This infrastructure cannot be placed in ex_utils.v because hoas.v imports
From stdpp Require Import strings.
From D Require Import tactics.
From D.Dot Require Import syn ex_utils.
From D.Dot Require Export hoas.
This infrastructure cannot be placed in ex_utils.v because hoas.v imports
From stdpp Require Import strings.
From D Require Import tactics.
From D.Dot Require Import syn ex_utils.
From D.Dot Require Export hoas.
Module loopTms.
Import hoasNotation.
Definition hloopDefV : hvl := ν: self, {@
val "loop" = λ: w, self @: "loop" $: w
(* λ w, self.loop w. *)
Definition hloopDefT : hty := val "loop" : ⊤ →: ⊥.
Definition hloopDefTConcr : hty := μ: _, {@ hloopDefT }.
Definition hloopFunTm : htm := hloopDefV @: "loop".
Definition hloopTm : htm := hloopFunTm $: hvint 0.
End loopTms.
Import hoasNotation.
Definition hloopDefV : hvl := ν: self, {@
val "loop" = λ: w, self @: "loop" $: w
(* λ w, self.loop w. *)
Definition hloopDefT : hty := val "loop" : ⊤ →: ⊥.
Definition hloopDefTConcr : hty := μ: _, {@ hloopDefT }.
Definition hloopFunTm : htm := hloopDefV @: "loop".
Definition hloopTm : htm := hloopFunTm $: hvint 0.
End loopTms.