
From D Require Export prelude.
From D Require Import asubst_intf asubst_base.
From iris.program_logic Require ectx_language ectxi_language.

Set Default Proof Using "Type*".

This module is included right away. Its only point is asserting explicitly what interface it implements.
Module Export VlSorts <: VlSortsFullSig.
Import ASubstLangDefUtils.

Inductive tm : Type :=
  | tv : vl_ tm
  | tapp : tm tm tm
  | tskip : tm tm
 with vl_ : Type :=
  | vvar : var vl_
  | vint : Z vl_
  | vabs : tm vl_
  | vty : ty vl_
  | vstamp : list vl_ stamp vl_
 with ty : Type :=
  | TTop : ty
  | TBot : ty
  (* | TAnd : ty → ty → ty *)
  (* | TOr : ty → ty → ty *)
  | TLater : ty ty
  | TAll : ty ty ty
  (* | TMu : ty → ty *)
  | TTMem : ty ty ty
  | TSel : vl_ ty
  | TInt : ty.

Definition vl := vl_.

Definition ctx := list ty.

Implicit Types
         (L T U : ty) (v : vl) (t : tm)
         (Γ : ctx).

#[global] Instance inh_ty : Inhabited ty := populate TInt.
#[global] Instance inh_vl : Inhabited vl := populate (vint 0).
#[global] Instance inh_tm : Inhabited tm := populate (tv inhabitant).

#[global] Instance ids_vl : Ids vl := vvar.

#[global] Instance inj_ids : Inj (=) (=@{vl}) ids.
Proof. by move=>??[]. Qed.

#[global] Instance ids_tm : Ids tm := inh_ids.
#[global] Instance ids_ty : Ids ty := inh_ids.
#[global] Instance ids_ctx : Ids ctx := _.

Fixpoint tm_rename (sb : var var) t : tm :=
  let _ := tm_rename : Rename tm in
  let _ := vl_rename : Rename vl in
  match t with
  | tv vtv (rename sb v)
  | tapp t1 t2tapp (rename sb t1) (rename sb t2)
  | tskip ttskip (rename sb t)
vl_rename (sb : var var) v : vl :=
  let _ := tm_rename : Rename tm in
  let _ := vl_rename : Rename vl in
  let _ := ty_rename : Rename ty in
  match v with
  | vvar xvvar (sb x)
  | vint nvint n
  | vabs tvabs (rename (upren sb) t)
  | vty Tvty (rename sb T)
  | vstamp vs svstamp (rename sb vs) s
ty_rename (sb : var var) T : ty :=
  let _ := ty_rename : Rename ty in
  let _ := vl_rename : Rename vl in
  match T with
  | TTopTTop
  | TBotTBot
  (* | TAnd T1 T2 => TAnd (rename sb T1) (rename sb T2) *)
  (* | TOr T1 T2 => TOr (rename sb T1) (rename sb T2) *)
  | TLater TTLater (rename sb T)
  | TAll T1 T2TAll (rename sb T1) (rename (upren sb) T2)
  (* | TMu T => TMu (rename (upren sb) T) *)
  | TTMem T1 T2TTMem (rename sb T1) (rename sb T2)
  | TSel vTSel (rename sb v)
  | TIntTInt

#[global] Instance rename_tm : Rename tm := tm_rename.
#[global] Instance rename_vl : Rename vl := vl_rename.
#[global] Instance rename_ty : Rename ty := ty_rename.

Fixpoint tm_hsubst (sb : var vl) t : tm :=
  let _ := tm_hsubst : HSubst vl tm in
  let _ := vl_subst : Subst vl in
  match t with
  | tv vtv (subst sb v)
  | tapp t1 t2tapp (hsubst sb t1) (hsubst sb t2)
  | tskip ttskip (hsubst sb t)
vl_subst (sb : var vl) v : vl :=
  let _ := tm_hsubst : HSubst vl tm in
  let _ := vl_subst : Subst vl in
  let _ := ty_hsubst : HSubst vl ty in
  match v with
  | vvar xsb x
  | vint nvint n
  | vabs tvabs (hsubst (up sb) t)
  | vty Tvty (hsubst sb T)
  | vstamp vs svstamp (hsubst sb vs) s
ty_hsubst (sb : var vl) T : ty :=
  let _ := ty_hsubst : HSubst vl ty in
  let _ := vl_subst : Subst vl in
  match T with
  | TTopTTop
  | TBotTBot
  (* | TAnd T1 T2 => TAnd (hsubst sb T1) (hsubst sb T2) *)
  (* | TOr T1 T2 => TOr (hsubst sb T1) (hsubst sb T2) *)
  | TLater TTLater (hsubst sb T)
  | TAll T1 T2TAll (hsubst sb T1) (hsubst (up sb) T2)
  (* | TMu T => TMu (hsubst (up sb) T) *)
  | TTMem T1 T2TTMem (hsubst sb T1) (hsubst sb T2)
  | TSel vTSel (subst sb v)
  | TIntTInt

#[global] Instance subst_vl : Subst vl := vl_subst.
#[global] Instance hsubst_tm : HSubst vl tm := tm_hsubst.
#[global] Instance hsubst_ty : HSubst vl ty := ty_hsubst.

