Substitution lemmas for languages implementing ValuesSig.
The module type Sorts is a "mixin module" that is included directly in
each language implementing ValuesSig,
We export ASubstLangDefUtils even tho these mostly should be internals
to language definitions, as sometimes later proofs refer to
ASubstLangDefUtils's contents.
Export ASubstLangDefUtils.
Lemma iterate_comp {X} (f : X → X) n m x :
iterate f n (iterate f m x) = iterate f (n + m) x.
by elim: n m ⇒ [//|n IHn] m; rewrite iterate_Sr -iterate_S /= -plusnS.
Lemma upn_comp n m f : upn n (upn m f) = upn (n + m) f.
Proof. apply iterate_comp. Qed.
#[global] Instance sort_tm : Sort tm := {}.
#[global] Instance sort_vls : Sort vls := {}.
#[global] Instance sort_list `{Sort X} : Sort (list X) := {}.
#[global] Instance sort_pair_snd `{Sort X} `{Inhabited A} : Sort (A × X) := {}.
#[global] Instance sort_list_pair_snd `{Sort X} `{Inhabited A} : Sort (list (A × X)) := {}.
Implicit Types (v w : vl) (vs σ : vls) (i j k n : nat)
(r : nat → nat) (ρ : var → vl).
Definition subst_sigma σ vs := σ.|[∞ vs].
Lemma eq_n_s_symm ρ1 ρ2 n : eq_n_s ρ1 ρ2 n → eq_n_s ρ2 ρ1 n.
Proof. move ⇒ Heqs x ?. symmetry. exact: Heqs. Qed.
Lemma eq_n_s_mon n m {s1 s2} : eq_n_s s1 s2 m → n ≤ m → eq_n_s s1 s2 n.
Proof. rewrite /eq_n_s ⇒ HsEq Hnm i Hl. apply HsEq; lia. Qed.
Definition push_var (σ : vls) : vls := ids 0 :: shift σ.
Arguments push_var /.
Lemma iterate_comp {X} (f : X → X) n m x :
iterate f n (iterate f m x) = iterate f (n + m) x.
by elim: n m ⇒ [//|n IHn] m; rewrite iterate_Sr -iterate_S /= -plusnS.
Lemma upn_comp n m f : upn n (upn m f) = upn (n + m) f.
Proof. apply iterate_comp. Qed.
#[global] Instance sort_tm : Sort tm := {}.
#[global] Instance sort_vls : Sort vls := {}.
#[global] Instance sort_list `{Sort X} : Sort (list X) := {}.
#[global] Instance sort_pair_snd `{Sort X} `{Inhabited A} : Sort (A × X) := {}.
#[global] Instance sort_list_pair_snd `{Sort X} `{Inhabited A} : Sort (list (A × X)) := {}.
Implicit Types (v w : vl) (vs σ : vls) (i j k n : nat)
(r : nat → nat) (ρ : var → vl).
Definition subst_sigma σ vs := σ.|[∞ vs].
Lemma eq_n_s_symm ρ1 ρ2 n : eq_n_s ρ1 ρ2 n → eq_n_s ρ2 ρ1 n.
Proof. move ⇒ Heqs x ?. symmetry. exact: Heqs. Qed.
Lemma eq_n_s_mon n m {s1 s2} : eq_n_s s1 s2 m → n ≤ m → eq_n_s s1 s2 n.
Proof. rewrite /eq_n_s ⇒ HsEq Hnm i Hl. apply HsEq; lia. Qed.
Definition push_var (σ : vls) : vls := ids 0 :: shift σ.
Arguments push_var /.
Create an identity environment of the given length.
Infrastructure to prove "direct" lemmas on nclosed{,_vl}: deduce that an expression is closed
by knowing that its subexpression are closed.
Needed by solve_fv_congruence when dealing with binders, such as in fv_vobj and fv_vabs.
Lemma eq_up ρ1 ρ2 n : eq_n_s ρ1 ρ2 n → eq_n_s (up ρ1) (up ρ2) (S n).
rewrite /up. move ⇒ Heq [|x] Hl //=. f_equiv. apply Heq. lia.
