Basic interfaces for D* languages (such as D<:, Dot).
We abstract over such languages to implement reusable infrastructure.ValueSig describes parameters that each D* language must implement.
For our purposes here, a D* language is- an Iris language,
- supporting substitution of values in values,
- supporting substitution of values in terms.
Module Type ValuesSig.
Parameter dlang_lang : iris.program_logic.language.language.
Definition vl : Type := val dlang_lang.
Declare Instance inh_vl : Inhabited vl.
Declare Instance ids_vl : Ids vl.
Declare Instance inj_ids : Inj (=) (=@{vl}) ids.
Declare Instance rename_vl : Rename vl.
Declare Instance subst_vl : Subst vl.
Declare Instance subst_lemmas_vl : SubstLemmas vl.
Parameter dlang_lang : iris.program_logic.language.language.
Definition vl : Type := val dlang_lang.
Declare Instance inh_vl : Inhabited vl.
Declare Instance ids_vl : Ids vl.
Declare Instance inj_ids : Inj (=) (=@{vl}) ids.
Declare Instance rename_vl : Rename vl.
Declare Instance subst_vl : Subst vl.
Declare Instance subst_lemmas_vl : SubstLemmas vl.
The abbreviation tm is available in importing modules but not
required in implementing modules.
Notation tm := (expr dlang_lang).
Declare Instance inh_tm : Inhabited tm.
Declare Instance ids_tm : Ids tm.
Declare Instance rename_tm : Rename tm.
Declare Instance hsubst_tm : HSubst vl tm.
Declare Instance hsubst_lemmas_tm : HSubstLemmas vl tm.
Parameter hsubst_of_val : ∀ (v : vl) s, (of_val v).|[s] = of_val (v.[s]).
End ValuesSig.
Declare Instance inh_tm : Inhabited tm.
Declare Instance ids_tm : Ids tm.
Declare Instance rename_tm : Rename tm.
Declare Instance hsubst_tm : HSubst vl tm.
Declare Instance hsubst_lemmas_tm : HSubstLemmas vl tm.
Parameter hsubst_of_val : ∀ (v : vl) s, (of_val v).|[s] = of_val (v.[s]).
End ValuesSig.
Autosubst extensions, and utilities useful when defining languages and implementing
Module ASubstLangDefUtils.
(* Not an instance because it should *not* be used automatically. *)
Definition inh_ids `{Inhabited X} : Ids X := λ _, inhabitant.
#[global] Instance list_ids {X} : Ids (list X) := inh_ids.
Section rename_instances.
Context `{Ids X} `{Rename X}.
#[global] Instance list_rename : Rename (list X) :=
λ sb, map (rename sb).
Definition list_rename_fold (sb : var → var) (xs : list X) :
map (rename sb) xs = rename sb xs := eq_refl.
(* Hint Rewrite @list_rename_fold : autosubst. *)
End rename_instances.
Section vls_subst_instances.
Context `{Ids vl} `{Subst vl} `{SubstLemmas vl}.
#[local] Set Default Proof Using "Type*".
#[global] Instance vls_hsubst : HSubst vl (list vl) :=
λ sb, map (subst sb).
#[global] Arguments vls_hsubst /.
Definition vls_subst_fold (sb : var → vl) (vs : list vl) :
map (subst sb) vs = hsubst sb vs := eq_refl.
Hint Rewrite @vls_subst_fold : autosubst.
#[global] Instance hsubst_lemmas_vls : HSubstLemmas vl (list vl).
split ⇒ // [|theta eta] vs; rewrite /hsubst;
elim: vs ⇒ [//|v vs /= ->]; f_equal; autosubst.
End vls_subst_instances.
Section list_hsubst_instances.
Context `{Ids vl} `{Subst vl}.
Context `{Ids X} `{Rename X} `{HSubst vl X} {hsl : HSubstLemmas vl X}.
#[local] Set Default Proof Using "Type*".
#[global] Instance list_hsubst : HSubst vl (list X) :=
λ sb, map (hsubst sb).