Lemma vl_eq_dec v1 v2 : Decision (v1 = v2)
tm_eq_dec t1 t2 : Decision (t1 = t2)
ty_eq_dec T1 T2 : Decision (T1 = T2).
Proof. all: rewrite /Decision; decide equality; solve_decision. Defined.

#[global] Instance vl_eq_dec' : EqDecision vl := vl_eq_dec.
#[global] Instance tm_eq_dec' : EqDecision tm := tm_eq_dec.
#[global] Instance ty_eq_dec' : EqDecision ty := ty_eq_dec.

#[local] Ltac finish_lists l x :=
  elim: l ⇒ [|x xs IHds] //=; by f_equal.

Lemma up_upren_vl (ξ : var var) : up (ren ξ) =@{var vl} ren (upren ξ).
Proof. exact: up_upren_internal. Qed.

Lemma vl_rename_lemma (ξ : var var) v : rename ξ v = v.[ren ξ]
tm_rename_lemma (ξ : var var) t : rename ξ t = t.|[ren ξ]
ty_rename_lemma (ξ : var var) T : rename ξ T = T.|[ren ξ].
  all: [> destruct v | destruct t | destruct T].
  all: rewrite /= ?up_upren_vl; f_equal ⇒ //; finish_lists l x.

Lemma vl_ids_lemma v : v.[ids] = v
tm_ids_lemma t : t.|[ids] = t
ty_ids_lemma T : T.|[ids] = T.
  all: [> destruct v | destruct t | destruct T].
  all: rewrite /= ?up_id_internal; f_equal ⇒ //; finish_lists l x.

Lemma vl_comp_rename_lemma (ξ : var var) (σ : var vl) v :
  (rename ξ v).[σ] = v.[ξ >>> σ]
tm_comp_rename_lemma (ξ : var var) (σ : var vl) t :
  (rename ξ t).|[σ] = t.|[ξ >>> σ]
ty_comp_rename_lemma (ξ : var var) (σ : var vl) T :
  (rename ξ T).|[σ] = T.|[ξ >>> σ].
  all: [> destruct v | destruct t | destruct T].
  all: rewrite /= 1? up_comp_ren_subst; f_equal ⇒ //; finish_lists l x.

Lemma vl_rename_comp_lemma (σ : var vl) (ξ : var var) v :
  rename ξ v.[σ] = v.[σ >>> rename ξ]
tm_rename_comp_lemma (σ : var vl) (ξ : var var) t :
  rename ξ t.|[σ] = t.|[σ >>> rename ξ]
ty_rename_comp_lemma (σ : var vl) (ξ : var var) T :
  rename ξ T.|[σ] = T.|[σ >>> rename ξ].
  all: [> destruct v | destruct t | destruct T].
  all: rewrite /= ? up_comp_subst_ren_internal; f_equal ⇒ //;
    auto using vl_rename_lemma, vl_comp_rename_lemma; finish_lists l x.

Lemma vl_comp_lemma (σ τ : var vl) v : v.[σ].[τ] = v.[σ >> τ]
tm_comp_lemma (σ τ : var vl) t : t.|[σ].|[τ] = t.|[σ >> τ]
ty_comp_lemma (σ τ : var vl) T : T.|[σ].|[τ] = T.|[σ >> τ].
  all: [> destruct v | destruct t | destruct T].
  all: rewrite /= ? up_comp_internal; f_equal;
    auto using vl_rename_comp_lemma, vl_comp_rename_lemma; finish_lists l x.

#[global] Instance subst_lemmas_vl : SubstLemmas vl.
  split; auto using vl_rename_lemma, vl_ids_lemma, vl_comp_lemma.

#[global] Instance hsubst_lemmas_tm : HSubstLemmas vl tm.
  split; auto using tm_ids_lemma, tm_comp_lemma.

#[global] Instance hsubst_lemmas_ty : HSubstLemmas vl ty.
  split; auto using ty_ids_lemma, ty_comp_lemma.

#[global] Instance hsubst_lemmas_ctx : HSubstLemmas vl ctx := _.

Instantiating iris with DSub
Module lang.
Import ectxi_language.

Definition to_val (t : tm) : option vl :=
  match t with
  | tv vSome v
  | _None

Definition of_val : vl tm := tv.

Inductive ectx_item :=
| AppLCtx (e2 : tm)
| AppRCtx (v1 : vl)
| SkipCtx.

Definition fill_item (Ki : ectx_item) (e : tm) : tm :=
  match Ki with
  | AppLCtx e2tapp e e2
  | AppRCtx v1tapp (tv v1) e
  | SkipCtxtskip e

Inductive head_step : tm unit list unit tm unit list tm Prop :=
| st_beta t1 v2 σ :
    head_step (tapp (tv (vabs t1)) (tv v2)) σ [] (t1.|[v2/]) σ []
| st_skip v σ :
    head_step (tskip (tv v)) σ [] (tv v) σ [].

