
Path substitution and replacement.

Path replacement replaces one occurrence of a path p by another path q, without affecting other occurrences of p.
Path substitution replaces all occurrences of path pv (ids 0) by another path p, and shifts
We define these operations as relations (whose definition is comparatively clear), and then we define functions and prove them correct (here and in path_repl_lemmas.v).
From stdpp Require Import relations.
From D.Dot.syn Require Import syn.

Implicit Types
         (T : ty) (K : kind) (v w : vl) (t : tm) (d : dm) (ds : dms) (p q : path)
         (l : label).

Notation unshift T := T.|[ren pred].
Notation unshiftV v := v.[ren pred].

Reserved Notation "p1 ~pp[ p := q ] p2" (at level 70).
Inductive path_path_repl (p q : path) : path path Prop :=
| path_path_repl_base : p ¬pp[ p := q ] q
| path_path_repl_self p1 p2 l :
  p1 ¬pp[ p := q ] p2
  pself p1 l ¬pp[ p := q ] pself p2 l
where "p1 ~pp[ p := q ] p2" := (path_path_repl p q p1 p2) .

Lemma path_path_repl_id p1 p2 p : p1 ¬pp[ p := p ] p2 p1 = p2.
Proof. by elim; intros; simplify_eq/=. Qed.

Notation path_path_repl_rtc p q := (rtc (path_path_repl p q)).
Notation "p1 ~pp[ p := q ]* p2" := (path_path_repl_rtc p q p1 p2) (at level 70).

Reserved Notation "T1 ~Tp[ p := q ] T2" (at level 70).
Reserved Notation "K1 ~Kp[ p := q ] K2" (at level 70).

The path replacement judgment, as defined in the pDOT paper.

T1 ¬Tp[ p := q ] T2 means that T2 is obtained from T1 by replacing one occurrence of p by q. We also use the reflexive-transitive closure of this judgemnt.
Inductive ty_path_repl (p q : path) : ty ty Prop :=
| ty_path_repl_TAnd1 T1 T2 U :
  T1 ¬Tp[ p := q ] T2
  TAnd T1 U ¬Tp[ p := q ] TAnd T2 U
| ty_path_repl_TAnd2 T1 T2 U :
  T1 ¬Tp[ p := q ] T2
  TAnd U T1 ¬Tp[ p := q ] TAnd U T2
| ty_path_repl_TOr1 T1 T2 U :
  T1 ¬Tp[ p := q ] T2
  TOr T1 U ¬Tp[ p := q ] TOr T2 U
| ty_path_repl_TOr2 T1 T2 U :
  T1 ¬Tp[ p := q ] T2
  TOr U T1 ¬Tp[ p := q ] TOr U T2
| ty_path_repl_TLater T1 T2 :
  T1 ¬Tp[ p := q ] T2
  TLater T1 ¬Tp[ p := q ] TLater T2
| ty_path_repl_TAll1 S1 S2 T :
  S1 ¬Tp[ p := q ] S2
  TAll S1 T ¬Tp[ p := q ] TAll S2 T
| ty_path_repl_TAll2 S T1 T2 :
  T1 ¬Tp[ shift p := shift q ] T2
  TAll S T1 ¬Tp[ p := q ] TAll S T2
| ty_path_repl_TMu T1 T2 :
  T1 ¬Tp[ shift p := shift q ] T2
  TMu T1 ¬Tp[ p := q ] TMu T2
| ty_path_repl_TVMem T1 T2 l :
  T1 ¬Tp[ p := q ] T2
  TVMem l T1 ¬Tp[ p := q ] TVMem l T2
| ty_path_repl_kTTMem K1 K2 l :
  K1 ¬Kp[ p := q ] K2
  kTTMem l K1 ¬Tp[ p := q ] kTTMem l K2
| ty_path_repl_kTSel n p1 p2 l :
  p1 ¬pp[ p := q ] p2
  kTSel n p1 l ¬Tp[ p := q ] kTSel n p2 l
| ty_path_repl_TSing p1 p2 :
  p1 ¬pp[ p := q ] p2
  TSing p1 ¬Tp[ p := q ] TSing p2
| ty_path_repl_TLam T1 T2 :
  T1 ¬Tp[ shift p := shift q ] T2
  TLam T1 ¬Tp[ p := q ] TLam T2
| ty_path_repl_TApp1 T1 T2 r :
  T1 ¬Tp[ p := q ] T2
  TApp T1 r ¬Tp[ p := q ] TApp T2 r
| ty_path_repl_TApp2 T p1 p2 :
  p1 ¬pp[ p := q ] p2
  TApp T p1 ¬Tp[ p := q ] TApp T p2
where "T1 ~Tp[ p := q ] T2" := (ty_path_repl p q T1 T2)
with kind_path_repl (p q : path) : kind kind Prop :=
| kind_path_repl_kintv1 L1 L2 U :
  L1 ¬Tp[ p := q ] L2
  kintv L1 U ¬Kp[ p := q ] kintv L2 U
| kind_path_repl_kintv2 L U1 U2 :
  U1 ¬Tp[ p := q ] U2
  kintv L U1 ¬Kp[ p := q ] kintv L U2
| kind_path_repl_kpi1 S1 S2 K :
  S1 ¬Tp[ p := q ] S2
  kpi S1 K ¬Kp[ p := q ] kpi S2 K
| kind_path_repl_kpi2 S K1 K2 :
  K1 ¬Kp[ shift p := shift q ] K2
  kpi S K1 ¬Kp[ p := q ] kpi S K2
where "K1 ~Kp[ p := q ] K2" := (kind_path_repl p q K1 K2).