#[global] Arguments list_hsubst /.
Definition list_hsubst_fold sb (xs : list X) :
map (hsubst sb) xs = hsubst sb xs := eq_refl.
Hint Rewrite @list_hsubst_fold : autosubst.
#[global] Instance hsubst_lemmas_list : HSubstLemmas vl (list X).
split ⇒ // [|theta eta] vs; rewrite /hsubst;
elim: vs ⇒ [//|v vs /= ->]; f_equal; autosubst.
Section pair_instances.
Context `{Inhabited A}.
Implicit Types (x : X) (a : A).
(* Not an instance because it should *not* be used automatically. *)
Definition inh_ids `{Inhabited X} : Ids X := λ _, inhabitant.
#[global] Instance list_ids {X} : Ids (list X) := inh_ids.
Section rename_instances.
Context `{Ids X} `{Rename X}.
#[global] Instance list_rename : Rename (list X) :=
λ sb, map (rename sb).
Definition list_rename_fold (sb : var → var) (xs : list X) :
map (rename sb) xs = rename sb xs := eq_refl.
(* Hint Rewrite @list_rename_fold : autosubst. *)
End rename_instances.
Section vls_subst_instances.
Context `{Ids vl} `{Subst vl} `{SubstLemmas vl}.
#[local] Set Default Proof Using "Type*".
#[global] Instance vls_hsubst : HSubst vl (list vl) :=
λ sb, map (subst sb).
#[global] Arguments vls_hsubst /.
Definition vls_subst_fold (sb : var → vl) (vs : list vl) :
map (subst sb) vs = hsubst sb vs := eq_refl.
Hint Rewrite @vls_subst_fold : autosubst.
#[global] Instance hsubst_lemmas_vls : HSubstLemmas vl (list vl).
split ⇒ // [|theta eta] vs; rewrite /hsubst;
elim: vs ⇒ [//|v vs /= ->]; f_equal; autosubst.
End vls_subst_instances.
Section list_hsubst_instances.
Context `{Ids vl} `{Subst vl}.
Context `{Ids X} `{Rename X} `{HSubst vl X} {hsl : HSubstLemmas vl X}.
#[local] Set Default Proof Using "Type*".
#[global] Instance list_hsubst : HSubst vl (list X) :=
λ sb, map (hsubst sb).
#[global] Arguments list_hsubst /.
Definition list_hsubst_fold sb (xs : list X) :
map (hsubst sb) xs = hsubst sb xs := eq_refl.
Hint Rewrite @list_hsubst_fold : autosubst.
#[global] Instance hsubst_lemmas_list : HSubstLemmas vl (list X).
split ⇒ // [|theta eta] vs; rewrite /hsubst;
elim: vs ⇒ [//|v vs /= ->]; f_equal; autosubst.
Section pair_instances.
Context `{Inhabited A}.
Implicit Types (x : X) (a : A).
Sort X → Sort (A, X)
#[global] Instance pair_ids : Ids (A × X) := λ n, (inhabitant, ids n).
#[global] Instance pair_rename : Rename (A × X) :=
λ sb, mapsnd (rename sb).
#[global] Instance pair_hsubst : HSubst vl (A × X) :=
λ sb, mapsnd (hsubst sb).
#[global] Arguments pair_hsubst /.
Definition pair_rename_fold sb (ax : A × X) :
mapsnd (rename sb) ax = rename sb ax := eq_refl.
Definition pair_hsubst_fold sb (ax : A × X) :
mapsnd (hsubst sb) ax = hsubst sb ax := eq_refl.
#[global] Instance hsubst_lemmas_pair : HSubstLemmas vl (A × X).
split; intros; rewrite /hsubst /pair_hsubst /mapsnd /=;
repeat case_match; simplify_eq; autosubst.
Definition list_pair_rename_fold sb (axs : list (A × X)) :
map (mapsnd (rename sb)) axs = rename sb axs := eq_refl.
