From iris.algebra Require Import dfrac.
From iris.base_logic Require Import lib.saved_prop.
From stdpp Require Import vector.
From D Require Import prelude iris_prelude asubst_intf.
Import EqNotations.
Unset Program Cases.
Notation anil := vector.vnil.
Section vec.
Context {vl : Type} {n : nat} {A : ofe}.
(* vector operations, on a functional representation of vectors. *)
Definition acons (v : vl) (args : vec vl n) : vec vl (S n) := vector.vcons v args.
Definition ahead (args : vec vl (S n)) : vl := args !!! 0%fin.
Definition atail (args : vec vl (S n)) : vec vl n :=
Vector.caseS (λ n _, vec vl n) (λ h n t, t) args.
Lemma vec_anil_eta (v : vec vl 0) : v = anil.
Proof. by apply vec_0_inv with (P := λ v, v = anil). Qed.
Lemma vec_acons_eta : ∀ args : vec vl (S n),
acons (ahead args) (atail args) = args.
Proof. exact: vec_S_inv. Qed.
From iris.base_logic Require Import lib.saved_prop.
From stdpp Require Import vector.
From D Require Import prelude iris_prelude asubst_intf.
Import EqNotations.
Unset Program Cases.
Notation anil := vector.vnil.
Section vec.
Context {vl : Type} {n : nat} {A : ofe}.
(* vector operations, on a functional representation of vectors. *)
Definition acons (v : vl) (args : vec vl n) : vec vl (S n) := vector.vcons v args.
Definition ahead (args : vec vl (S n)) : vl := args !!! 0%fin.
Definition atail (args : vec vl (S n)) : vec vl n :=
Vector.caseS (λ n _, vec vl n) (λ h n t, t) args.
Lemma vec_anil_eta (v : vec vl 0) : v = anil.
Proof. by apply vec_0_inv with (P := λ v, v = anil). Qed.
Lemma vec_acons_eta : ∀ args : vec vl (S n),
acons (ahead args) (atail args) = args.
Proof. exact: vec_S_inv. Qed.
Manipulation of higher-order semantic types.
Definition aopen (Φ : A) : vec vl 0 -d> A := λ args, Φ.
#[global] Arguments aopen /.
Definition acurry (Φ : vec vl (S n) -d> A) : vl -d> vec vl n -d> A :=
λ v args, Φ (acons v args).
Definition auncurry (Φ : vl -d> vec vl n -d> A) : vec vl (S n) -d> A :=
λ args, Φ (ahead args) (atail args).
End vec.
#[global] Instance acurry_ne vl n A m :
Proper (dist m ==> (=) ==> dist m) (@acurry vl n A).
Proof. solve_proper_ho. Qed.
#[global] Instance acurry_proper vl n A : Proper ((≡) ==> (=) ==> (≡)) (@acurry vl n A).
Proof. solve_proper_ho. Qed.
#[global] Instance : Params (@acurry) 3 := {}.
Definition vec_fold {A} {P : nat → Type}
(base : P 0) (step : ∀ {n}, A → P n → P (S n)) : ∀ n, vec A n → P n :=
fix rec n :=
match n with
| 0 ⇒ λ argTs, base
| S n ⇒ λ argTs, step (ahead argTs) (rec n (atail argTs))
Module Type SavedHoInterp (Import V : VlSortsSig).
Notation envPred s Σ := (env -d> s -d> iPropO Σ).
Notation envD Σ := (envPred vl Σ).
Definition hoEnvPred s Σ n := vec vl n -d> envPred s Σ.
Notation hoEnvD := (hoEnvPred vl).
Definition hoEnvPredO s Σ : ofe := sigTO (hoEnvPred s Σ).
Definition hoEnvPredOF s : oFunctor := { n & vec vl n -d> env -d> s -d> ▶ ∙ }.
Definition packedHoEnvPred s Σ : ofe := oFunctor_apply (hoEnvPredOF s) (iPropO Σ).
Definition packedHoEnvD Σ := packedHoEnvPred vl Σ.
Definition hoD Σ n := vec vl n -d> vl -d> iPropO Σ.
Notation savedHoEnvPredG s Σ := (savedAnythingG Σ (hoEnvPredOF s)).
Notation savedHoEnvPredΣ s := (savedAnythingΣ (hoEnvPredOF s)).
Section saved_ho_sem_type.
Context {s : Type}.
