
Some common Ltac utilities.

Inversion, then substitution.
Ltac inverse H := (inversion H; subst).
Ltac int := intuition trivial.

Destruct all conjunctions, products, existentials and sigma types in the context.
Ltac ev := repeat match goal with
                    | H : _, _ |- _destruct H
                    | H : _ _ |- _destruct H
                    | H : exists2 _, _ & _ |- _destruct H
                    | H : { _ | _ } |- _destruct H
                    | H : { _ | _ & _ } |- _destruct H
                    (* | H : { _ & _ } |- _ => destruct H *)
                    | H : { _ : _ & _ & _ } |- _destruct H
                    | p : _ × _ |- _destruct p

Tactic to split a lemma proven by mutual induction into its pieces; useful even when apply fails.
Ltac unmut_lemma H := destruct H; ev; eauto.

#[global] Hint Constructors option : core.
#[global] Hint Constructors list : core.

Support writing external hints for lemmas that must not be applied twice for a goal.
(* The usedLemma and un_usedLemma marker is taken from Crush.v (where they were called done and un_done). *)

Devious opaque marker predicate to use for encoding state within proof goals.
We use a one-constructor Inductive to ensure this can be proved (in markUsed but not reduced, which is necessary at least for red_hyps_once.
stdpp's sealing would work but is more verbose, and loading stdpp here would be expensive.
Inductive usedLemma {T : Type} (x : T) : Prop := UsedLemma.

Ltac markUsed H := assert (usedLemma H) by constructor.

After a round of application with the above, we will have a lot of junk usedLemma markers to clean up; hence this tactic.
Ltac un_usedLemma := repeat
  match goal with
    | [ H : usedLemma _ |- _ ] ⇒ clear H

Ltac try_once lm :=
    match goal with
    | H : usedLemma lm |- _fail 1
    | _markUsed lm; eapply lm

Tactic Notation "try_once_tac" constr(T) tactic(tac) :=
  match goal with
  | H : usedLemma T |- _fail 1
  | _markUsed T; tac

Example of try_once_tac:
(* Definition injectHyps_marker := 0. *)
(* Hint Extern 5 => try_once_tac injectHyps_marker injectHyps : core. *)

Perform tac, then fail if more than one goal is created.
Tactic Notation "nosplit" tactic3(tac) := tac; let n := numgoals in guard n = 1.