Scheme ty_path_repl_mut_ind := Minimality for ty_path_repl Sort Prop
with kind_path_repl_mut_ind := Minimality for kind_path_repl Sort Prop.
Combined Scheme ty_kind_path_repl_mut_ind from ty_path_repl_mut_ind, kind_path_repl_mut_ind.

Notation ty_path_repl_rtc p q := (rtc (ty_path_repl p q)).
Notation "T1 ~Tp[ p := q ]* T2" := (ty_path_repl_rtc p q T1 T2) (at level 70).
Notation kind_path_repl_rtc p q := (rtc (kind_path_repl p q)).
Notation "K1 ~Kp[ p := q ]* K2" := (kind_path_repl_rtc p q K1 K2) (at level 70).

Lemma ty_kind_mut_path_repl_id p :
  ( T1 T2, T1 ¬Tp[ p := p ] T2 T1 = T2)
  ( K1 K2, K1 ¬Kp[ p := p ] K2 K1 = K2).
  (* Emulate dependent induction, and shuffle goal. *)
  move E: {2 4} pq.
  pose PT := λ p q T1 T2, p = q T1 = T2.
  pose PK := λ p q K1 K2, p = q K1 = K2.
  suff [HT HK] : ( T1 T2, T1 ¬Tp[ p := q ] T2 PT p q T1 T2)
    ( K1 K2, K1 ¬Kp[ p := q ] K2 PK p q K1 K2)
    by unfold PT, PK in *; naive_solver eauto.

  (* Induction step *)
  apply ty_kind_path_repl_mut_ind; unfold PT, PK in *;
    clear; intros.
  (* Dispatch goals *)
  all: subst; f_equal; eauto 2 using path_path_repl_id.

Lemma ty_path_repl_id p T1 T2 : T1 ¬Tp[ p := p ] T2 T1 = T2.
Proof. apply ty_kind_mut_path_repl_id. Qed.
Lemma kind_path_repl_id p K1 K2 : K1 ¬Kp[ p := p ] K2 K1 = K2.
Proof. apply ty_kind_mut_path_repl_id. Qed.

Define substitution of pv (ids 0) by p as a relation, in terms of the transitive closure of path replacement. Since the result of path substitution is shift T', it's clear that all occurrences of pv (ids 0) have been replaced.
Definition path_repl_ty_one T p T' :=
  T ¬Tp[ pv (ids 0) := shift p ]* shift T'.
Notation "T .Tp[ p /]~ T'" := (path_repl_ty_one T p T') (at level 65).

Definition path_repl_kind_one K p K' :=
  K ¬Kp[ pv (ids 0) := shift p ]* shift K'.
Notation "K .Kp[ p /]~ K'" := (path_repl_kind_one K p K') (at level 65).

We also define path replacement as a function, and prove it correct in psubst_ty_rtc_sufficient.
Reserved Notation "r .p[ p := q ]" (at level 65).
Fixpoint psubst_path p q r : path := match (decide (r = p)) with
| left _q
| _
  match r with
  | pv _r
  (* While these values can in turn contain paths, pDOT path replacement
  doesn't substitute inside such values (because in pDOT such values cannot
  appear in paths); lemma psubst_path_rtc_sufficient shows this
  functional path replacement agrees with relational path replacement.

  This operation is also used to build functional path substitution, for use
  on unstamped types. And for unstamped types, lemma psubst_one_ty_implies
  shows this function is correct, relative to relational path substitution.

  This design was chosen when values could not contain paths; now that values
  _can_ contain paths, we could probably modify substitution to traverse
  paths inside values.

  | pself r' lpself (r' .p[ p := q ]) l
where "r .p[ p := q ]" := (psubst_path p q r).

Lemma psubst_path_id p q : q .p[ p := p ] = q.
Proof. elim: q ⇒ /= *; case_decide; by f_equal. Qed.

Lemma psubst_path_self p q : p .p[ p := q ] = q.
Proof. case: p ⇒ /= *; by rewrite decide_True. Qed.

