
Define "stamping" in a purely syntactic way, without involving Iris.
From D.Dot Require Import syn traversals typing_aux_defs.
Export typing_aux_defs.

Set Implicit Arguments.

Import Trav1.

Implicit Types
         (T : ty) (v : vl) (e : tm) (p : path) (d : dm) (ds : dms) (vs : vls)
         (Γ : ctx) (n : nat).

Proposition is_unstamped_path n OnlyVars p implies that p is an unstamped path in the strict sense defined in the paper; in particular, it's also a stamped path. Instead, is_unstamped_path n AllowNonVars p implies that p can be a generic stable term.

Inductive AllowNonVars := OnlyVars | AlsoNonVars.

Definition is_unstamped_trav : Traversal (nat × AllowNonVars) :=
    upS := λ '(n, b), (n.+1, b);
    underPathElimS := λ '(n, _), (n, OnlyVars);
    varP := λ '(n, b) i, i < n;
    dtysynP := λ _ T, True;
    dtysemP := λ _ vs s T' ts', False;
    pathRootP := λ '(n, b) v, b = AlsoNonVars
      ( x, v = vvar x) ( l, v = vlit l);

Notation is_unstamped_tm n b := (forall_traversal_tm is_unstamped_trav (n, b)).
Notation is_unstamped_vl n b := (forall_traversal_vl is_unstamped_trav (n, b)).
Notation is_unstamped_dm n b := (forall_traversal_dm is_unstamped_trav (n, b)).
Notation is_unstamped_path n b := (forall_traversal_path is_unstamped_trav (n, b)).
Notation is_unstamped_ty n b := (forall_traversal_ty is_unstamped_trav (n, b)).
Notation is_unstamped_kind n b := (forall_traversal_kind is_unstamped_trav (n, b)).

Notation is_unstamped_path' n := (is_unstamped_path n OnlyVars).
Notation is_unstamped_ty' n := (is_unstamped_ty n OnlyVars).
Notation is_unstamped_kind' n := (is_unstamped_kind n OnlyVars).

Ltac with_is_unstamped tac := with_forall_traversal is_unstamped_trav tac.
Ltac inverse_is_unstamped := inverse_forall_traversal is_unstamped_trav.

Lemma is_unstamped_path_root n p :
  is_unstamped_path n OnlyVars p
  atomic_path_root p.
Proof. elim p ⇒ /= *; with_is_unstamped inverse; naive_solver. Qed.