
Automation for the "persistent update" modalities.

This reduces goal like <PB> P1 -∗ <PB> P2 -∗ <PB> Q to P1 -* P2 -∗ Q, by running all ghost updates and (optionally) introducing the ghost update modality. Support for <PF{E}> works similarly, so we focus on <PB> in these docs.
We use custom automation, because iMod and ElimModal do not allow performing ghost updates when the goal starts with the |==> modalities, so tactics like iIntros "#>#P1 #>#P2" do not work and cannot be supported via ElimModal instances.
The fundamental reason is that <PB> is only a monad over intuitionistic propositions, so goals like
  <PB> P1 -∗ <PB> P2 -∗ <PB> Q
reduce to boxed wands like
  □ (□ P1 -* □ P2 -∗ <PB> Q)
but ElimModal does not allow generating boxed wands:
Class ElimModal {PROP : bi} (φ : Prop) (p p' : bool) (P P' : PROP) (Q Q' : PROP) :=
  elim_modal : φ → □?p P ∗ (□?p' P' -∗ Q') ⊢ Q.
From D Require Export iris_prelude iris_extra.pupd.

Implicit Type (Σ : gFunctors) (E : coPset).

Class ElimPersModal {PROP : bi} (P Q P' Q' : PROP) :=
  elim_pers_modal : (□(P' -∗ Q') P -∗ Q).
#[global] Hint Mode ElimPersModal + + + - - : typeclass_instances.
#[global] Arguments elim_pers_modal {_}.

Class StripPUpd {PROP : bi} (P Q : PROP) :=
  strip_pupd : P Q.
#[global] Hint Mode StripPUpd + - + : typeclass_instances.
#[global] Arguments strip_pupd {_}.

Section instances.
  Context {PROP : bi}.
  Implicit Type (P Q R : PROP).

  (* Fallback to allow skipping intuitionistic hypotheses *)
  #[global] Instance elim_pers_modal_wand_noelim P Q Q' R R' `{!Persistent P, !Affine P} :
    ElimPersModal Q R Q' R'
    ElimPersModal P (Q -∗ R) P (Q' -∗ R') | 50.
    rewrite /ElimPersModal.
    iIntros (W) "#W #P Q".
    iApply (W with "(W P) Q").

  #[global] Instance strip_pupd_wand P Q R :
    StripPUpd P Q
    StripPUpd (R -∗ P) (R -∗ Q).
    rewrite /StripPUpd.
    iIntros (PQ) "RP R".
    iApply (PQ with "(RP R)").

  #[global] Instance strip_pupd_box_mono P Q :
    StripPUpd P Q
    StripPUpd ( P) ( Q) | 10.
  Proof. apply bi.intuitionistically_mono'. Qed.

  Section bupd.
    Context `{!BiBUpd PROP}.

    #[global] Instance elim_pers_modal_int_bupd_int P R :
      ElimPersModal (<PB> P) (<PB> R) ( P) (<PB> R).
      rewrite /ElimPersModal.
      iIntros "W P". iApply (PB_bind with "P W").

    (* Meant to strip modalities from all premises, unlike elim_pers_modal_wand.
    Alternative to elim_pers_modal_wand_all *)

    #[global] Instance elim_pers_modal_wand_elim P Q R R' :
      ( Q, ElimPersModal (<PB> Q) R ( Q) R')
      ElimPersModal (<PB> P) (<PB> Q -∗ R) ( P) ( Q -∗ R').
      rewrite /ElimPersModal.
      iIntros (W) "#W #P #Q".
      iApply (W (P Q)%I). {
        iIntros "!> {P Q} #[P Q]".
        iApply ("W" with "P Q").
      iApply (PB_and_curry with "P Q").

    #[global] Instance strip_pbupd P : StripPUpd ( P) (<PB> P).
    Proof. apply PB_return. Qed.
  End bupd.

  Section fupd.
    Context `{!BiFUpd PROP} E.

    #[global] Instance elim_pers_modal_int_fupd_int P R :
      ElimPersModal (<PF{E}> P) (<PF{E}> R) ( P) (<PF{E}> R).
      rewrite /ElimPersModal.
      iIntros "W P". iApply (PF_bind with "P W").

    (* Meant to strip modalities from all premises, unlike elim_pers_modal_wand.
    Alternative to elim_pers_modal_wand_all *)

    #[global] Instance elim_pers_modal_fupd_wand_elim P Q R R' :
      ( Q, ElimPersModal (<PF{E}> Q) R ( Q) R')
      ElimPersModal (<PF{E}> P) (<PF{E}> Q -∗ R) ( P) ( Q -∗ R').
      rewrite /ElimPersModal.
      iIntros (W) "#W #P #Q".
      iApply (W (P Q)%I). {
        iIntros "!> {P Q} #[P Q]".
        iApply ("W" with "P Q").
      iApply (PF_and_curry with "P Q").

    #[global] Instance strip_pfupd P : StripPUpd ( P) (<PF{E}> P).
    Proof. apply PF_return. Qed.
  End fupd.
End instances.

Ltac pupd' :=
  try (iApply elim_pers_modal; []; iModIntro ( _)%I).
Ltac strip :=
  iApply (strip_pupd with "[-]"); [].
Ltac pupd :=
  try (pupd'; strip).