
Substitution lemmas for languages implementing ValuesSig.

From iris.program_logic Require Import language.
From D Require Import prelude numbers asubst_intf.

The module type Sorts is a "mixin module" that is included directly in each language implementing ValuesSig,
Module Type Sorts (Import V : ValuesSig) <: SortsSig V.
Include SortsSig V.

We export ASubstLangDefUtils even tho these mostly should be internals to language definitions, as sometimes later proofs refer to ASubstLangDefUtils's contents.
Export ASubstLangDefUtils.

Lemma iterate_comp {X} (f : X X) n m x :
  iterate f n (iterate f m x) = iterate f (n + m) x.
  by elim: n m ⇒ [//|n IHn] m; rewrite iterate_Sr -iterate_S /= -plusnS.

Lemma upn_comp n m f : upn n (upn m f) = upn (n + m) f.
Proof. apply iterate_comp. Qed.

#[global] Instance sort_tm : Sort tm := {}.
#[global] Instance sort_vls : Sort vls := {}.
#[global] Instance sort_list `{Sort X} : Sort (list X) := {}.
#[global] Instance sort_pair_snd `{Sort X} `{Inhabited A} : Sort (A × X) := {}.
#[global] Instance sort_list_pair_snd `{Sort X} `{Inhabited A} : Sort (list (A × X)) := {}.

Implicit Types (v w : vl) (vs σ : vls) (i j k n : nat)
  (r : nat nat) (ρ : var vl).

Definition subst_sigma σ vs := σ.|[ vs].

Lemma eq_n_s_symm ρ1 ρ2 n : eq_n_s ρ1 ρ2 n eq_n_s ρ2 ρ1 n.
Proof. moveHeqs x ?. symmetry. exact: Heqs. Qed.

Lemma eq_n_s_mon n m {s1 s2} : eq_n_s s1 s2 m n m eq_n_s s1 s2 n.
Proof. rewrite /eq_n_sHsEq Hnm i Hl. apply HsEq; lia. Qed.

Definition push_var (σ : vls) : vls := ids 0 :: shift σ.
Arguments push_var /.

Create an identity environment of the given length.
Fixpoint idsσ n : vls :=
  match n with
  | 0 ⇒ []
  | S npush_var (idsσ n)

Infrastructure to prove "direct" lemmas on nclosed{,_vl}: deduce that an expression is closed by knowing that its subexpression are closed.
Needed by solve_fv_congruence when dealing with binders, such as in fv_vobj and fv_vabs.
Lemma eq_up ρ1 ρ2 n : eq_n_s ρ1 ρ2 n eq_n_s (up ρ1) (up ρ2) (S n).
  rewrite /up. moveHeq [|x] Hl //=. f_equiv. apply Heq. lia.

#[global] Ltac solve_fv_congruence :=
  rewrite /nclosed /nclosed_vl ⇒ × /=; repeat (f_equiv; try solve [(idtac + asimpl); auto using eq_up]).

Generic direct lemmas.
Lemma fv_cons `{Sort X} (x : X) xs n : nclosed xs n nclosed x n nclosed (x :: xs) n.
Proof. solve_fv_congruence. Qed.

Lemma fv_pair `{Sort X} `{Inhabited A} (a : A) (x : X) n : nclosed x n nclosed (a, x) n.
Proof. solve_fv_congruence. Qed.

Lemma fv_pair_cons `{Sort X} `{!Inhabited A} (a : A) (x : X) xs n : nclosed xs n nclosed x n nclosed ((a, x) :: xs) n.
(* solve_fv_congruence would work, but this gives a smaller proof. *)
Proof. intros. by apply fv_cons, fv_pair. Qed.

Infrastructure for "inverse" lemmas on nclosed{,_vl}: by knowing that an expression is closed, deduce that one of its subexpressions is closed. Dealing with binders in nclosed "inverse" lemmas requires more infrastructure than for "direct" lemmas. See fv_vabs_inv_manual for an explanation.

Lemma eq_n_s_tails {n ρ1 ρ2} : eq_n_s ρ1 ρ2 (S n) eq_n_s (stail ρ1) (stail ρ2) n.
  move ⇒ /= HsEq x Hl.
  rewrite /stail /=.
  apply HsEq. lia.

Lemma eq_n_s_heads {n ρ1 ρ2} : eq_n_s ρ1 ρ2 n n > 0 shead ρ1 = shead ρ2.
Proof. rewrite /shead ⇒ /= HsEq. exact: HsEq. Qed.

Lemma eq_cons v sb1 sb2 n : eq_n_s sb1 sb2 n eq_n_s (v .: sb1) (v .: sb2) (S n).
Proof. moveHeqs [//|x] /Nat_succ_lt_mono_rev /Heqs //. Qed.

Lemma up_sub_compose_base ρ v : up ρ >> v .: ids = v .: ρ.
Proof. by rewrite -scons_up_swap /scomp subst_idX. Qed.

Lemma up_sub_compose_vl ρ v w : v.[up ρ].[w/] = v.[w .: ρ].
Proof. by rewrite subst_comp up_sub_compose_base. Qed.

