
Lemmas relating is_unstamped with binding and substitution.
From D.Dot Require Import syn traversals.
From D.Dot Require Export core_stamping_defs.
Import Trav1.

Set Implicit Arguments.

Implicit Types
         (T : ty) (v : vl) (e : tm) (p : path) (d : dm) (ds : dms) (vs : vls)
         (Γ : ctx) (n : nat).

Definition is_unstamped_sub n m b s :=
   i, i < n is_unstamped_vl m b (s i).
Notation is_unstamped_ren n m b r := (is_unstamped_sub n m b (ren r)).

Lemma fv_vobj ds n : nclosed ds n.+1 nclosed_vl (vobj ds) n.
Proof. solve_fv_congruence. Qed.

Lemma is_unstamped_nclosed_mut :
  ( t i b,
    is_unstamped_tm i b t
    nclosed t i)
  ( v i b,
    is_unstamped_vl i b v
    nclosed_vl v i)
  ( d i b,
    is_unstamped_dm i b d
    nclosed d i)
  ( p i b,
    is_unstamped_path i b p
    nclosed p i)
  ( T i b,
    is_unstamped_ty i b T
    nclosed T i)
  ( K i b,
    is_unstamped_kind i b K
    nclosed K i).
  apply syntax_mut_ind; intros; with_is_unstamped inverse ⇒ //; ev;
    try by moves1 s2 Hseq; f_equal/=;
      try first [eapply H|eapply H0|eapply H1]; eauto using eq_up.
  - apply fv_vobj, nclosed_axs_to_nclosed.
    generalize dependent dsds.
    rewrite !Forall_fmap ⇒ ×.
    decompose_Forall; case_match; subst. eauto.

Lemma is_unstamped_nclosed_path p n b : is_unstamped_path n b p nclosed p n.
Proof. apply is_unstamped_nclosed_mut. Qed.
Lemma is_unstamped_nclosed_ty T n b : is_unstamped_ty n b T nclosed T n.
Proof. apply is_unstamped_nclosed_mut. Qed.
Lemma is_unstamped_nclosed_kind K n b : is_unstamped_kind n b K nclosed K n.
Proof. apply is_unstamped_nclosed_mut. Qed.

#[global] Hint Resolve is_unstamped_nclosed_path is_unstamped_nclosed_ty is_unstamped_nclosed_kind : core.

Lemma is_unstamped_weaken_mut :
  ( e__s m n b,
      is_unstamped_tm m b e__s
      m n
      is_unstamped_tm n b e__s)
  ( v__s m n b,
      is_unstamped_vl m b v__s
      m n
      is_unstamped_vl n b v__s)
  ( d__s m n b,
      is_unstamped_dm m b d__s
      m n
      is_unstamped_dm n b d__s)
  ( p__s m n b,
      is_unstamped_path m b p__s
      m n
      is_unstamped_path n b p__s)
  ( T__s m n b,
      is_unstamped_ty m b T__s
      m n
      is_unstamped_ty n b T__s)
  ( K__s m n b,
      is_unstamped_kind m b K__s
      m n
      is_unstamped_kind n b K__s).
  apply syntax_mut_ind;
    by [intros; with_is_unstamped inverse; econstructor;
      decompose_Forall; eauto with lia].

Lemma is_unstamped_weaken_ty T__s m n b :
  is_unstamped_ty m b T__s
  m n
  is_unstamped_ty n b T__s.
Proof. apply is_unstamped_weaken_mut. Qed.

Lemma is_unstamped_weaken_kind K__s m n b :
  is_unstamped_kind m b K__s
  m n
  is_unstamped_kind n b K__s.
Proof. apply is_unstamped_weaken_mut. Qed.

Lemma is_unstamped_ren_shift n m j b :
  m j + n is_unstamped_ren n m b (+j).
Proof. constructor ⇒ //=; lia. Qed.