#[global] Ltac solve_fv_congruence :=
rewrite /nclosed /nclosed_vl ⇒ × /=; repeat (f_equiv; try solve [(idtac + asimpl); auto using eq_up]).
rewrite /up. move ⇒ Heq [|x] Hl //=. f_equiv. apply Heq. lia.
#[global] Ltac solve_fv_congruence :=
rewrite /nclosed /nclosed_vl ⇒ × /=; repeat (f_equiv; try solve [(idtac + asimpl); auto using eq_up]).
Generic direct lemmas.
Lemma fv_cons `{Sort X} (x : X) xs n : nclosed xs n → nclosed x n → nclosed (x :: xs) n.
Proof. solve_fv_congruence. Qed.
Lemma fv_pair `{Sort X} `{Inhabited A} (a : A) (x : X) n : nclosed x n → nclosed (a, x) n.
Proof. solve_fv_congruence. Qed.
Lemma fv_pair_cons `{Sort X} `{!Inhabited A} (a : A) (x : X) xs n : nclosed xs n → nclosed x n → nclosed ((a, x) :: xs) n.
(* solve_fv_congruence would work, but this gives a smaller proof. *)
Proof. intros. by apply fv_cons, fv_pair. Qed.
Proof. solve_fv_congruence. Qed.
Lemma fv_pair `{Sort X} `{Inhabited A} (a : A) (x : X) n : nclosed x n → nclosed (a, x) n.
Proof. solve_fv_congruence. Qed.
Lemma fv_pair_cons `{Sort X} `{!Inhabited A} (a : A) (x : X) xs n : nclosed xs n → nclosed x n → nclosed ((a, x) :: xs) n.
(* solve_fv_congruence would work, but this gives a smaller proof. *)
Proof. intros. by apply fv_cons, fv_pair. Qed.
Infrastructure for "inverse" lemmas on nclosed{,_vl}: by knowing that an expression is closed,
deduce that one of its subexpressions is closed.
Dealing with binders in nclosed "inverse" lemmas requires more infrastructure than for "direct" lemmas.
See fv_vabs_inv_manual for an explanation.
Lemma eq_n_s_tails {n ρ1 ρ2} : eq_n_s ρ1 ρ2 (S n) → eq_n_s (stail ρ1) (stail ρ2) n.
move ⇒ /= HsEq x Hl.
rewrite /stail /=.
apply HsEq. lia.
Lemma eq_n_s_heads {n ρ1 ρ2} : eq_n_s ρ1 ρ2 n → n > 0 → shead ρ1 = shead ρ2.
Proof. rewrite /shead ⇒ /= HsEq. exact: HsEq. Qed.
Lemma eq_cons v sb1 sb2 n : eq_n_s sb1 sb2 n → eq_n_s (v .: sb1) (v .: sb2) (S n).
Proof. move ⇒ Heqs [//|x] /Nat_succ_lt_mono_rev /Heqs //. Qed.
Lemma up_sub_compose_base ρ v : up ρ >> v .: ids = v .: ρ.
Proof. by rewrite -scons_up_swap /scomp subst_idX. Qed.
Lemma up_sub_compose_vl ρ v w : v.[up ρ].[w/] = v.[w .: ρ].
Proof. by rewrite subst_comp up_sub_compose_base. Qed.
Lemma decomp_s_vl v s : v.[s] = v.[up (stail s)].[shead s/].
Proof. rewrite /stail /shead up_sub_compose_vl. by fsimpl. Qed.
Lemma up_sub_compose `{Sort X} (x : X) ρ v : x.|[up ρ].|[v/] = x.|[v .: ρ].
Proof. by rewrite hsubst_comp up_sub_compose_base. Qed.
Lemma decomp_s `{Sort X} (x : X) s :
x.|[s] = x.|[up (stail s)].|[shead s/].
Proof. rewrite /stail /shead up_sub_compose. by fsimpl. Qed.
