(* This files proves the fundamental lemma for D<:.
It also proves any typing lemmas that depend on swap_later_impl.v (extra
modality swap lemmas, depending on `CmraSwappable` instances for Σ). They are
kept separate, because we might have to extend Σ with resources without a
CmraSwappable instance.
From iris.proofmode Require Import proofmode.
From D Require Import proofmode_extra swap_later_impl.
From D.DSub Require Import unary_lr semtyp_lemmas.
Implicit Types (L T U : ty) (v : vl) (e : tm) (Γ : ctx).
Set Default Proof Using "Type*".
Section swap_based_typing_lemmas.
Context `{!dsubSynG Σ} `{!SwapPropI Σ} {Γ}.
Lemma All_Sub_All T1 T2 U1 U2 i :
Γ ⊨ T2, S i <: T1, S i -∗
iterate TLater (S i) (shift T2) :: Γ ⊨ U1, S i <: U2, S i -∗
Γ ⊨ TAll T1 U1, i <: TAll T2 U2, i .
rewrite iterate_S /=.
pupd; iIntros "#HsubT #HsubU !> /= %ρ %v #Hg".
iDestruct 1 as (t) "#[Heq #HT1]". iExists t; iSplit ⇒ //.
iIntros (w).
iSpecialize ("HsubT" $! ρ w with "Hg").
rewrite -!mlaterN_pers -mlater_impl -mlaterN_impl !swap_later.
iIntros "!> #HwT2".
iSpecialize ("HsubT" with "HwT2").
iAssert (□▷ ▷^i (∀ v0, ⟦ U1 ⟧ (w .: ρ) v0 →
⟦ U2 ⟧ (w .: ρ) v0))%I as "{HsubU} #HsubU". {
iIntros (v0); rewrite -!mlaterN_impl -mlater_impl.
iIntros "!> #HUv0".
iApply ("HsubU" $! (w .: ρ) v0 with "[# $Hg] HUv0").
unfold_interp; rewrite iterate_TLater_later.
by iApply (interp_weaken_one T2).
iNext 1; iNext i. iApply wp_wand.
- iApply "HT1". by iApply "HsubT".
- iIntros (u) "#HuU1". by iApply "HsubU".
Lemma DSub_TAll_ConCov T1 T2 U1 U2 i :
Γ ⊨[S i] T2 <: T1 -∗
iterate TLater (S i) (shift T2) :: Γ ⊨[S i] U1 <: U2 -∗
Γ ⊨[i] TAll T1 U1 <: TAll T2 U2.
rewrite iterate_S /=.
pupd; iIntros "#HsubT #HsubU !> /= %ρ #Hg %v".
rewrite -mlaterN_impl; unfold_interp.
iDestruct 1 as (t) "#[Heq #HT1]"; iExists t; iFrame "Heq".
iIntros (w).
rewrite -!mlaterN_pers -!laterN_later/= -!mlaterN_impl -!mlater_impl.
iIntros "!> #HwT2".
iSpecialize ("HsubT" with "Hg").
iSpecialize ("HsubU" $! (w .: ρ) with "[# $Hg]"). {
unfold_interp. rewrite iterate_TLater_later.
by iApply (interp_weaken_one T2).
iNext 1; iNext i. iApply wp_wand.
- iApply "HT1". by iApply "HsubT".
- iIntros (u) "#HuU1". by iApply "HsubU".
Lemma Typ_Sub_Typ L1 L2 U1 U2 i :
Γ ⊨ L2, i <: L1, i -∗
Γ ⊨ U1, i <: U2, i -∗
Γ ⊨ TTMem L1 U1, i <: TTMem L2 U2, i.
pupd; iIntros "#IHT #IHT1 !> /= %ρ %v #Hg".
iDestruct 1 as (φ) "#[Hφl [HLφ #HφU]]".
setoid_rewrite mlaterN_impl.
iExists φ; repeat iSplitL; first done;
iIntros "" (w);
iSpecialize ("IHT" $! ρ w with "Hg");
iSpecialize ("IHT1" $! ρ w with "Hg");
iNext; iIntros "!> **".
