
Show correctness of functional path substitution.

This is relative to both relational path substitution, and to normal substitution.
From Coq.ssr Require Import ssrbool.
From D.Dot Require Import syn path_repl.
From D.Dot Require Import core_stamping_defs.

Implicit Types
         (T : ty) (v w : vl) (t : tm) (d : dm) (ds : dms) (p q : path)
         (Γ : ctx) (vs : vls) (l : label).

Set Implicit Arguments.

Definition unshiftsN `{Sort X} i (x : X) := x.|[upn i (ren predn)].|[upn i (ren (+1))] = x.
Definition unshiftsN_vl i v := v.[upn i (ren predn)].[upn i (ren (+1))] = v.

Lemma shift_unshift `{Sort X} (x : X) : unshift (shift x) = x.
Proof. by rewrite hsubst_comp hsubst_id. Qed.

Lemma unshiftsN_shiftN i p : unshiftsN i (shiftN i.+1 p).
  rewrite /unshiftsN.
  elim: i ⇒ [|i]; first by rewrite shift_unshift.
  rewrite {2}(hrenS _ i.+1) ⇒ <-.
  rewrite !hsubst_comp.

Lemma up_reduce s x : (up s x.+1 : vl) = shiftV (s x).
Proof. by rewrite -rename_subst. Qed.

Notation upn_mp1 i := (upn i (ren (predn >>> (+1)))).

Lemma ren_const x i : x i upn_mp1 i x = vvar x.
  move ⇒ /Nat.eqb_spec.
  elim: i x ⇒ [|i IHi] x Hne //=; rewrite ?iterate_0; first by cbv; case_match.
  case: x Hne ⇒ [//|x] Hne. by rewrite iterate_S up_reduce (IHi x Hne).

Lemma unstamped_val_unshifts v i n :
  is_unstamped_path' n (pv v) v ids i unshiftsN_vl i v.
  inversion 1 as [? w _ Hs|]; simplify_eq/= ⇒ Hne.
  case: Hs ⇒ [//|[[j ?]|[l → //]]]; simplify_eq/=.
  have {}Hne : j i by naive_solver.
  rewrite /unshiftsN_vl subst_comp up_comp_n.
  exact: ren_const.

Definition psubst_one_path_gen i q p :=
  q .p[ pv (ids i) := shiftN i.+1 p ].
Definition psubst_one_ty_gen i T p :=
  T .T[ pv (ids i) := shiftN i.+1 p ].
Definition psubst_one_kind_gen i K p :=
  K .K[ pv (ids i) := shiftN i.+1 p ].

Lemma psubst_one_path_gen_unshifts_gen i n q p :
  is_unstamped_path' n q
  unshiftsN i (psubst_one_path_gen i q p).
  move: p i; induction qp i Hu //; last by inverse Hu;
    rewrite /psubst_one_path_gen /unshiftsN in IHq |- *; f_equal/=; eauto.
  hnf; cbn. case_decide; simplify_eq/=; first exact: unshiftsN_shiftN.
  have ? : v vvar i by naive_solver.
  suff Hr : unshiftsN_vl i v by f_equal.
  exact: unstamped_val_unshifts.

Lemma psubst_one_base_mut_unshifts_gen :
  ( T i n p,
    is_unstamped_ty' n T unshiftsN i (psubst_one_ty_gen i T p))
  ( K i n p,
    is_unstamped_kind' n K unshiftsN i (psubst_one_kind_gen i K p)).
  rewrite /psubst_one_kind_gen /psubst_one_ty_gen /unshiftsN;
    apply tp_kn_mut_ind; intros; with_is_unstamped inverse; simpl in *;
    f_equal; rewrite -?hrenS -?iterate_S;
    eauto 2; exact: psubst_one_path_gen_unshifts_gen.

Lemma psubst_one_base_ty_unshifts_gen T i n p :
  is_unstamped_ty' n T unshiftsN i (psubst_one_ty_gen i T p).
Proof. apply psubst_one_base_mut_unshifts_gen. Qed.
Lemma psubst_one_base_kind_unshifts_gen K i n p :
  is_unstamped_kind' n K unshiftsN i (psubst_one_kind_gen i K p).
Proof. apply psubst_one_base_mut_unshifts_gen. Qed.

Notation unshifts x := ( x', x = shift x').

Lemma psubst_one_base_ty_unshifts {n T} p :
  is_unstamped_ty' n T unshifts (psubst_one_base_ty T p).
  intros Hu; (unshift (psubst_one_base_ty T p)).
  eapply symmetry, (psubst_one_base_ty_unshifts_gen 0), Hu.

Lemma psubst_one_base_kind_unshifts {n K} p :
  is_unstamped_kind' n K unshifts (psubst_one_base_kind K p).
  intros Hu; (unshift (psubst_one_base_kind K p)).
  eapply symmetry, (psubst_one_base_kind_unshifts_gen 0), Hu.