Lemma list_pair_swap_snd_rename r axs :
map snd (rename r axs) = map (rename r) (map snd axs).
rewrite !map_map. by elim: axs ⇒ [| [a x] axs /= ->].
End pair_instances.
End list_hsubst_instances.
Definition list_pair_hsubst_fold {A} `{HSubst vl X} sb (xs : list (A × X)) :
map (mapsnd (hsubst sb)) xs = hsubst sb xs := eq_refl.
Hint Rewrite @vls_subst_fold @list_hsubst_fold : autosubst.
(* The hints in the previous line are needed; for the next ones, that's less clear. *)
Hint Rewrite @pair_rename_fold @pair_hsubst_fold : autosubst.
Hint Rewrite @list_rename_fold @list_hsubst_fold : autosubst.
Hint Rewrite @list_pair_rename_fold @list_pair_hsubst_fold : autosubst.
(* Now type inference solves HSubst vl ? by infering HSubst vl ty infers unspecified asts to be paths. *)
(* Goal ∀ s x, x.|s = x. *)
(* Abort. *)
#[global] Hint Mode HSubst - + : typeclass_instances.
(* That Hint stops that. *)
(* Fail Goal ∀ s x, x.|s = x. *)
(* Goal ∀ s (x : ty), x.|s = x. Abort. *)
End ASubstLangDefUtils.
#[global] Instance pair_rename : Rename (A × X) :=
λ sb, mapsnd (rename sb).
#[global] Instance pair_hsubst : HSubst vl (A × X) :=
λ sb, mapsnd (hsubst sb).
#[global] Arguments pair_hsubst /.
Definition pair_rename_fold sb (ax : A × X) :
mapsnd (rename sb) ax = rename sb ax := eq_refl.
Definition pair_hsubst_fold sb (ax : A × X) :
mapsnd (hsubst sb) ax = hsubst sb ax := eq_refl.
#[global] Instance hsubst_lemmas_pair : HSubstLemmas vl (A × X).
split; intros; rewrite /hsubst /pair_hsubst /mapsnd /=;
repeat case_match; simplify_eq; autosubst.
Definition list_pair_rename_fold sb (axs : list (A × X)) :
map (mapsnd (rename sb)) axs = rename sb axs := eq_refl.
Lemma list_pair_swap_snd_rename r axs :
map snd (rename r axs) = map (rename r) (map snd axs).
rewrite !map_map. by elim: axs ⇒ [| [a x] axs /= ->].
End pair_instances.
End list_hsubst_instances.
Definition list_pair_hsubst_fold {A} `{HSubst vl X} sb (xs : list (A × X)) :
map (mapsnd (hsubst sb)) xs = hsubst sb xs := eq_refl.
Hint Rewrite @vls_subst_fold @list_hsubst_fold : autosubst.
(* The hints in the previous line are needed; for the next ones, that's less clear. *)
Hint Rewrite @pair_rename_fold @pair_hsubst_fold : autosubst.
Hint Rewrite @list_rename_fold @list_hsubst_fold : autosubst.
Hint Rewrite @list_pair_rename_fold @list_pair_hsubst_fold : autosubst.
(* Now type inference solves HSubst vl ? by infering HSubst vl ty infers unspecified asts to be paths. *)
(* Goal ∀ s x, x.|s = x. *)
(* Abort. *)
#[global] Hint Mode HSubst - + : typeclass_instances.
(* That Hint stops that. *)
(* Fail Goal ∀ s x, x.|s = x. *)
(* Goal ∀ s (x : ty), x.|s = x. Abort. *)
End ASubstLangDefUtils.
This module type contains minimal infrastructure for D*-languages.
It is a "mixin module": that is, it is Included (indirectly) in each language implementing ValuesSig, yet functors can abstract over implementing modules. Mixin module Sorts in asubst_base defines additional infrastructure.
Module Type SortsSig (Import V : ValuesSig).
Definition vls := list vl.
Definition env := var → vl.
Implicit Types (v : vl) (vs σ : vls) (ρ : env).