Rewrite thesis with equalities learned from injection, if possible
Ltac rewritePremises := let H := fresh "H" in repeat (move ⇒ H; rewrite ?H {H}).
Finally, a heuristic solver solve_inv_fv_congruence to be able to prove
such lemmas easily, both here and elsewhere.
Ltac solve_inv_fv_congruence :=
let ρ1 := fresh "ρ1" in
let ρ2 := fresh "ρ2" in
let HsEq := fresh "HsEq" in
let Hfv := fresh "Hfv" in
rewrite /nclosed_vl /nclosed /= ⇒ Hfv ρ1 ρ2 HsEq;
(* asimpl is expensive, but sometimes needed when simplification does mistakes.
It must also be done after injection because it might not rewrite under Hfv's
binders. *)
by [ injection (Hfv ρ1 ρ2 HsEq); trivial; by (idtac + asimpl; rewritePremises; reflexivity) |
rewrite ?(decomp_s _ ρ1) ?(decomp_s _ ρ2) ?(decomp_s_vl _ ρ1) ?(decomp_s_vl _ ρ2) (eq_n_s_heads HsEq); last lia;
injection (Hfv _ _ (eq_n_s_tails HsEq)); by rewritePremises ].
Ltac solve_inv_fv_congruence_h Hcl :=
move: Hcl; solve_inv_fv_congruence.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Lemma nclosed_vl_ids i j : i < j → nclosed_vl (ids i) j.
Proof. move ⇒ ????; rewrite !id_subst. eauto. Qed.
Lemma nclosed_var_lt i n : nclosed_vl (ids i) n → i < n.
move ⇒ Heq.
set s0 := fun c m ⇒ if (decide (m < n)) then ids 0 else ids c : vl.
set ρ1 := s0 1; set ρ2 := s0 2.
have Heqs : eq_n_s ρ1 ρ2 n. by subst s0 ρ1 ρ2; move⇒ ??; case_decide.
move: {Heq Heqs} (Heq ρ1 ρ2 Heqs); subst s0 ρ1 ρ2 ⇒ /=.
rewrite !id_subst. by case_decide ⇒ // /inj_ids.
Lemma eq_n_s_total ρ1 ρ2 : eq_n_s ρ1 ρ2 0.
Proof. move ⇒ ? /Nat.nlt_0_r []. Qed.
(* Auxiliary lemma for length_idsσ. *)
Lemma length_idsσr n r : length (idsσ n).|[ren r] = n.
elim: n r ⇒ [r | n IHn r] ⇒ //.
asimpl. by rewrite IHn.
Lemma length_idsσ n : length (idsσ n) = n.
Proof. move: (length_idsσr n (+0)) ⇒ Hgoal. by asimpl in Hgoal. Qed.
Section to_subst_idsσ_is_id.
Lemma to_subst_map_commute_aux f n i r : i < n →
(∞ (map f (idsσ n).|[ren r])) i = f ((∞ (idsσ n).|[ren r]) i).
elim: n r i ⇒ [|n IHn] r [//|i] Hle; try lia. asimpl. apply: IHn. lia.
Lemma to_subst_map_commute f n i : i < n → (∞ (map f (idsσ n))) i = f ((∞ (idsσ n)) i).
Proof. move: (@to_subst_map_commute_aux f n i (+0)) ⇒ Hgoal. by asimpl in Hgoal. Qed.
Lemma idsσ_eq_ids n : eq_n_s (∞ (idsσ n)) ids n.
elim: n ⇒ [|n IHn] [|i] // /Nat_succ_lt_mono_rev Hle.
rewrite /= to_subst_map_commute // IHn // id_subst //.
End to_subst_idsσ_is_id.
Lemma iter_up (m x : nat) (f : var → vl) :
upn m f x = if lt_dec x m then ids x else rename (+m) (f (x - m)).
elim: m x ⇒ [|m IH] [|x]; case_match ⇒ //; asimpl; rewrite // IH;
case_match; (lia || autosubst).