Lemma is_unstamped_ren1 i b : is_unstamped_ren i i.+1 b (+1).
Proof. apply is_unstamped_ren_shift; lia. Qed.
#[global] Hint Resolve is_unstamped_ren1 : core.

Lemma is_unstamped_ren_up n m r b :
  is_unstamped_ren n m b r
  is_unstamped_ren n.+1 m.+1 b (upren r).
  moveHr [|i] //= Hi; first by constructor ⇒ /=; lia.
  have Hi' : i < n by lia.
  specialize (Hr i Hi'); inverse Hr.
  constructor; cbn in *; by lia.
#[global] Hint Resolve is_unstamped_ren_up is_unstamped_ren_shift : core.

Lemma is_unstamped_ren_var v r :
  ( x : var, v = vvar x)
   x : var, rename r v = vvar x.
Proof. naive_solver. Qed.

Lemma is_unstamped_var_OnlyVars i j b :
  is_unstamped_vl i b (ids j) is_unstamped_vl i OnlyVars (ids j).
Proof. inversion 1; by constructor. Qed.
Lemma is_unstamped_ren_OnlyVars i j b r :
  is_unstamped_ren i j b r is_unstamped_ren i j OnlyVars r.
Proof. intros Hu ?**. by eapply is_unstamped_var_OnlyVars, Hu. Qed.

Lemma is_unstamped_ren_mut :
  ( t r i j b,
    is_unstamped_ren i j b r
    is_unstamped_tm i b t
    is_unstamped_tm j b (rename r t))
  ( v r i j b,
    is_unstamped_ren i j b r
    is_unstamped_vl i b v
    is_unstamped_vl j b (rename r v))
  ( d r i j b,
    is_unstamped_ren i j b r
    is_unstamped_dm i b d
    is_unstamped_dm j b (rename r d))
  ( p r i j b,
    is_unstamped_ren i j b r
    is_unstamped_path i b p
    is_unstamped_path j b (rename r p))
  ( T r i j b,
    is_unstamped_ren i j b r
    is_unstamped_ty i b T
    is_unstamped_ty j b (rename r T))
  ( K r i j b,
    is_unstamped_ren i j b r
    is_unstamped_kind i b K
    is_unstamped_kind j b (rename r K)).
  apply syntax_mut_ind; intros; with_is_unstamped ltac:(fun Hinversion_clear H);
    cbn in *; try by [|naive_solver eauto using is_unstamped_ren_var, is_unstamped_ren_OnlyVars].
  - constructor; rewrite list_pair_swap_snd_rename Forall_fmap;
      by decompose_Forall; eauto.
  - constructor; naive_solver.

Lemma is_unstamped_sub_ren_ty T r i j b :
  is_unstamped_ren i j b r
  is_unstamped_ty i b T is_unstamped_ty j b T.|[ren r].
Proof. rewrite -ty_rename_lemma. apply is_unstamped_ren_mut. Qed.

Lemma is_unstamped_sub_ren_path p r i j b :
  is_unstamped_ren i j b r
  is_unstamped_path i b p is_unstamped_path j b p.|[ren r].
Proof. rewrite -path_rename_lemma. apply is_unstamped_ren_mut. Qed.

Lemma is_unstamped_ren1_ty i T b :
  is_unstamped_ty i b T
  is_unstamped_ty i.+1 b (shift T).
Proof. exact: is_unstamped_sub_ren_ty. Qed.

Lemma is_unstamped_ren1_path i p b :
  is_unstamped_path i b p
  is_unstamped_path i.+1 b (shift p).
Proof. exact: is_unstamped_sub_ren_path. Qed.

(* XXX *)
Lemma is_unstamped_TLater_n {i n T} :
  is_unstamped_ty' n T
  is_unstamped_ty' n (iterate TLater i T).
Proof. elim: i ⇒ [|//i IHi]; rewrite ?iterate_0 ?iterate_S //; auto. Qed.