Lemma decomp_s_vl v s : v.[s] = v.[up (stail s)].[shead s/].
Proof. rewrite /stail /shead up_sub_compose_vl. by fsimpl. Qed.

Lemma up_sub_compose `{Sort X} (x : X) ρ v : x.|[up ρ].|[v/] = x.|[v .: ρ].
Proof. by rewrite hsubst_comp up_sub_compose_base. Qed.

Lemma decomp_s `{Sort X} (x : X) s :
  x.|[s] = x.|[up (stail s)].|[shead s/].
Proof. rewrite /stail /shead up_sub_compose. by fsimpl. Qed.

Rewrite thesis with equalities learned from injection, if possible
Ltac rewritePremises := let H := fresh "H" in repeat (moveH; rewrite ?H {H}).

Finally, a heuristic solver solve_inv_fv_congruence to be able to prove such lemmas easily, both here and elsewhere.

Ltac solve_inv_fv_congruence :=
  let ρ1 := fresh "ρ1" in
  let ρ2 := fresh "ρ2" in
  let HsEq := fresh "HsEq" in
  let Hfv := fresh "Hfv" in
  rewrite /nclosed_vl /nclosed /= ⇒ Hfv ρ1 ρ2 HsEq;
(* asimpl is expensive, but sometimes needed when simplification does mistakes.
  It must also be done after injection because it might not rewrite under Hfv's
  binders. *)

  by [ injection (Hfv ρ1 ρ2 HsEq); trivial; by (idtac + asimpl; rewritePremises; reflexivity) |
      rewrite ?(decomp_s _ ρ1) ?(decomp_s _ ρ2) ?(decomp_s_vl _ ρ1) ?(decomp_s_vl _ ρ2) (eq_n_s_heads HsEq); last lia;
      injection (Hfv _ _ (eq_n_s_tails HsEq)); by rewritePremises ].

Ltac solve_inv_fv_congruence_h Hcl :=
  move: Hcl; solve_inv_fv_congruence.

Set Implicit Arguments.

Lemma nclosed_vl_ids i j : i < j nclosed_vl (ids i) j.
Proof. move ⇒ ????; rewrite !id_subst. eauto. Qed.

Lemma nclosed_var_lt i n : nclosed_vl (ids i) n i < n.
  set s0 := fun c mif (decide (m < n)) then ids 0 else ids c : vl.
  set ρ1 := s0 1; set ρ2 := s0 2.
  have Heqs : eq_n_s ρ1 ρ2 n. by subst s0 ρ1 ρ2; move⇒ ??; case_decide.
  move: {Heq Heqs} (Heq ρ1 ρ2 Heqs); subst s0 ρ1 ρ2 ⇒ /=.
  rewrite !id_subst. by case_decide ⇒ // /inj_ids.

Lemma eq_n_s_total ρ1 ρ2 : eq_n_s ρ1 ρ2 0.
Proof. move ⇒ ? /Nat.nlt_0_r []. Qed.

(* Auxiliary lemma for length_idsσ. *)
Lemma length_idsσr n r : length (idsσ n).|[ren r] = n.
  elim: n r ⇒ [r | n IHn r] ⇒ //.
  asimpl. by rewrite IHn.

Lemma length_idsσ n : length (idsσ n) = n.
Proof. move: (length_idsσr n (+0)) ⇒ Hgoal. by asimpl in Hgoal. Qed.

Let's prove that nclosed x n x.|[∞ (idsσ n)] = x, and ditto for values.
Section to_subst_idsσ_is_id.
  Lemma to_subst_map_commute_aux f n i r : i < n
    (∞ (map f (idsσ n).|[ren r])) i = f ((∞ (idsσ n).|[ren r]) i).
    elim: n r i ⇒ [|n IHn] r [//|i] Hle; try lia. asimpl. apply: IHn. lia.

  Lemma to_subst_map_commute f n i : i < n (∞ (map f (idsσ n))) i = f ((∞ (idsσ n)) i).
  Proof. move: (@to_subst_map_commute_aux f n i (+0)) ⇒ Hgoal. by asimpl in Hgoal. Qed.

  Lemma idsσ_eq_ids n : eq_n_s ( (idsσ n)) ids n.
    elim: n ⇒ [|n IHn] [|i] // /Nat_succ_lt_mono_rev Hle.
    rewrite /= to_subst_map_commute // IHn // id_subst //.
End to_subst_idsσ_is_id.

Lemma iter_up (m x : nat) (f : var vl) :
  upn m f x = if lt_dec x m then ids x else rename (+m) (f (x - m)).
  elim: m x ⇒ [|m IH] [|x]; case_match ⇒ //; asimpl; rewrite // IH;
    case_match; (lia || autosubst).

(* Rewrite lemmas to be faster than asimpl: *)
Lemma scompA a b c : a >> b >> c = a >> (b >> c).
Proof. by rewrite /scomp/= -!subst_compX. Qed.

Lemma ren_ren_comp i j : ren (+i) >> ren (+j) = ren (+j + i).
Proof. autosubst. Qed.