(* Rewrite lemmas to be faster than asimpl: *)
Lemma scompA a b c : a >> b >> c = a >> (b >> c).
Proof. by rewrite /scomp/= -!subst_compX. Qed.
Lemma ren_ren_comp i j : ren (+i) >> ren (+j) = ren (+j + i).
Proof. autosubst. Qed.
Lemma ren_upn_gen i j k : ren (+i + j) >> upn i (ren (+k)) = ren (+i + j + k).
induction k. rewrite up_id_n; autosubst.
replace (i + j + S k) with (S (i + j + k)) by lia.
rewrite (renS_comp (i + j + k)) -IHk -ren_ren_comp.
rewrite !(scompA _ _ (upn _ _)) !up_liftn.
Section sort_lemmas.
Context `{_HsX : Sort X}.
#[local] Set Default Proof Using "Type*".
Implicit Types (x : X) (Γ : list X).
(* Dead but still potentially useful. *)
Lemma subst_swap_vl v ρ w : v.[up ρ].[w.[ρ]/] = v.[w/].[ρ].
Proof. by rewrite !subst_comp up_sub_compose_base subst_swap_base. Qed.
(* Dead but still potentially useful. *)
Lemma subst_swap (x : X) ρ v : x.|[up ρ].|[v.[ρ]/] = x.|[v/].|[ρ].
Proof. by rewrite !hsubst_comp up_sub_compose_base subst_swap_base. Qed.
Lemma ren_upn i v : v.[ren (+i)].[upn i (ren (+1))] = v.[ren (+S i)].
move: (ren_upn_gen i 0 1). by rewrite plusnS !plusnO subst_comp =>->.
Lemma hren_upn i x : x.|[ren (+i)].|[upn i (ren (+1))] = x.|[ren (+S i)].
move: (ren_upn_gen i 0 1). by rewrite plusnS !plusnO hsubst_comp =>->.
Lemma hren_upn_gen i j k x : x.|[ren (+i + j)].|[upn i (ren (+k))] = x.|[ren (+i + j + k)].
Proof. by rewrite !hsubst_comp ren_upn_gen. Qed.
Lemma cons_subst i x s (c : X → X)
(Hsub : ∀ y, (c y).|[s] = c y.|[s]) :
(iterate c i x).|[s] = iterate c i x.|[s].
Proof. elim: i ⇒ [|i IHi]; by rewrite ?iterate_0 ?iterate_S //= Hsub IHi. Qed.
Lemma closed_subst_idsρ x n :
nclosed x n → x.|[∞ (idsσ n)] = x.
Proof. intro Hcl. rewrite (Hcl _ ids (@idsσ_eq_ids n)). by asimpl. Qed.
(* Dead but still potentially useful. *)
Lemma closed_subst_id x ρ : nclosed x 0 → x.|[ρ] = x.
Proof. intro Hcl. rewrite (Hcl ρ ids) ?hsubst_id //. exact: eq_n_s_total. Qed.
Lemma fv_cons_inv x xs n : nclosed (x :: xs) n → nclosed x n ∧ nclosed xs n.
Proof. intros Hcl; split; solve_inv_fv_congruence_h Hcl. Qed.
Definition nclosed_xs xs n := (Forall (λ x, nclosed x n) xs).
#[global] Arguments nclosed_xs /.
Lemma Forall_to_closed_xs n xs : nclosed_xs xs n → nclosed xs n.
elim: xs ⇒ [|x xs IHds] Hcl //=.
inverse Hcl; eapply (@fv_cons X); by [ apply IHds | ].
Lemma closed_xs_to_Forall n xs : nclosed xs n → nclosed_xs xs n.
Proof. elim: xs ⇒ /= [//|x xs IHxs] /fv_cons_inv [Hclx Hclxs]. auto. Qed.
Lemma nclosed_xs_eq_nclosed n xs : nclosed_xs xs n ↔ nclosed xs n.
Proof. split; eauto using Forall_to_closed_xs, closed_xs_to_Forall. Qed.