Fixpoint to_subst σ : var → vl :=
match σ with
| [] ⇒ ids
| v :: σ ⇒ v .: to_subst σ
(* Tighter precedence than >>, which has level 56. *)
Notation "∞ σ" := (to_subst σ) (at level 50).
Definition to_subst_nil : ∞ [] = ids := reflexivity _.
Definition to_subst_cons v σ : ∞ (v :: σ) = v .: ∞ σ :=
reflexivity _.
Definition stail ρ := (+1) >>> ρ.
Definition shead ρ := ρ 0.
Definition eq_n_s ρ1 ρ2 n := ∀ x, x < n → ρ1 x = ρ2 x.
#[global] Arguments eq_n_s /.
Lemma to_subst_compose σ ρ :
eq_n_s (∞ σ.|[ρ]) (∞ σ >> ρ) (length σ).
elim: σ ⇒ /= [|v σ IHσ] i Hin; first lia; asimpl.
case: i Hin ⇒ [//|i] /= /Nat_succ_lt_mono_rev. exact: IHσ.
Definition vls := list vl.
Definition env := var → vl.
Implicit Types (v : vl) (vs σ : vls) (ρ : env).
Fixpoint to_subst σ : var → vl :=
match σ with
| [] ⇒ ids
| v :: σ ⇒ v .: to_subst σ
(* Tighter precedence than >>, which has level 56. *)
Notation "∞ σ" := (to_subst σ) (at level 50).
Definition to_subst_nil : ∞ [] = ids := reflexivity _.
Definition to_subst_cons v σ : ∞ (v :: σ) = v .: ∞ σ :=
reflexivity _.
Definition stail ρ := (+1) >>> ρ.
Definition shead ρ := ρ 0.
Definition eq_n_s ρ1 ρ2 n := ∀ x, x < n → ρ1 x = ρ2 x.
#[global] Arguments eq_n_s /.
Lemma to_subst_compose σ ρ :
eq_n_s (∞ σ.|[ρ]) (∞ σ >> ρ) (length σ).
elim: σ ⇒ /= [|v σ IHσ] i Hin; first lia; asimpl.
case: i Hin ⇒ [//|i] /= /Nat_succ_lt_mono_rev. exact: IHσ.
n-closedness defines when some AST has at most n free variables (from 0 to n - 1). Here and elsewhere, we give one definition for values, using subst, and
another for other ASTs, using hsubst.
Definition nclosed_vl (v : vl) n :=
∀ ρ1 ρ2, eq_n_s ρ1 ρ2 n → v.[ρ1] = v.[ρ2].
Definition nclosed `{HSubst vl X} (x : X) n :=
∀ ρ1 ρ2, eq_n_s ρ1 ρ2 n → x.|[ρ1] = x.|[ρ2].
Lemma shead_eq v ρ : shead (v .: ρ) = v. Proof. done. Qed.
Lemma stail_eq v ρ : stail (v .: ρ) = ρ. Proof. done. Qed.
(* This class describes a syntactic sort that supports substituting values. *)
Class Sort (s : Type)
{inh_s : Inhabited s}
{ids_s : Ids s} {ren_s : Rename s} {hsubst_vl_s : HSubst vl s}
{hsubst_lemmas_vl_s : HSubstLemmas vl s} := {}.
∀ ρ1 ρ2, eq_n_s ρ1 ρ2 n → v.[ρ1] = v.[ρ2].
Definition nclosed `{HSubst vl X} (x : X) n :=
∀ ρ1 ρ2, eq_n_s ρ1 ρ2 n → x.|[ρ1] = x.|[ρ2].
Lemma shead_eq v ρ : shead (v .: ρ) = v. Proof. done. Qed.
Lemma stail_eq v ρ : stail (v .: ρ) = ρ. Proof. done. Qed.
(* This class describes a syntactic sort that supports substituting values. *)
Class Sort (s : Type)
{inh_s : Inhabited s}
{ids_s : Ids s} {ren_s : Rename s} {hsubst_vl_s : HSubst vl s}
{hsubst_lemmas_vl_s : HSubstLemmas vl s} := {}.
