>". iMod "P" as "#P".
iApply ("W" with "P").
Lemma PB_join P : <PB> <PB> P -∗ <PB> P.
Proof. iIntros "#P !>". by iMod "P". Qed.
(* <PB> distributes over conjunctions. *)
Lemma PB_sep_curry P Q : <PB> P -∗ <PB> Q -∗ <PB> (P ∗ Q).
iIntros "#P #Q !>".
by iMod "P" as "#$"; iMod "Q" as "#$".
Lemma PB_sep P Q : <PB> P ∗ <PB> Q -∗ <PB> (P ∗ Q).
Proof. iIntros "[P Q]". iApply (PB_sep_curry with "P Q"). Qed.
Lemma PB_and P Q : <PB> P ∧ <PB> Q -∗ <PB> (P ∧ Q).
iIntros "[#P #Q] !>".
iMod "P" as "#P". iMod "Q" as "#Q".
by iFrame "#".
Lemma PB_and_curry P Q : <PB> P -∗ <PB> Q -∗ <PB> (P ∧ Q).
Proof. iIntros "P Q". iApply PB_and. iFrame. Qed.
End bupd.
Section fupd.
Context `{!BiFUpd PROP} E.
(* <PF{E}> is a monad on the subcategory of intuitionistic propositions. *)
Lemma PF_return P : □ P -∗ <PF{E}> P.
Proof. by iIntros "#$". Qed.
Lemma PF_bind P Q : <PF{E}> P -∗ □ (□ P -∗ <PF{E}> Q) -∗ <PF{E}> Q.
iIntros "#P #W !>". iMod "P" as "#P".
iApply ("W" with "P").
Lemma PF_join P : <PF{E}> <PF{E}> P -∗ <PF{E}> P.
Proof. iIntros "#P !>". by iMod "P". Qed.
(* <PF> distributes over conjunctions. *)
Lemma PF_sep P Q : <PF{E}> P ∗ <PF{E}> Q -∗ <PF{E}> (P ∗ Q).
iIntros "[#P #Q] !>".
iMod "P" as "#P". iMod "Q" as "#Q".
by iFrame "#".
Lemma PF_sep_curry P Q : <PF{E}> P -∗ <PF{E}> Q -∗ <PF{E}> (P ∗ Q).
Proof. iApply wand_curry. iApply PF_sep. Qed.
Lemma PF_and P Q : <PF{E}> P ∧ <PF{E}> Q -∗ <PF{E}> (P ∧ Q).
iIntros "[#P #Q] !>".
iMod "P" as "#P". iMod "Q" as "#Q".
by iFrame "#".
Lemma PF_and_curry P Q : <PF{E}> P -∗ <PF{E}> Q -∗ <PF{E}> (P ∧ Q).
Proof. iIntros "P Q". iApply PF_and. iFrame. Qed.
End fupd.
End persistent_updates.