Context `{!savedHoEnvPredG s Σ}.
Implicit Types (Ψ : packedHoEnvPred s Σ).
Definition packedHoEnvPred_arity : packedHoEnvPred s Σ -n> natO := λne x, projT1 x.
Definition ho_cpack n : hoEnvPred s Σ n → packedHoEnvPred s Σ :=
λ Φ, existT n (λ args ρ v, Next (Φ args ρ v)).
#[global] Instance cpack_contractive n : Contractive (ho_cpack n).
rewrite /ho_cpack /hoEnvPred ⇒ ????.
apply (existT_ne _ eq_refl).
Program Definition ho_pack : hoEnvPredO s Σ -n> packedHoEnvPred s Σ :=
λne Φ, ho_cpack (projT1 Φ) (projT2 Φ).
Next Obligation.
move ⇒ n [i1 Φ1] [i2 Φ2][/= Heqi HeqΦ]. destruct Heqi. by f_equiv.
Definition saved_ho_sem_type_own γ n (Φ : hoEnvPred s Σ n) : iProp Σ :=
saved_anything_own (F := hoEnvPredOF s) γ DfracDiscarded (ho_pack (existT n Φ)).
Notation "γ ⤇n[ n ] φ" := (saved_ho_sem_type_own γ n φ) (at level 20).
#[global] Instance saved_ho_sem_type_own_persistent γ n φ :
Persistent (γ ⤇n[ n ] φ) := _.
#[global] Instance saved_ho_sem_type_own_contractive γ i :
Contractive (saved_ho_sem_type_own γ i).
rewrite /saved_ho_sem_type_own /hoEnvPred ⇒ n f g /= Heq. f_equiv.
apply (existT_ne _ eq_refl) ⇒ ??? /=.
Lemma saved_ho_sem_type_alloc i φ : ⊢ |==> ∃ γ, γ ⤇n[ i ] φ.
Proof. exact: saved_anything_alloc. Qed.
Lemma leibniz_equivI (PROP : bi) `{LeibnizEquiv A} x y : ⌜ x ≡@{A} y ⌝ ⊢@{PROP} ⌜ x = y ⌝.
Proof. iIntros "!%". apply leibniz_equiv. Qed.
Lemma saved_ho_sem_type_agree_arity γ {i j Φ1 Φ2} :
γ ⤇n[ i ] Φ1 -∗ γ ⤇n[ j ] Φ2 -∗ ⌜ i = j ⌝.
rewrite -leibniz_equivI -discrete_eq; iIntros "HΦ1 HΦ2".
iDestruct (saved_anything_agree with "HΦ1 HΦ2") as "Heq".
iApply (f_equivI packedHoEnvPred_arity with "Heq").
Lemma saved_ho_sem_type_agree_dep_abs γ {i j Φ1 Φ2} :
γ ⤇n[ i ] Φ1 -∗ γ ⤇n[ j ] Φ2 -∗ ∃ Heq : i = j,
▷ ((rew [hoEnvPred s Σ] Heq in Φ1) ≡ Φ2).
iIntros "HΦ1 HΦ2".
iDestruct (saved_ho_sem_type_agree_arity with "HΦ1 HΦ2") as %->.
iExists eq_refl; cbn.
iDestruct (saved_anything_agree with "HΦ1 HΦ2") as "Heq".
rewrite /= sigT_equivI. iDestruct "Heq" as (Heq) "Hgoal".
rewrite (proof_irrel Heq eq_refl) /=.
repeat setoid_rewrite discrete_fun_equivI. by iNext.
Lemma saved_ho_sem_type_agree_dep {γ i j Φ1 Φ2} a b c :
γ ⤇n[ i ] Φ1 -∗ γ ⤇n[ j ] Φ2 -∗ ∃ Heq : i = j,
▷ ((rew [hoEnvPred s Σ] Heq in Φ1) a b c ≡ Φ2 a b c).
iIntros "HΦ1 HΦ2".
iDestruct (saved_ho_sem_type_agree_dep_abs with "HΦ1 HΦ2") as (->) "Hgoal".
iExists eq_refl; cbn; iNext.
by repeat setoid_rewrite discrete_fun_equivI.