Lemma of_to_val e v : to_val e = Some v of_val v = e.
  revert v; induction e; intros; simplify_option_eq; auto with f_equal.

Lemma fill_item_val Ki e :
  is_Some (to_val (fill_item Ki e)) is_Some (to_val e).
Proof. intros [v ?]. destruct Ki; simplify_option_eq; eauto. Qed.

#[local] Instance fill_item_inj Ki : Inj (=) (=) (fill_item Ki).
Proof. destruct Ki; intros ???; simplify_eq; auto with f_equal. Qed.

Lemma val_stuck e1 σ1 k e2 σ2 ef :
  head_step e1 σ1 k e2 σ2 ef to_val e1 = None.
Proof. destruct 1; naive_solver. Qed.

Lemma head_ctx_step_val Ki e σ1 k e2 σ2 ef :
  head_step (fill_item Ki e) σ1 k e2 σ2 ef is_Some (to_val e).
Proof. destruct Ki; inversion_clear 1; simplify_option_eq; eauto. Qed.

Lemma fill_item_no_val_inj Ki1 Ki2 e1 e2 :
  to_val e1 = None to_val e2 = None
  fill_item Ki1 e1 = fill_item Ki2 e2 Ki1 = Ki2.
  destruct Ki1, Ki2; intros; try discriminate; simplify_eq;
    repeat match goal with
           | H : to_val (of_val _) = None |- _by rewrite to_of_val in H
           end; auto.

Lemma dsub_lang_mixin : EctxiLanguageMixin of_val to_val fill_item head_step.
  split; eauto using of_to_val, val_stuck, fill_item_val,
    fill_item_no_val_inj, head_ctx_step_val with typeclass_instances.

End lang.

Export lang.

Canonical Structure dlang_ectxi_lang := ectxi_language.EctxiLanguage lang.dsub_lang_mixin.
Canonical Structure dlang_ectx_lang := ectxi_language.EctxLanguageOfEctxi dlang_ectxi_lang.
Canonical Structure dlang_lang := ectx_language.LanguageOfEctx dlang_ectx_lang.

Lemma hsubst_of_val (v : vl) s : (of_val v).|[s] = of_val (v.[s]).
Proof. done. Qed.

Include Sorts.
End VlSorts.

#[global] Instance sort_ty : Sort ty := {}.

Induction principles for syntax.

(* Using a Section is a trick taken from CPDT, but there bodies are hand-written.
   The rest is written by taking Coq's generated recursion principles and doing
   lots of regexp search-n-replace.

Section syntax_mut_ind.
  Variable Ptm : tm Prop.
  Variable Pvl : vl Prop.
  Variable Pty : ty Prop.

  Variable step_tv : v1, Pvl v1 Ptm (tv v1).
  Variable step_tapp : t1 t2, Ptm t1 Ptm t2 Ptm (tapp t1 t2).
  Variable step_tskip : t1, Ptm t1 Ptm (tskip t1).
  Variable step_vvar : i, Pvl (vvar i).
  Variable step_vint : n, Pvl (vint n).
  Variable step_vabs : t1, Ptm t1 Pvl (vabs t1).
  Variable step_vty : T1, Pty T1 Pvl (vty T1).
  Variable step_vstamp : vs s, Forall Pvl vs Pvl (vstamp vs s).
  Variable step_TTop : Pty TTop.
  Variable step_TBot : Pty TBot.
  Variable step_TLater : T1, Pty T1 Pty (TLater T1).
  Variable step_TALl : T1 T2, Pty T1 Pty T2 Pty (TAll T1 T2).
  Variable step_TTMem : T1 T2, Pty T1 Pty T2 Pty (TTMem T1 T2).
  Variable step_TSel : v1, Pvl v1 Pty (TSel v1).
  Variable step_TInt : Pty TInt.

  Fixpoint tm_mut_ind t : Ptm t
  with vl_mut_ind v : Pvl v
  with ty_mut_ind T : Pty T.
    (* Automation risk producing circular proofs that call right away the lemma we're proving.
       Instead we want to apply one of the case_ arguments to perform an
       inductive step, and only then call ourselves recursively. *)

    all: [> destruct t | destruct v | destruct T].
      match goal with
      (* Warning: add other arities as needed. *)
      | Hstep : context [?P (?c _ _ _)] |- ?P (?c _ _ _) ⇒ apply Hstep; trivial
      | Hstep : context [?P (?c _ _)] |- ?P (?c _ _) ⇒ apply Hstep; trivial
      | Hstep : context [?P (?c _)] |- ?P (?c _) ⇒ apply Hstep; trivial
      | Hstep : context [?P (?c)] |- ?P (?c) ⇒ apply Hstep; trivial
    induction l; auto.

  Lemma syntax_mut_ind : ( t, Ptm t) ( v, Pvl v) ( T, Pty T).
    repeat split; intros.
    - eapply tm_mut_ind.
    - eapply vl_mut_ind.
    - eapply ty_mut_ind.
End syntax_mut_ind.