- iApply "HLφ" ⇒ //. by iApply "IHT".
- iApply "IHT1". by iApply "HφU".
End swap_based_typing_lemmas.
From D.DSub Require Import storeless_typing.
Section Fundamental.
Context `{!dsubSynG Σ} `{!SwapPropI Σ}.
Lemma fundamental_subtype Γ T1 i1 T2 i2 (HT : Γ ⊢ₜ T1, i1 <: T2, i2) :
⊢ Γ ⊨ T1, i1 <: T2, i2
fundamental_typed Γ e T (HT : Γ ⊢ₜ e : T) :
⊢ Γ ⊨ e : T.
- iInduction HT as [] "IHT".
+ by iApply Sub_Refl.
+ by iApply Sub_Trans.
+ by pupd; iIntros "/= !> **".
+ by iApply Sub_Index_Incr.
+ by iApply Later_Sub.
+ by iApply Sub_Later.
+ by iApply Sub_Top.
+ by iApply Bot_Sub.
+ iApply Sel_Sub. by iApply fundamental_typed.
+ iApply Sub_Sel. by iApply fundamental_typed.
+ by iApply All_Sub_All.
+ by iApply Typ_Sub_Typ.
- iInduction HT as [] "IHT".
+ by iApply T_All_Ex.
+ by iApply T_All_E.
+ by iApply T_All_I.
+ by iApply T_Nat_I.
+ by iApply T_Var.
+ iApply T_ISub ⇒ //.
by iApply fundamental_subtype.
+ iApply T_Vty_abs_I ⇒ //;
by iApply fundamental_subtype.
End Fundamental.
From D.pure_program_logic Require Import adequacy.
From D.iris_extra Require Import det_reduction.
Theorem adequacy Σ `{HdsubG : dsubSynG Σ} `{!SwapPropI Σ} e T :
(∀ `(dsubSynG Σ) `(SwapPropI Σ), ⊢ [] ⊨ e : T) →
safe e.
rewrite /safe; intros Htyp ?*.
cut (adequate e (λ _, True)); first by intros [_ ?]; eauto.
eapply (wp_adequacy (Σ := Σ) e) ⇒ /=.
iIntros "!>". iPoseProof (Htyp _ _) as "#>Htyp".
iSpecialize ("Htyp" $! ids with "[//]"); rewrite hsubst_id /=.
iApply (wp_wand with "Htyp"); by iIntros.
#[global] Instance dsubSynG_empty : dsubSynG #[] := {}.
Corollary type_soundness e T :
[] ⊢ₜ e : T →
safe e.
intros; eapply (adequacy #[]) ⇒ //; iIntros.
by iApply fundamental_typed.
From iris Require Import later_credits.
From iris.base_logic Require Import fancy_updates.
Section tests.
Context `{!dsubSynG Σ} `{!invGS Σ}.
Definition istpl i Γ T1 T2 : iProp Σ :=
<PB> ∀ ρ v, G⟦Γ⟧ ρ → £ i -∗ ⟦T1⟧ ρ v → ⟦T2⟧ ρ v.
[global] Arguments istpl /. global Instance istpl_persistent i Γ T1 T2 : Persistent (istpl i Γ T1 T2) := _.
Notation "Γ ⊨ T1 <: i T2" := (istpl i Γ T1 T2) (at level 74, T1, T2 at next level).
Lemma lTyp_Sub_Typ Γ L1 L2 U1 U2 i j :
Γ ⊨ L2 <: i L1 -∗
Γ ⊨ U1 <: j U2 -∗
Γ ⊨ TTMem L1 U1 <: i + j TTMem L2 U2.
pupd. iIntros "HT1 HT2 !> v Hg [Ci Cj] /=". unfold_interp. iDestruct 1 as (φ) "Hφl [HLφ #HφU]"; iExists φ.
iSplit; first done.
iSplitL "Ci"; iIntros "" (w).
1: iSpecialize ("HT1" ! ρ w with "Hg Cj").
