From D.Dot Require Import syn.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Implicit Types (L T U : ty) (v : vl) (e : tm) (d : dm) (ds : dms) (p : path) (Γ : ctx).
Fixpoint path_root p : vl :=
match p with
| pv v ⇒ v
| pself p _ ⇒ path_root p
Notation atomic_path_root p :=
((∃ x, path_root p = vvar x) ∨
(∃ l, path_root p = vlit l)).
Inductive un_op_syntype : un_op → base_ty → base_ty → Set :=
| ty_unot : un_op_syntype unot tbool tbool.
Inductive bin_op_syntype : bin_op → base_ty → base_ty → base_ty → Set :=
| ty_beq_bool : bin_op_syntype beq tbool tbool tbool
| ty_beq_nat : bin_op_syntype beq tint tint tbool
| ty_blt : bin_op_syntype blt tint tint tbool
| ty_ble : bin_op_syntype ble tint tint tbool
| ty_bplus : bin_op_syntype bplus tint tint tint
| ty_bminus : bin_op_syntype bminus tint tint tint
| ty_btimes : bin_op_syntype btimes tint tint tint.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Implicit Types (L T U : ty) (v : vl) (e : tm) (d : dm) (ds : dms) (p : path) (Γ : ctx).
Fixpoint path_root p : vl :=
match p with
| pv v ⇒ v
| pself p _ ⇒ path_root p
Notation atomic_path_root p :=
((∃ x, path_root p = vvar x) ∨
(∃ l, path_root p = vlit l)).
Inductive un_op_syntype : un_op → base_ty → base_ty → Set :=
| ty_unot : un_op_syntype unot tbool tbool.
Inductive bin_op_syntype : bin_op → base_ty → base_ty → base_ty → Set :=
| ty_beq_bool : bin_op_syntype beq tbool tbool tbool
| ty_beq_nat : bin_op_syntype beq tint tint tbool
| ty_blt : bin_op_syntype blt tint tint tbool
| ty_ble : bin_op_syntype ble tint tint tbool
| ty_bplus : bin_op_syntype bplus tint tint tint
| ty_bminus : bin_op_syntype bminus tint tint tint
| ty_btimes : bin_op_syntype btimes tint tint tint.
When is a context weaker than another? While we don't give complete
rules, we develop some infrastructure to allow "stripping" laters from the context.Reserved Notation "⊢G Γ1 <:* Γ2" (at level 74, Γ1, Γ2 at next level).
Reserved Notation "⊢T T1 <: T2" (at level 74, T1, T2 at next level).
Reserved Notation "⊢G G1 '>>▷*' G2" (at level 74, G1, G2 at next level).
Reserved Notation "⊢T T1 '>>▷' T2" (at level 74, T1, T2 at next level).
A left inverse of TLater. Sometimes written ⊲.
Fixpoint unTLater T : ty := match T with
| TLater T' ⇒ T'
| TAnd T1 T2 ⇒ TAnd (unTLater T1) (unTLater T2)
| TOr T1 T2 ⇒ TOr (unTLater T1) (unTLater T2)
| _ ⇒ T
Definition unTLater_TLater T : unTLater (TLater T) = T := reflexivity _.
#[global] Instance : Cancel (=) unTLater TLater. Proof. exact: unTLater_TLater. Qed.
| TLater T' ⇒ T'
| TAnd T1 T2 ⇒ TAnd (unTLater T1) (unTLater T2)
| TOr T1 T2 ⇒ TOr (unTLater T1) (unTLater T2)
| _ ⇒ T
Definition unTLater_TLater T : unTLater (TLater T) = T := reflexivity _.
#[global] Instance : Cancel (=) unTLater TLater. Proof. exact: unTLater_TLater. Qed.