End sort_lemmas.
Section sort_lemmas_2.
Context `{_HiA : Inhabited A} `{_HsX : Sort X}.
#[local] Set Default Proof Using "Type*".
Implicit Types (a : A) (x : X) (Γ : list X) (axs : list (A × X)).
Lemma fv_pair_inv a x n : nclosed (a, x) n → nclosed x n.
Proof. solve_inv_fv_congruence. Qed.
Definition nclosed_axs axs n := (Forall (λ '(a, x), nclosed x n) axs).
#[global] Arguments nclosed_axs /.
Lemma nclosed_axs_to_nclosed_xs n axs : nclosed_axs axs n ↔ nclosed_xs axs n.
Proof. split ⇒ ?; decompose_Forall; case_match; [exact: fv_pair | exact: fv_pair_inv]. Qed.
Lemma nclosed_axs_to_nclosed n axs : nclosed_axs axs n ↔ nclosed axs n.
Proof. by rewrite nclosed_axs_to_nclosed_xs nclosed_xs_eq_nclosed. Qed.
Lemma ren_scons v ρ : ren (+1) >> v .: ρ = ρ.
Proof. rewrite /ren/scomp; fsimpl; by rewrite (id_scompX (v .: ρ)). Qed.
End sort_lemmas_2.
End Sorts.
Module Type VlSortsFullSig <: VlSortsSig := ValuesSig <+ Sorts.
Lemma to_subst_map_commute_aux f n i r : i < n →
(∞ (map f (idsσ n).|[ren r])) i = f ((∞ (idsσ n).|[ren r]) i).
elim: n r i ⇒ [|n IHn] r [//|i] Hle; try lia. asimpl. apply: IHn. lia.
Lemma to_subst_map_commute f n i : i < n → (∞ (map f (idsσ n))) i = f ((∞ (idsσ n)) i).
Proof. move: (@to_subst_map_commute_aux f n i (+0)) ⇒ Hgoal. by asimpl in Hgoal. Qed.
Lemma idsσ_eq_ids n : eq_n_s (∞ (idsσ n)) ids n.
elim: n ⇒ [|n IHn] [|i] // /Nat_succ_lt_mono_rev Hle.
rewrite /= to_subst_map_commute // IHn // id_subst //.
End to_subst_idsσ_is_id.
Lemma iter_up (m x : nat) (f : var → vl) :
upn m f x = if lt_dec x m then ids x else rename (+m) (f (x - m)).
elim: m x ⇒ [|m IH] [|x]; case_match ⇒ //; asimpl; rewrite // IH;
case_match; (lia || autosubst).
(* Rewrite lemmas to be faster than asimpl: *)
Lemma scompA a b c : a >> b >> c = a >> (b >> c).
Proof. by rewrite /scomp/= -!subst_compX. Qed.
Lemma ren_ren_comp i j : ren (+i) >> ren (+j) = ren (+j + i).
Proof. autosubst. Qed.
Lemma ren_upn_gen i j k : ren (+i + j) >> upn i (ren (+k)) = ren (+i + j + k).
induction k. rewrite up_id_n; autosubst.
replace (i + j + S k) with (S (i + j + k)) by lia.
rewrite (renS_comp (i + j + k)) -IHk -ren_ren_comp.
rewrite !(scompA _ _ (upn _ _)) !up_liftn.
Section sort_lemmas.
Context `{_HsX : Sort X}.
#[local] Set Default Proof Using "Type*".
Implicit Types (x : X) (Γ : list X).
(* Dead but still potentially useful. *)
Lemma subst_swap_vl v ρ w : v.[up ρ].[w.[ρ]/] = v.[w/].[ρ].
Proof. by rewrite !subst_comp up_sub_compose_base subst_swap_base. Qed.
(* Dead but still potentially useful. *)
Lemma subst_swap (x : X) ρ v : x.|[up ρ].|[v.[ρ]/] = x.|[v/].|[ρ].
Proof. by rewrite !hsubst_comp up_sub_compose_base subst_swap_base. Qed.