(* iSpecialize ("HT1" *)
(* setoid_rewrite mlaterN_impl. *)
repeat iSplitL; first done;
iIntros "" (w).
iNext; iIntros "!> **".
- iApply "HLφ" => //. by iApply "IHT".
- iApply "IHT1". by iApply "HφU".
It also proves any typing lemmas that depend on swap_later_impl.v (extra
modality swap lemmas, depending on `CmraSwappable` instances for Σ). They are
kept separate, because we might have to extend Σ with resources without a
CmraSwappable instance.
From iris.proofmode Require Import proofmode.
From D Require Import proofmode_extra swap_later_impl.
From D.DSub Require Import unary_lr semtyp_lemmas.
Implicit Types (L T U : ty) (v : vl) (e : tm) (Γ : ctx).
Set Default Proof Using "Type*".
Section swap_based_typing_lemmas.
Context `{!dsubSynG Σ} `{!SwapPropI Σ} {Γ}.
Lemma All_Sub_All T1 T2 U1 U2 i :
Γ ⊨ T2, S i <: T1, S i -∗
iterate TLater (S i) (shift T2) :: Γ ⊨ U1, S i <: U2, S i -∗
Γ ⊨ TAll T1 U1, i <: TAll T2 U2, i .
rewrite iterate_S /=.
pupd; iIntros "#HsubT #HsubU !> /= %ρ %v #Hg".
iDestruct 1 as (t) "#[Heq #HT1]". iExists t; iSplit ⇒ //.
iIntros (w).
iSpecialize ("HsubT" $! ρ w with "Hg").
rewrite -!mlaterN_pers -mlater_impl -mlaterN_impl !swap_later.
iIntros "!> #HwT2".
iSpecialize ("HsubT" with "HwT2").
iAssert (□▷ ▷^i (∀ v0, ⟦ U1 ⟧ (w .: ρ) v0 →
⟦ U2 ⟧ (w .: ρ) v0))%I as "{HsubU} #HsubU". {
iIntros (v0); rewrite -!mlaterN_impl -mlater_impl.
iIntros "!> #HUv0".
iApply ("HsubU" $! (w .: ρ) v0 with "[# $Hg] HUv0").
unfold_interp; rewrite iterate_TLater_later.
by iApply (interp_weaken_one T2).
iNext 1; iNext i. iApply wp_wand.
- iApply "HT1". by iApply "HsubT".
- iIntros (u) "#HuU1". by iApply "HsubU".
Lemma DSub_TAll_ConCov T1 T2 U1 U2 i :
Γ ⊨[S i] T2 <: T1 -∗
iterate TLater (S i) (shift T2) :: Γ ⊨[S i] U1 <: U2 -∗
Γ ⊨[i] TAll T1 U1 <: TAll T2 U2.
rewrite iterate_S /=.
pupd; iIntros "#HsubT #HsubU !> /= %ρ #Hg %v".
rewrite -mlaterN_impl; unfold_interp.
iDestruct 1 as (t) "#[Heq #HT1]"; iExists t; iFrame "Heq".
iIntros (w).
rewrite -!mlaterN_pers -!laterN_later/= -!mlaterN_impl -!mlater_impl.
iIntros "!> #HwT2".
iSpecialize ("HsubT" with "Hg").
iSpecialize ("HsubU" $! (w .: ρ) with "[# $Hg]"). {
unfold_interp. rewrite iterate_TLater_later.
by iApply (interp_weaken_one T2).
iNext 1; iNext i. iApply wp_wand.
- iApply "HT1". by iApply "HsubT".
- iIntros (u) "#HuU1". by iApply "HsubU".
Lemma Typ_Sub_Typ L1 L2 U1 U2 i :
Γ ⊨ L2, i <: L1, i -∗
Γ ⊨ U1, i <: U2, i -∗
Γ ⊨ TTMem L1 U1, i <: TTMem L2 U2, i.
pupd; iIntros "#IHT #IHT1 !> /= %ρ %v #Hg".
iDestruct 1 as (φ) "#[Hφl [HLφ #HφU]]".
setoid_rewrite mlaterN_impl.
iExists φ; repeat iSplitL; first done;
iIntros "" (w);
iSpecialize ("IHT" $! ρ w with "Hg");
iSpecialize ("IHT1" $! ρ w with "Hg");
iNext; iIntros "!> **".