Lemma saved_ho_sem_type_agree {γ n} {Φ1 Φ2 : hoEnvPred s Σ n} a b c :
γ ⤇n[ n ] Φ1 -∗ γ ⤇n[ n ] Φ2 -∗ ▷ (Φ1 a b c ≡ Φ2 a b c).
iIntros "HΦ1 HΦ2".
iDestruct (saved_ho_sem_type_agree_dep a b c with "HΦ1 HΦ2") as (Heq) "Hgoal".
by rewrite (proof_irrel Heq eq_refl) /=.
(* Lemma saved_ho_sem_type_agree_abs γ n (Φ1 Φ2 : hoEnvPred s Σ n) :
γ ⤇n n Φ1 -∗ γ ⤇n n Φ2 -∗ ▷ (Φ1 ≡ Φ2).
iIntros "HΦ1 HΦ2".
iDestruct (saved_ho_sem_type_agree_dep_abs with "HΦ1 HΦ2") as (Heq) "Hgoal".
by rewrite (proof_irrel Heq eq_refl) /=.
Qed. *)
End saved_ho_sem_type.
Notation "γ ⤇n[ n ] φ" := (saved_ho_sem_type_own γ n φ) (at level 20).
#[global] Opaque saved_ho_sem_type_own.
End SavedHoInterp.
#[global] Arguments aopen /.
Definition acurry (Φ : vec vl (S n) -d> A) : vl -d> vec vl n -d> A :=
λ v args, Φ (acons v args).
Definition auncurry (Φ : vl -d> vec vl n -d> A) : vec vl (S n) -d> A :=
λ args, Φ (ahead args) (atail args).
End vec.
#[global] Instance acurry_ne vl n A m :
Proper (dist m ==> (=) ==> dist m) (@acurry vl n A).
Proof. solve_proper_ho. Qed.
#[global] Instance acurry_proper vl n A : Proper ((≡) ==> (=) ==> (≡)) (@acurry vl n A).
Proof. solve_proper_ho. Qed.
#[global] Instance : Params (@acurry) 3 := {}.
Definition vec_fold {A} {P : nat → Type}
(base : P 0) (step : ∀ {n}, A → P n → P (S n)) : ∀ n, vec A n → P n :=
fix rec n :=
match n with
| 0 ⇒ λ argTs, base
| S n ⇒ λ argTs, step (ahead argTs) (rec n (atail argTs))
Module Type SavedHoInterp (Import V : VlSortsSig).
Notation envPred s Σ := (env -d> s -d> iPropO Σ).
Notation envD Σ := (envPred vl Σ).
Definition hoEnvPred s Σ n := vec vl n -d> envPred s Σ.
Notation hoEnvD := (hoEnvPred vl).
Definition hoEnvPredO s Σ : ofe := sigTO (hoEnvPred s Σ).
Definition hoEnvPredOF s : oFunctor := { n & vec vl n -d> env -d> s -d> ▶ ∙ }.
Definition packedHoEnvPred s Σ : ofe := oFunctor_apply (hoEnvPredOF s) (iPropO Σ).
Definition packedHoEnvD Σ := packedHoEnvPred vl Σ.
Definition hoD Σ n := vec vl n -d> vl -d> iPropO Σ.
Notation savedHoEnvPredG s Σ := (savedAnythingG Σ (hoEnvPredOF s)).
Notation savedHoEnvPredΣ s := (savedAnythingΣ (hoEnvPredOF s)).
Section saved_ho_sem_type.
Context {s : Type}.
Context `{!savedHoEnvPredG s Σ}.
Implicit Types (Ψ : packedHoEnvPred s Σ).
Definition packedHoEnvPred_arity : packedHoEnvPred s Σ -n> natO := λne x, projT1 x.
Definition ho_cpack n : hoEnvPred s Σ n → packedHoEnvPred s Σ :=
λ Φ, existT n (λ args ρ v, Next (Φ args ρ v)).
#[global] Instance cpack_contractive n : Contractive (ho_cpack n).
rewrite /ho_cpack /hoEnvPred ⇒ ????.
apply (existT_ne _ eq_refl).
Program Definition ho_pack : hoEnvPredO s Σ -n> packedHoEnvPred s Σ :=
λne Φ, ho_cpack (projT1 Φ) (projT2 Φ).
Next Obligation.
move ⇒ n [i1 Φ1] [i2 Φ2][/= Heqi HeqΦ]. destruct Heqi. by f_equiv.
Definition saved_ho_sem_type_own γ n (Φ : hoEnvPred s Σ n) : iProp Σ :=
saved_anything_own (F := hoEnvPredOF s) γ DfracDiscarded (ho_pack (existT n Φ)).
