
Binding-related semantic typing lemmas.

From iris.proofmode Require Import proofmode.

From D.Dot Require Import rules dot_semtypes later_sub_sem.

Implicit Types (v : vl) (e : tm) (d : dm) (ds : dms) (ρ : env).

Section LambdaIntros.
  Context `{HdlangG : !dlangG Σ}.

  Lemma sT_All_I_Strong {Γ Γ'} T1 T2 e
    (Hctx : sG Γ <:* oLater <$> Γ') :
    shift T1 :: Γ' s e : T2 -∗
    Γ s tv (vabs e) : oAll T1 T2.
    rewrite Hctx; pupd; iIntros "#HeT !> %ρ #Hg /=".
    rewrite -wp_value'. iExists _; iSplit; first done.
    iIntros "!> %v Hv"; rewrite up_sub_compose.
    (* Factor ▷ out of sG Γ ⟧* ρ before iNext. *)
    rewrite senv_TLater_commute. iNext.
    iApply ("HeT" $! (v .: ρ) with "[Hv $Hg]").
    by rewrite /= hoEnvD_weaken_one.

  Lemma sT_All_I {Γ} T1 T2 e :
    shift T1 :: Γ s e : T2 -∗
    Γ s tv (vabs e) : oAll T1 T2.
    apply sT_All_I_Strong ⇒ ρ. rewrite senv_TLater_commute. by iIntros "$".
End LambdaIntros.

Section Sec.
  Context `{HdlangG : !dlangG Σ}.

  Lemma sP_Var {Γ x τ}
    (Hx : Γ !! x = Some τ) :
     Γ sp pv (ids x) : shiftN x τ, 0.
    pupd; iIntros "/= !> %ρ #Hg"; rewrite path_wp_pv_eq.
    by rewrite s_interp_env_lookup // id_subst.

  Lemma sT_SkipN Γ e T i :
    Γ s e : oLaterN i T -∗
    Γ s iterate tskip i e : T.
    pupd; iIntros "#He !> %ρ #Hg"; rewrite tskip_subst; iApply wp_bind.
    wp_wapply "(He Hg)"; iIntros "{He} /= %v Hv".
    by wp_pure.

  Lemma sT_Skip Γ e T :
    Γ s e : oLater T -∗ Γ s tskip e : T.
  Proof. have := sT_SkipN Γ e T 1. rewrite iterate_S iterate_0. apply. Qed.

  Lemma sT_Sub {Γ e T1 T2} :
    Γ s e : T1 -∗
    Γ s T1 <:[0] T2 -∗
    Γ s e : T2.
    pupd; iIntros "#HeT1 #Hsub !> %ρ #Hg".
    wp_wapply "(HeT1 Hg)".
    iIntros (v) "HvT1 /=".
    iApply ("Hsub" with "Hg HvT1").

     Γ ⊨ z : Tᶻ
     =============================================== (T-Rec-I/T-Rec-E)
     Γ ⊨ z : mu(x : Tˣ)

  Lemma sTMu_equiv {Γ T v} : (Γ s tv v : oMu T) (Γ s tv v : T.|[v/]).
    iSplit; pupd; iIntros "#Htp !> %ρ #Hg /=";
    iDestruct (wp_value_inv' with "(Htp Hg)") as "{Htp} Hgoal";
    by rewrite -wp_value /= hoEnvD_subst_one.

  Lemma sT_All_Ex {Γ e1 v2 T1 T2} :
    Γ s e1 : oAll T1 T2 -∗
    Γ s tv v2 : T1 -∗
    Γ s tapp e1 (tv v2) : T2.|[v2/].
    pupd; iIntros "#He1 #Hv2Arg !> %ρ #Hg".
    iSpecialize ("Hv2Arg" with "Hg"); rewrite /= wp_value_inv'.
    wp_wapply "(He1 Hg)"; iIntros "{Hg} %v /=".
    iDestruct 1 as (t ->) "HvFun"; iSpecialize ("HvFun" with "Hv2Arg").
    wp_pure. wp_wapply "HvFun"; iIntros "%v H".
    by rewrite /= hoEnvD_subst_one.

  Lemma sT_All_E {Γ e1 e2 T1 T2} :
    Γ s e1 : oAll T1 (shift T2) -∗
    Γ s e2 : T1 -∗
    Γ s tapp e1 e2 : T2.
    pupd; iIntros "/= #He1 #He2 !> %ρ #Hg".
    wp_wapply "(He1 Hg)"; iIntros "%v"; iDestruct 1 as (t ->) "Hv /=".
    wp_wapply "(He2 Hg)"; iIntros "{Hg} %w Hw /=".
    iSpecialize ("Hv" with "Hw"). wp_pure. wp_wapply "Hv".
    iIntros "%v H". by rewrite /= (hoEnvD_weaken_one T2 _ _ _).

  Lemma sT_Obj_E {Γ e T l} :
    Γ s e : oVMem l T -∗
    Γ s tproj e l : T.
    pupd; iIntros "#He !> %ρ Hg".
    wp_wapply "(He Hg)"; iIntros "%v /=".
    iDestruct 1 as (? Hl pmem ->) "Hv /=".
    wp_pure. by rewrite -path_wp_to_wp.
End Sec.