Lemma ren_upn i v : v.[ren (+i)].[upn i (ren (+1))] = v.[ren (+S i)].
move: (ren_upn_gen i 0 1). by rewrite plusnS !plusnO subst_comp =>->.
Lemma hren_upn i x : x.|[ren (+i)].|[upn i (ren (+1))] = x.|[ren (+S i)].
move: (ren_upn_gen i 0 1). by rewrite plusnS !plusnO hsubst_comp =>->.
Lemma hren_upn_gen i j k x : x.|[ren (+i + j)].|[upn i (ren (+k))] = x.|[ren (+i + j + k)].
Proof. by rewrite !hsubst_comp ren_upn_gen. Qed.
Lemma cons_subst i x s (c : X → X)
(Hsub : ∀ y, (c y).|[s] = c y.|[s]) :
(iterate c i x).|[s] = iterate c i x.|[s].
Proof. elim: i ⇒ [|i IHi]; by rewrite ?iterate_0 ?iterate_S //= Hsub IHi. Qed.
Lemma closed_subst_idsρ x n :
nclosed x n → x.|[∞ (idsσ n)] = x.
Proof. intro Hcl. rewrite (Hcl _ ids (@idsσ_eq_ids n)). by asimpl. Qed.
(* Dead but still potentially useful. *)
Lemma closed_subst_id x ρ : nclosed x 0 → x.|[ρ] = x.
Proof. intro Hcl. rewrite (Hcl ρ ids) ?hsubst_id //. exact: eq_n_s_total. Qed.
Lemma fv_cons_inv x xs n : nclosed (x :: xs) n → nclosed x n ∧ nclosed xs n.
Proof. intros Hcl; split; solve_inv_fv_congruence_h Hcl. Qed.
Definition nclosed_xs xs n := (Forall (λ x, nclosed x n) xs).
#[global] Arguments nclosed_xs /.
Lemma Forall_to_closed_xs n xs : nclosed_xs xs n → nclosed xs n.
elim: xs ⇒ [|x xs IHds] Hcl //=.
inverse Hcl; eapply (@fv_cons X); by [ apply IHds | ].
Lemma closed_xs_to_Forall n xs : nclosed xs n → nclosed_xs xs n.
Proof. elim: xs ⇒ /= [//|x xs IHxs] /fv_cons_inv [Hclx Hclxs]. auto. Qed.
Lemma nclosed_xs_eq_nclosed n xs : nclosed_xs xs n ↔ nclosed xs n.
Proof. split; eauto using Forall_to_closed_xs, closed_xs_to_Forall. Qed.
End sort_lemmas.
Section sort_lemmas_2.
Context `{_HiA : Inhabited A} `{_HsX : Sort X}.
#[local] Set Default Proof Using "Type*".
Implicit Types (a : A) (x : X) (Γ : list X) (axs : list (A × X)).
Lemma fv_pair_inv a x n : nclosed (a, x) n → nclosed x n.
Proof. solve_inv_fv_congruence. Qed.
Definition nclosed_axs axs n := (Forall (λ '(a, x), nclosed x n) axs).
#[global] Arguments nclosed_axs /.
Lemma nclosed_axs_to_nclosed_xs n axs : nclosed_axs axs n ↔ nclosed_xs axs n.
Proof. split ⇒ ?; decompose_Forall; case_match; [exact: fv_pair | exact: fv_pair_inv]. Qed.
Lemma nclosed_axs_to_nclosed n axs : nclosed_axs axs n ↔ nclosed axs n.
Proof. by rewrite nclosed_axs_to_nclosed_xs nclosed_xs_eq_nclosed. Qed.
Lemma ren_scons v ρ : ren (+1) >> v .: ρ = ρ.
Proof. rewrite /ren/scomp; fsimpl; by rewrite (id_scompX (v .: ρ)). Qed.
End sort_lemmas_2.
End Sorts.
Module Type VlSortsFullSig <: VlSortsSig := ValuesSig <+ Sorts.