Prove functional path substitution correct, relative to relational path substitution, for unstamped types.
Lemma psubst_one_ty_implies n T p T' :
  is_unstamped_ty' n T
  T .Tp[ p /] = T' T .Tp[ p /]~ T'.
  move ⇒ /(psubst_one_base_ty_unshifts p) [T''].
  rewrite /psubst_one_ty /psubst_one_base_tyHw <-.
  apply psubst_ty_rtc_sufficient.
  by rewrite Hw shift_unshift.

Lemma psubst_one_kind_implies n K p K' :
  is_unstamped_kind' n K
  K .Kp[ p /] = K' K .Kp[ p /]~ K'.
  move ⇒ /(psubst_one_base_kind_unshifts p) [K''].
  rewrite /psubst_one_kind /psubst_one_base_kindHw <-.
  apply psubst_kind_rtc_sufficient.
  by rewrite Hw shift_unshift.

Lemma upn_app i v s :
  upn i (v .: s) i = shiftVN i v.
  elim: i ⇒ [|i IHi] //=.
  by rewrite subst_id iterate_0.
  by rewrite iterate_S up_reduce IHi -renS.

Lemma upn_reduce i s x :
  upn i.+1 s x.+1 =@{vl} shiftV (upn i s x).
Proof. by rewrite iterate_S up_reduce. Qed.

Lemma upn_app_ids_ne x i v :
  x i upn i ((v .: ids) >> ren (+1)) x = ids x.
  move ⇒ /Nat.eqb_spec.
  elim: i x ⇒ [|i IHi] x Hne //=. by rewrite iterate_0 /scons/=; case_match.
  case: x Hne ⇒ /= [|x] Hne.
  by rewrite upn_reduce IHi.

Lemma psubst_subst_agree_path_gen p v i n :
  is_unstamped_path' n p
  psubst_one_path_gen i p (pv v) = p.|[ upn i ((v .: ids) >> ren (+1)) ].
  rewrite /psubst_one_path_gen; move: i.
  induction pi //=; f_equal/=; intros; with_is_unstamped inverse; last eauto with f_equal.
  simpl in *; destruct_or!; try done; ev; case_decide; simplify_eq/=; f_equal.
  by rewrite -up_comp_n /= upn_app ren_upn.
  rewrite upn_app_ids_ne; naive_solver.

Lemma psubst_subst_agree_mut_gen :
  ( T v i n,
    is_unstamped_ty' n T
    psubst_one_ty_gen i T (pv v) = T.|[ upn i ((v .: ids) >> ren (+1)) ])
  ( K v i n,
    is_unstamped_kind' n K
    psubst_one_kind_gen i K (pv v) = K.|[ upn i ((v .: ids) >> ren (+1)) ]).
  rewrite /psubst_one_ty_gen /psubst_one_kind_gen;
    apply tp_kn_mut_ind; intros; with_is_unstamped inverse; simpl in *;
    f_equal; rewrite -?(renS, iterate_S); eauto 2;
    exact: psubst_subst_agree_path_gen.

Lemma psubst_subst_agree_ty_gen T v i n :
  is_unstamped_ty' n T
  psubst_one_ty_gen i T (pv v) = T.|[ upn i ((v .: ids) >> ren (+1)) ].
Proof. apply psubst_subst_agree_mut_gen. Qed.
Lemma psubst_subst_agree_kind_gen K v i n :
  is_unstamped_kind' n K
  psubst_one_kind_gen i K (pv v) = K.|[ upn i ((v .: ids) >> ren (+1)) ].
Proof. apply psubst_subst_agree_mut_gen. Qed.

Lemma psubst_subst_agree_path p n v
  (Hu : is_unstamped_path' n p) :
  p .pp[ pv v /] = p .|[ v /].
  have := psubst_subst_agree_path_gen v 0 Hu.
  rewrite iterate_0 /psubst_one_path /psubst_one_base_path /psubst_one_path_gen ⇒ →.
  rewrite -(shift_unshift p.|[v/]); f_equal.
  by rewrite hsubst_comp.

Path substitution with a value agrees with normal substitution.
Lemma psubst_subst_agree_ty T n v
  (Hu : is_unstamped_ty' n T) :
  T .Tp[ pv v /] = T .|[ v /].
  have := psubst_subst_agree_ty_gen v 0 Hu.
  rewrite iterate_0 /psubst_one_ty /psubst_one_base_ty /psubst_one_ty_gen ⇒ →.
  rewrite -(shift_unshift T.|[v/]); f_equal.
  by rewrite hsubst_comp.

Lemma psubst_subst_agree_kind K n v
  (Hu : is_unstamped_kind' n K) :
  K .Kp[ pv v /] = K .|[ v /].
  have := psubst_subst_agree_kind_gen v 0 Hu.
  rewrite iterate_0 /psubst_one_kind /psubst_one_base_kind /psubst_one_kind_gen ⇒ →.
  rewrite -(shift_unshift K.|[v/]); f_equal.
  by rewrite hsubst_comp.