Inductive ty_strip_syn : ty → ty → Prop :=
| ty_strip_id_syn T : ⊢T T >>▷ T
| ty_strip_TLater_syn T :
⊢T TLater T >>▷ T
| ty_strip_cong_TAnd_syn T1 T2 U1 U2 :
⊢T T1 >>▷ U1 → ⊢T T2 >>▷ U2 → ⊢T TAnd T1 T2 >>▷ TAnd U1 U2
| ty_strip_cong_TOr_syn T1 T2 U1 U2 :
⊢T T1 >>▷ U1 → ⊢T T2 >>▷ U2 → ⊢T TOr T1 T2 >>▷ TOr U1 U2
| ty_strip_cong_TLater_syn T1 T2 :
⊢T T1 >>▷ T2 →
⊢T TLater T1 >>▷ TLater T2
where "⊢T T1 '>>▷' T2" := (ty_strip_syn T1 T2).
#[global] Hint Constructors ty_strip_syn : ctx_sub.
| ty_strip_id_syn T : ⊢T T >>▷ T
| ty_strip_TLater_syn T :
⊢T TLater T >>▷ T
| ty_strip_cong_TAnd_syn T1 T2 U1 U2 :
⊢T T1 >>▷ U1 → ⊢T T2 >>▷ U2 → ⊢T TAnd T1 T2 >>▷ TAnd U1 U2
| ty_strip_cong_TOr_syn T1 T2 U1 U2 :
⊢T T1 >>▷ U1 → ⊢T T2 >>▷ U2 → ⊢T TOr T1 T2 >>▷ TOr U1 U2
| ty_strip_cong_TLater_syn T1 T2 :
⊢T T1 >>▷ T2 →
⊢T TLater T1 >>▷ TLater T2
where "⊢T T1 '>>▷' T2" := (ty_strip_syn T1 T2).
#[global] Hint Constructors ty_strip_syn : ctx_sub.
Auxiliary judgment ⊢T T1 <: T2; this is not the main subtyping judgment,
and is just used for context stripping. The actual constructor is ty_sub_TLater_add_syn; the other ones are
just congruence under TLater, TAnd, TOr.
We also add transitivity: it is not admissible, and the counterexample is
⊢T T <: TLater (TLater T).
Inductive ty_sub_syn : ty → ty → Prop :=
| ty_sub_id_syn T : ⊢T T <: T
| ty_trans_sub_syn T1 T2 T3 :
⊢T T1 <: T2 → ⊢T T2 <: T3 → ⊢T T1 <: T3
| ty_sub_TLater_add_syn T1 T2 :
⊢T T1 <: T2 → ⊢T T1 <: TLater T2
| ty_sub_cong_TAnd_syn T1 T2 U1 U2 :
⊢T T1 <: U1 → ⊢T T2 <: U2 → ⊢T TAnd T1 T2 <: TAnd U1 U2
| ty_sub_cong_TOr_syn T1 T2 U1 U2 :
⊢T T1 <: U1 → ⊢T T2 <: U2 → ⊢T TOr T1 T2 <: TOr U1 U2
| ty_sub_cong_TLater_syn T1 T2 :
⊢T T1 <: T2 →
⊢T TLater T1 <: TLater T2
| ty_distr_TAnd_TLater_syn T1 T2 :
⊢T TAnd (TLater T1) (TLater T2) <: TLater (TAnd T1 T2)
| ty_distr_TOr_TLater_syn T1 T2 :
⊢T TOr (TLater T1) (TLater T2) <: TLater (TOr T1 T2)
where "⊢T T1 <: T2" := (ty_sub_syn T1 T2).
#[global] Hint Constructors ty_sub_syn : ctx_sub.