Reserved Notation "T .T[ p := q ]" (at level 65).
Reserved Notation "K .K[ p := q ]" (at level 65).
Fixpoint psubst_ty p q T : ty := match T with
| TTopTTop
| TBotTBot
| TAnd T1 T2TAnd (T1 .T[ p := q ]) (T2 .T[ p := q ])
| TOr T1 T2TOr (T1 .T[ p := q ]) (T2 .T[ p := q ])
| TLater TTLater (T .T[ p := q ])
| TAll S TTAll (S .T[ p := q ]) (T .T[ shift p := shift q ])
| TMu TTMu (T .T[ shift p := shift q ])
| TVMem l TTVMem l (T .T[ p := q ])
| kTTMem l KkTTMem l (K .K[ p := q ])
| kTSel n r lkTSel n (r .p[ p := q ]) l
| TPrim _T
| TSing rTSing (r .p[ p := q ])
| TLam TTLam (T .T[ shift p := shift q ])
| TApp T rTApp (T .T[ p := q ]) (r .p[ p := q ])
where "T .T[ p := q ]" := (psubst_ty p q T)
with psubst_kind p q K : kind :=
match K with
| kintv L Ukintv (L .T[ p := q ]) (U .T[ p := q ])
| kpi S Kkpi (S .T[ p := q ]) (K .K[ shift p := shift q ])
where "K .K[ p := q ]" := (psubst_kind p q K).

Section closure.
  Context `{RA : relation A} `{RB : relation B} `{RC : relation C}.

  #[local] Hint Constructors rtc : core.

Congruence lemma for transitive closure. Binary variant of rtc_congruence.

  Lemma rtc_congruence2 (f : A B C) a1 a2 b1 b2 :
    ( a1 a2 b, RA a1 a2 RC (f a1 b) (f a2 b))
    ( a b1 b2, RB b1 b2 RC (f a b1) (f a b2))
    rtc RA a1 a2 rtc RB b1 b2
    rtc RC (f a1 b1) (f a2 b2).
  Proof. induction 3; induction 1; eauto. Qed.
End closure.

Section decide_psubst.
  #[local] Hint Constructors path_path_repl ty_path_repl kind_path_repl : core.

Instances of rtc_congruence where inference needs help.
  Lemma path_path_repl_self_rtc p q p1 p2 l :
    p1 ¬pp[ p := q ]* p2
    pself p1 l ¬pp[ p := q ]* pself p2 l.
  Proof. apply rtc_congruence with (f := (λ p, pself p l)); auto. Qed.

  Lemma ty_path_repl_kTSel_rtc p1 q1 p q n l :
    p1 ¬pp[ p := q ]* q1
    kTSel n p1 l ¬Tp[ p := q ]* kTSel n q1 l.
  Proof. apply rtc_congruence with (f := (λ p, kTSel n p l)); auto. Qed.

The reflexive, transitive closure of path replacement agrees with path substitution. In fact, there can be only 0 or 1 steps anyway.
  Lemma psubst_path_rtc_sufficient p1 q1 p q :
    p1 .p[ p := q ] = q1
    p1 ¬pp[ p := q ]* q1.
    intros; subst q1.
    elim: p1 ⇒ [v|p1 IHp1 l] /=; case_decide as Hdec;
      [ | done | | exact: path_path_repl_self_rtc];
    rewrite Hdec; apply rtc_once; constructor.

  Lemma psubst_mut_rtc_sufficient :
    ( T1 T2 p q,
      T1 .T[ p := q ] = T2
      T1 ¬Tp[ p := q ]* T2)
    ( K1 K2 p q,
      K1 .K[ p := q ] = K2
      K1 ¬Kp[ p := q ]* K2).
    apply tp_kn_mut_ind; intros; subst; simpl;
        [ exact: rtc_refl
        | (eapply ty_path_repl_kTSel_rtc ||
          (* We use backtracking because sometimes rtc_congruence2 applies
          but rtc_congruence is needed (and viceversa: rtc_congruence always
          applies). *)

          (eapply rtc_congruence2 + eapply rtc_congruence));
          eauto using psubst_path_rtc_sufficient].

  Lemma psubst_ty_rtc_sufficient T1 T2 p q :
    T1 .T[ p := q ] = T2
    T1 ¬Tp[ p := q ]* T2.
  Proof. apply psubst_mut_rtc_sufficient. Qed.
  Lemma psubst_kind_rtc_sufficient K1 K2 p q :
    K1 .K[ p := q ] = K2
    K1 ¬Kp[ p := q ]* K2.
  Proof. apply psubst_mut_rtc_sufficient. Qed.
End decide_psubst.

Finally, we can also define path substitution as a function. Its proofs of correctness is in path_repl_lemmas.v, in lemmas psubst_one_ty_implies and psubst_subst_agree_ty.
Definition psubst_one_base_path q p := q .p[ pv (ids 0) := shift p ].
Definition psubst_one_path q p := unshift (psubst_one_base_path q p).
Notation "q .pp[ p /]" := (psubst_one_path q p) (at level 65).

Definition psubst_one_base_ty T p := T .T[ pv (ids 0) := shift p ].
Definition psubst_one_ty T p := unshift (psubst_one_base_ty T p).
Notation "T .Tp[ p /]" := (psubst_one_ty T p) (at level 65).

Definition psubst_one_base_kind K p := K .K[ pv (ids 0) := shift p ].
Definition psubst_one_kind K p := unshift (psubst_one_base_kind K p).
Notation "K .Kp[ p /]" := (psubst_one_kind K p) (at level 65).