Lemma ren_upn_gen i j k : ren (+i + j) >> upn i (ren (+k)) = ren (+i + j + k).
  induction k. rewrite up_id_n; autosubst.
  replace (i + j + S k) with (S (i + j + k)) by lia.
  rewrite (renS_comp (i + j + k)) -IHk -ren_ren_comp.
  rewrite !(scompA _ _ (upn _ _)) !up_liftn.

Section sort_lemmas.
Context `{_HsX : Sort X}.
#[local] Set Default Proof Using "Type*".
Implicit Types (x : X) (Γ : list X).

(* Dead but still potentially useful. *)
Lemma subst_swap_vl v ρ w : v.[up ρ].[w.[ρ]/] = v.[w/].[ρ].
Proof. by rewrite !subst_comp up_sub_compose_base subst_swap_base. Qed.

(* Dead but still potentially useful. *)
Lemma subst_swap (x : X) ρ v : x.|[up ρ].|[v.[ρ]/] = x.|[v/].|[ρ].
Proof. by rewrite !hsubst_comp up_sub_compose_base subst_swap_base. Qed.

Lemma ren_upn i v : v.[ren (+i)].[upn i (ren (+1))] = v.[ren (+S i)].
  move: (ren_upn_gen i 0 1). by rewrite plusnS !plusnO subst_comp =>->.

Lemma hren_upn i x : x.|[ren (+i)].|[upn i (ren (+1))] = x.|[ren (+S i)].
  move: (ren_upn_gen i 0 1). by rewrite plusnS !plusnO hsubst_comp =>->.

Lemma hren_upn_gen i j k x : x.|[ren (+i + j)].|[upn i (ren (+k))] = x.|[ren (+i + j + k)].
Proof. by rewrite !hsubst_comp ren_upn_gen. Qed.

Lemma cons_subst i x s (c : X X)
  (Hsub : y, (c y).|[s] = c y.|[s]) :
  (iterate c i x).|[s] = iterate c i x.|[s].
Proof. elim: i ⇒ [|i IHi]; by rewrite ?iterate_0 ?iterate_S //= Hsub IHi. Qed.

Lemma closed_subst_idsρ x n :
  nclosed x n x.|[ (idsσ n)] = x.
Proof. intro Hcl. rewrite (Hcl _ ids (@idsσ_eq_ids n)). by asimpl. Qed.

(* Dead but still potentially useful. *)
Lemma closed_subst_id x ρ : nclosed x 0 x.|[ρ] = x.
Proof. intro Hcl. rewrite (Hcl ρ ids) ?hsubst_id //. exact: eq_n_s_total. Qed.

Lemma fv_cons_inv x xs n : nclosed (x :: xs) n nclosed x n nclosed xs n.
Proof. intros Hcl; split; solve_inv_fv_congruence_h Hcl. Qed.

Definition nclosed_xs xs n := (Forall (λ x, nclosed x n) xs).
#[global] Arguments nclosed_xs /.

Lemma Forall_to_closed_xs n xs : nclosed_xs xs n nclosed xs n.
  elim: xs ⇒ [|x xs IHds] Hcl //=.
  inverse Hcl; eapply (@fv_cons X); by [ apply IHds | ].

Lemma closed_xs_to_Forall n xs : nclosed xs n nclosed_xs xs n.
Proof. elim: xs ⇒ /= [//|x xs IHxs] /fv_cons_inv [Hclx Hclxs]. auto. Qed.

Lemma nclosed_xs_eq_nclosed n xs : nclosed_xs xs n nclosed xs n.
Proof. split; eauto using Forall_to_closed_xs, closed_xs_to_Forall. Qed.

End sort_lemmas.

Section sort_lemmas_2.
Context `{_HiA : Inhabited A} `{_HsX : Sort X}.
#[local] Set Default Proof Using "Type*".
Implicit Types (a : A) (x : X) (Γ : list X) (axs : list (A × X)).

Lemma fv_pair_inv a x n : nclosed (a, x) n nclosed x n.
Proof. solve_inv_fv_congruence. Qed.

Definition nclosed_axs axs n := (Forall (λ '(a, x), nclosed x n) axs).
#[global] Arguments nclosed_axs /.

Lemma nclosed_axs_to_nclosed_xs n axs : nclosed_axs axs n nclosed_xs axs n.
Proof. split ⇒ ?; decompose_Forall; case_match; [exact: fv_pair | exact: fv_pair_inv]. Qed.

Lemma nclosed_axs_to_nclosed n axs : nclosed_axs axs n nclosed axs n.
Proof. by rewrite nclosed_axs_to_nclosed_xs nclosed_xs_eq_nclosed. Qed.

Lemma ren_scons v ρ : ren (+1) >> v .: ρ = ρ.
Proof. rewrite /ren/scomp; fsimpl; by rewrite (id_scompX (v .: ρ)). Qed.
End sort_lemmas_2.
End Sorts.

Module Type VlSortsFullSig <: VlSortsSig := ValuesSig <+ Sorts.