| ty_sub_id_syn T : ⊢T T <: T
| ty_trans_sub_syn T1 T2 T3 :
⊢T T1 <: T2 → ⊢T T2 <: T3 → ⊢T T1 <: T3
| ty_sub_TLater_add_syn T1 T2 :
⊢T T1 <: T2 → ⊢T T1 <: TLater T2
| ty_sub_cong_TAnd_syn T1 T2 U1 U2 :
⊢T T1 <: U1 → ⊢T T2 <: U2 → ⊢T TAnd T1 T2 <: TAnd U1 U2
| ty_sub_cong_TOr_syn T1 T2 U1 U2 :
⊢T T1 <: U1 → ⊢T T2 <: U2 → ⊢T TOr T1 T2 <: TOr U1 U2
| ty_sub_cong_TLater_syn T1 T2 :
⊢T T1 <: T2 →
⊢T TLater T1 <: TLater T2
| ty_distr_TAnd_TLater_syn T1 T2 :
⊢T TAnd (TLater T1) (TLater T2) <: TLater (TAnd T1 T2)
| ty_distr_TOr_TLater_syn T1 T2 :
⊢T TOr (TLater T1) (TLater T2) <: TLater (TOr T1 T2)
where "⊢T T1 <: T2" := (ty_sub_syn T1 T2).
#[global] Hint Constructors ty_sub_syn : ctx_sub.
Control transitivity to ensure eauto does not diverge.
#[global] Remove Hints ty_trans_sub_syn : ctx_sub.
#[global] Hint Extern 5 (⊢T _ <: _) ⇒ try_once ty_trans_sub_syn : ctx_sub.
Lemma ty_sub_TLater_syn T : ⊢T T <: TLater T. Proof. auto with ctx_sub. Qed.
#[global] Hint Resolve ty_sub_TLater_syn : ctx_sub.
Lemma ty_strip_to_sub T1 T2 :
⊢T T1 >>▷ T2 →
⊢T T1 <: TLater T2.
Proof. induction 1; eauto with ctx_sub. Qed.
Lemma unTLater_ty_sub_syn T : ⊢T unTLater T <: T.
Proof. induction T; cbn; auto with ctx_sub. Qed.
#[global] Hint Resolve unTLater_ty_sub_syn : ctx_sub.
#[global] Hint Extern 5 (⊢T _ <: _) ⇒ try_once ty_trans_sub_syn : ctx_sub.
Lemma ty_sub_TLater_syn T : ⊢T T <: TLater T. Proof. auto with ctx_sub. Qed.
#[global] Hint Resolve ty_sub_TLater_syn : ctx_sub.
Lemma ty_strip_to_sub T1 T2 :
⊢T T1 >>▷ T2 →
⊢T T1 <: TLater T2.
Proof. induction 1; eauto with ctx_sub. Qed.
Lemma unTLater_ty_sub_syn T : ⊢T unTLater T <: T.
Proof. induction T; cbn; auto with ctx_sub. Qed.
#[global] Hint Resolve unTLater_ty_sub_syn : ctx_sub.
Inductive ctx_strip_syn : ctx → ctx → Prop :=
| ctx_strip_nil_syn : ⊢G [] >>▷* []
| ctx_strip_cons_syn T1 T2 Γ1 Γ2 :
⊢T T1 >>▷ T2 →
⊢G Γ1 >>▷* Γ2 →
⊢G T1 :: Γ1 >>▷* T2 :: Γ2
where "⊢G Γ1 >>▷* Γ2" := (ctx_strip_syn Γ1 Γ2).
#[global] Hint Constructors ctx_strip_syn : ctx_sub.
Lemma ctx_strip_id_syn Γ : ⊢G Γ >>▷* Γ.
Proof. elim: Γ ⇒ //=; auto with ctx_sub. Qed.
#[global] Hint Resolve ctx_strip_id_syn : ctx_sub.
Inductive ctx_sub_syn : ctx → ctx → Prop :=
| ctx_sub_nil_syn : ⊢G [] <:* []
| ctx_sub_cons_syn T1 T2 Γ1 Γ2 :
⊢T T1 <: T2 →
⊢G Γ1 <:* Γ2 →
⊢G T1 :: Γ1 <:* T2 :: Γ2
where "⊢G Γ1 <:* Γ2" := (ctx_sub_syn Γ1 Γ2).
#[global] Hint Constructors ctx_sub_syn : ctx_sub.
Lemma ctx_sub_id_syn Γ : ⊢G Γ <:* Γ.