Notation "γ ⤇n[ n ] φ" := (saved_ho_sem_type_own γ n φ) (at level 20).
#[global] Instance saved_ho_sem_type_own_persistent γ n φ :
Persistent (γ ⤇n[ n ] φ) := _.
#[global] Instance saved_ho_sem_type_own_contractive γ i :
Contractive (saved_ho_sem_type_own γ i).
rewrite /saved_ho_sem_type_own /hoEnvPred ⇒ n f g /= Heq. f_equiv.
apply (existT_ne _ eq_refl) ⇒ ??? /=.
Lemma saved_ho_sem_type_alloc i φ : ⊢ |==> ∃ γ, γ ⤇n[ i ] φ.
Proof. exact: saved_anything_alloc. Qed.
Lemma leibniz_equivI (PROP : bi) `{LeibnizEquiv A} x y : ⌜ x ≡@{A} y ⌝ ⊢@{PROP} ⌜ x = y ⌝.
Proof. iIntros "!%". apply leibniz_equiv. Qed.
Lemma saved_ho_sem_type_agree_arity γ {i j Φ1 Φ2} :
γ ⤇n[ i ] Φ1 -∗ γ ⤇n[ j ] Φ2 -∗ ⌜ i = j ⌝.
rewrite -leibniz_equivI -discrete_eq; iIntros "HΦ1 HΦ2".
iDestruct (saved_anything_agree with "HΦ1 HΦ2") as "Heq".
iApply (f_equivI packedHoEnvPred_arity with "Heq").
Lemma saved_ho_sem_type_agree_dep_abs γ {i j Φ1 Φ2} :
γ ⤇n[ i ] Φ1 -∗ γ ⤇n[ j ] Φ2 -∗ ∃ Heq : i = j,
▷ ((rew [hoEnvPred s Σ] Heq in Φ1) ≡ Φ2).
iIntros "HΦ1 HΦ2".
iDestruct (saved_ho_sem_type_agree_arity with "HΦ1 HΦ2") as %->.
iExists eq_refl; cbn.
iDestruct (saved_anything_agree with "HΦ1 HΦ2") as "Heq".
rewrite /= sigT_equivI. iDestruct "Heq" as (Heq) "Hgoal".
rewrite (proof_irrel Heq eq_refl) /=.
repeat setoid_rewrite discrete_fun_equivI. by iNext.
Lemma saved_ho_sem_type_agree_dep {γ i j Φ1 Φ2} a b c :
γ ⤇n[ i ] Φ1 -∗ γ ⤇n[ j ] Φ2 -∗ ∃ Heq : i = j,
▷ ((rew [hoEnvPred s Σ] Heq in Φ1) a b c ≡ Φ2 a b c).
iIntros "HΦ1 HΦ2".
iDestruct (saved_ho_sem_type_agree_dep_abs with "HΦ1 HΦ2") as (->) "Hgoal".
iExists eq_refl; cbn; iNext.
by repeat setoid_rewrite discrete_fun_equivI.
Lemma saved_ho_sem_type_agree {γ n} {Φ1 Φ2 : hoEnvPred s Σ n} a b c :
γ ⤇n[ n ] Φ1 -∗ γ ⤇n[ n ] Φ2 -∗ ▷ (Φ1 a b c ≡ Φ2 a b c).
iIntros "HΦ1 HΦ2".
iDestruct (saved_ho_sem_type_agree_dep a b c with "HΦ1 HΦ2") as (Heq) "Hgoal".
by rewrite (proof_irrel Heq eq_refl) /=.
(* Lemma saved_ho_sem_type_agree_abs γ n (Φ1 Φ2 : hoEnvPred s Σ n) :
γ ⤇n n Φ1 -∗ γ ⤇n n Φ2 -∗ ▷ (Φ1 ≡ Φ2).
iIntros "HΦ1 HΦ2".
iDestruct (saved_ho_sem_type_agree_dep_abs with "HΦ1 HΦ2") as (Heq) "Hgoal".
by rewrite (proof_irrel Heq eq_refl) /=.
Qed. *)
End saved_ho_sem_type.
Notation "γ ⤇n[ n ] φ" := (saved_ho_sem_type_own γ n φ) (at level 20).
#[global] Opaque saved_ho_sem_type_own.
End SavedHoInterp.