Some hand-written rewriting lemmas, designed to replace
certain common and slow uses of autosubst.
Lemma scons_up_swap a sb1 sb2 : a .: sb1 >> sb2 = up sb1 >> a .: sb2.
(* Reverse-engineered from autosubst output. *)
rewrite upX /ren /scomp scons_comp;
fsimpl; rewrite subst_compX; by fsimpl; rewrite id_scompX id_subst.
(* Rewrite lemmas to be faster than asimpl: *)
Lemma renS_comp n : ren (+S n) = ren (+n) >> ren (+1).
Proof. rewrite /ren/scomp. fsimpl. by rewrite (id_scompX ((+1) >>> ids)). Qed.
Lemma subst_swap_base v ρ : v.[ρ] .: ρ = (v .: ids) >> ρ.
rewrite /scomp scons_comp. (* Actual swap *)
by rewrite id_scompX. (* Cleanup result of manipulation *)
Lemma shift_sub_vl v w : (shiftV v).[w/] = v.
rewrite subst_comp -{2}(subst_id v) /ren /scomp; fsimpl; by rewrite id_scompX.
Section sort_lemmas.
Context `{_HsX : Sort X}.
Implicit Types (x : X).
#[local] Set Default Proof Using "Type*".
Lemma hrenS x n : shiftN (S n) x = shift (shiftN n x).
Proof. rewrite hsubst_comp renS_comp. by []. Qed.
Lemma shift_sub {x} v : (shift x).|[v/] = x.
by rewrite hsubst_comp -{2}(hsubst_id x) /ren /scomp; fsimpl;
rewrite id_scompX.
Lemma subst_compose {x σ ξ n} :
nclosed x n → length σ = n →
x.|[∞ σ.|[ξ]] = x.|[∞ σ].|[ξ].
Proof. intros Hclx <-; asimpl. apply Hclx, to_subst_compose. Qed.
End sort_lemmas.
End SortsSig.
(* Reverse-engineered from autosubst output. *)
rewrite upX /ren /scomp scons_comp;
fsimpl; rewrite subst_compX; by fsimpl; rewrite id_scompX id_subst.
(* Rewrite lemmas to be faster than asimpl: *)
Lemma renS_comp n : ren (+S n) = ren (+n) >> ren (+1).
Proof. rewrite /ren/scomp. fsimpl. by rewrite (id_scompX ((+1) >>> ids)). Qed.
Lemma subst_swap_base v ρ : v.[ρ] .: ρ = (v .: ids) >> ρ.
rewrite /scomp scons_comp. (* Actual swap *)
by rewrite id_scompX. (* Cleanup result of manipulation *)
Lemma shift_sub_vl v w : (shiftV v).[w/] = v.
rewrite subst_comp -{2}(subst_id v) /ren /scomp; fsimpl; by rewrite id_scompX.
Section sort_lemmas.
Context `{_HsX : Sort X}.
Implicit Types (x : X).
#[local] Set Default Proof Using "Type*".
Lemma hrenS x n : shiftN (S n) x = shift (shiftN n x).
Proof. rewrite hsubst_comp renS_comp. by []. Qed.
Lemma shift_sub {x} v : (shift x).|[v/] = x.
by rewrite hsubst_comp -{2}(hsubst_id x) /ren /scomp; fsimpl;
rewrite id_scompX.
Lemma subst_compose {x σ ξ n} :
nclosed x n → length σ = n →
x.|[∞ σ.|[ξ]] = x.|[∞ σ].|[ξ].
Proof. intros Hclx <-; asimpl. apply Hclx, to_subst_compose. Qed.
End sort_lemmas.
End SortsSig.
VlSortsSig mixes in ValuesSig and SortsSig, and most infrastructure
is defined in functors abstracting over VlSortsSig.
Module VlSortsFullSig in asubst_base defines additional infrastructure, but
to minimize compile-time dependencies, most such functors should abstract over
VlSortsSig and not VlSortsFullSig.