Proof. induction Γ; auto with ctx_sub. Qed.
Lemma ctx_sub_trans_sub_syn Γ1 Γ2 Γ3 :
⊢G Γ1 <:* Γ2 → ⊢G Γ2 <:* Γ3 → ⊢G Γ1 <:* Γ3.
move: Γ1 ⇒ + + Hsub2.
induction Hsub2; inversion 1; subst; eauto with ctx_sub.
Lemma ctx_strip_to_sub G1 G2 :
⊢G G1 >>▷* G2 →
⊢G G1 <:* TLater <$> G2.
Proof. elim⇒ /=; eauto using ty_strip_to_sub with ctx_sub. Qed.
Lemma fmap_ctx_sub_syn {Γ} (f g : ty → ty) :
(∀ T, ⊢T f T <: g T) →
⊢G f <$> Γ <:* g <$> Γ.
Proof. induction Γ; cbn; auto with ctx_sub. Qed.
Lemma unTLater_ctx_sub_syn Γ :
⊢G unTLater <$> Γ <:* Γ.
rewrite -{2}(map_id Γ).
apply (fmap_ctx_sub_syn _ id); auto with ctx_sub.
Lemma ctx_sub_TLater_syn Γ :
⊢G Γ <:* TLater <$> Γ.
rewrite -{1}(map_id Γ).
apply (fmap_ctx_sub_syn id _); auto with ctx_sub.
Lemma TLater_cong_ctx_sub_syn Γ1 Γ2 :
⊢G Γ1 <:* Γ2 →
⊢G TLater <$> Γ1 <:* TLater <$> Γ2.
Proof. induction 1; cbn; auto with ctx_sub. Qed.
#[global] Hint Resolve ctx_sub_id_syn ctx_sub_trans_sub_syn unTLater_ctx_sub_syn
ctx_sub_TLater_syn TLater_cong_ctx_sub_syn : ctx_sub.
Ltac ietp_weaken_ctx := auto with ctx_sub.
Lemma ctx_sub_len Γ Γ' : ⊢G Γ <:* Γ' → length Γ = length Γ'.
Proof. by elim ⇒ [|> ?? /= ->]. Qed.
Lemma ctx_sub_len_tlater {Γ Γ'} : ⊢G Γ <:* TLater <$> Γ' → length Γ = length Γ'.
Proof. intros ->%ctx_sub_len. apply fmap_length. Qed.
Lemma ctx_strip_len Γ Γ' : ⊢G Γ >>▷* Γ' → length Γ = length Γ'.
Proof. by elim ⇒ [|> ?? /= ->]. Qed.
Lemma ctx_sub_cons_id_syn T Γ1 Γ2 :
⊢G Γ1 <:* Γ2 → ⊢G T :: Γ1 <:* T :: Γ2.
Proof. auto with ctx_sub. Qed.
Lemma ctx_sub_cons_later_syn T Γ1 Γ2 :
⊢G Γ1 <:* Γ2 → ⊢G T :: Γ1 <:* TLater T :: Γ2.
Proof. auto with ctx_sub. Qed.
Lemma TLater_unTLater_TLater_ctx_sub_syn Γ :
⊢G TLater <$> (unTLater <$> Γ) <:* TLater <$> Γ.
Proof. auto with ctx_sub. Qed.
| ctx_strip_nil_syn : ⊢G [] >>▷* []
| ctx_strip_cons_syn T1 T2 Γ1 Γ2 :
⊢T T1 >>▷ T2 →
⊢G Γ1 >>▷* Γ2 →
⊢G T1 :: Γ1 >>▷* T2 :: Γ2
where "⊢G Γ1 >>▷* Γ2" := (ctx_strip_syn Γ1 Γ2).
#[global] Hint Constructors ctx_strip_syn : ctx_sub.
Lemma ctx_strip_id_syn Γ : ⊢G Γ >>▷* Γ.
Proof. elim: Γ ⇒ //=; auto with ctx_sub. Qed.
#[global] Hint Resolve ctx_strip_id_syn : ctx_sub.
Inductive ctx_sub_syn : ctx → ctx → Prop :=
| ctx_sub_nil_syn : ⊢G [] <:* []
| ctx_sub_cons_syn T1 T2 Γ1 Γ2 :
⊢T T1 <: T2 →
⊢G Γ1 <:* Γ2 →
⊢G T1 :: Γ1 <:* T2 :: Γ2
where "⊢G Γ1 <:* Γ2" := (ctx_sub_syn Γ1 Γ2).
#[global] Hint Constructors ctx_sub_syn : ctx_sub.
Lemma ctx_sub_id_syn Γ : ⊢G Γ <:* Γ.
Proof. induction Γ; auto with ctx_sub. Qed.
Lemma ctx_sub_trans_sub_syn Γ1 Γ2 Γ3 :
⊢G Γ1 <:* Γ2 → ⊢G Γ2 <:* Γ3 → ⊢G Γ1 <:* Γ3.
move: Γ1 ⇒ + + Hsub2.
induction Hsub2; inversion 1; subst; eauto with ctx_sub.
Lemma ctx_strip_to_sub G1 G2 :
⊢G G1 >>▷* G2 →
⊢G G1 <:* TLater <$> G2.
Proof. elim⇒ /=; eauto using ty_strip_to_sub with ctx_sub. Qed.
Lemma fmap_ctx_sub_syn {Γ} (f g : ty → ty) :
(∀ T, ⊢T f T <: g T) →
⊢G f <$> Γ <:* g <$> Γ.
Proof. induction Γ; cbn; auto with ctx_sub. Qed.
Lemma unTLater_ctx_sub_syn Γ :
⊢G unTLater <$> Γ <:* Γ.
rewrite -{2}(map_id Γ).
apply (fmap_ctx_sub_syn _ id); auto with ctx_sub.
Lemma ctx_sub_TLater_syn Γ :
⊢G Γ <:* TLater <$> Γ.
rewrite -{1}(map_id Γ).
apply (fmap_ctx_sub_syn id _); auto with ctx_sub.
Lemma TLater_cong_ctx_sub_syn Γ1 Γ2 :
⊢G Γ1 <:* Γ2 →
⊢G TLater <$> Γ1 <:* TLater <$> Γ2.
Proof. induction 1; cbn; auto with ctx_sub. Qed.
#[global] Hint Resolve ctx_sub_id_syn ctx_sub_trans_sub_syn unTLater_ctx_sub_syn
ctx_sub_TLater_syn TLater_cong_ctx_sub_syn : ctx_sub.
Ltac ietp_weaken_ctx := auto with ctx_sub.
Lemma ctx_sub_len Γ Γ' : ⊢G Γ <:* Γ' → length Γ = length Γ'.
Proof. by elim ⇒ [|> ?? /= ->]. Qed.
Lemma ctx_sub_len_tlater {Γ Γ'} : ⊢G Γ <:* TLater <$> Γ' → length Γ = length Γ'.
Proof. intros ->%ctx_sub_len. apply fmap_length. Qed.
Lemma ctx_strip_len Γ Γ' : ⊢G Γ >>▷* Γ' → length Γ = length Γ'.
Proof. by elim ⇒ [|> ?? /= ->]. Qed.
Lemma ctx_sub_cons_id_syn T Γ1 Γ2 :
⊢G Γ1 <:* Γ2 → ⊢G T :: Γ1 <:* T :: Γ2.
Proof. auto with ctx_sub. Qed.
Lemma ctx_sub_cons_later_syn T Γ1 Γ2 :
⊢G Γ1 <:* Γ2 → ⊢G T :: Γ1 <:* TLater T :: Γ2.
Proof. auto with ctx_sub. Qed.
Lemma TLater_unTLater_TLater_ctx_sub_syn Γ :
⊢G TLater <$> (unTLater <$> Γ) <:* TLater <$> Γ.
Proof. auto with ctx_sub. Qed.