- iApply "HLφ" ⇒ //. by iApply "IHT".
- iApply "IHT1". by iApply "HφU".
End swap_based_typing_lemmas.
From D.DSub Require Import storeless_typing.
Section Fundamental.
Context `{!dsubSynG Σ} `{!SwapPropI Σ}.
Lemma fundamental_subtype Γ T1 i1 T2 i2 (HT : Γ ⊢ₜ T1, i1 <: T2, i2) :
⊢ Γ ⊨ T1, i1 <: T2, i2
fundamental_typed Γ e T (HT : Γ ⊢ₜ e : T) :
⊢ Γ ⊨ e : T.
- iInduction HT as [] "IHT".
+ by iApply Sub_Refl.
+ by iApply Sub_Trans.
+ by pupd; iIntros "/= !> **".
+ by iApply Sub_Index_Incr.
+ by iApply Later_Sub.
+ by iApply Sub_Later.
+ by iApply Sub_Top.
+ by iApply Bot_Sub.
+ iApply Sel_Sub. by iApply fundamental_typed.
+ iApply Sub_Sel. by iApply fundamental_typed.
+ by iApply All_Sub_All.
+ by iApply Typ_Sub_Typ.
- iInduction HT as [] "IHT".
+ by iApply T_All_Ex.
+ by iApply T_All_E.
+ by iApply T_All_I.
+ by iApply T_Nat_I.
+ by iApply T_Var.
+ iApply T_ISub ⇒ //.
by iApply fundamental_subtype.
+ iApply T_Vty_abs_I ⇒ //;
by iApply fundamental_subtype.
End Fundamental.
From D.pure_program_logic Require Import adequacy.
From D.iris_extra Require Import det_reduction.
Theorem adequacy Σ `{HdsubG : dsubSynG Σ} `{!SwapPropI Σ} e T :
(∀ `(dsubSynG Σ) `(SwapPropI Σ), ⊢ [] ⊨ e : T) →
safe e.
rewrite /safe; intros Htyp ?*.
cut (adequate e (λ _, True)); first by intros [_ ?]; eauto.
eapply (wp_adequacy (Σ := Σ) e) ⇒ /=.
iIntros "!>". iPoseProof (Htyp _ _) as "#>Htyp".
iSpecialize ("Htyp" $! ids with "[//]"); rewrite hsubst_id /=.
iApply (wp_wand with "Htyp"); by iIntros.
#[global] Instance dsubSynG_empty : dsubSynG #[] := {}.
Corollary type_soundness e T :
[] ⊢ₜ e : T →
safe e.
intros; eapply (adequacy #[]) ⇒ //; iIntros.
by iApply fundamental_typed.
From iris Require Import later_credits.
From iris.base_logic Require Import fancy_updates.
Section tests.
Context `{!dsubSynG Σ} `{!invGS Σ}.
Definition istpl i Γ T1 T2 : iProp Σ :=
<PB> ∀ ρ v, G⟦Γ⟧ ρ → £ i -∗ ⟦T1⟧ ρ v → ⟦T2⟧ ρ v.
[global] Arguments istpl /. global Instance istpl_persistent i Γ T1 T2 : Persistent (istpl i Γ T1 T2) := _.
Notation "Γ ⊨ T1 <: i T2" := (istpl i Γ T1 T2) (at level 74, T1, T2 at next level).
Lemma lTyp_Sub_Typ Γ L1 L2 U1 U2 i j :
Γ ⊨ L2 <: i L1 -∗
Γ ⊨ U1 <: j U2 -∗
Γ ⊨ TTMem L1 U1 <: i + j TTMem L2 U2.
pupd. iIntros "HT1 HT2 !> v Hg [Ci Cj] /=". unfold_interp. iDestruct 1 as (φ) "Hφl [HLφ #HφU]"; iExists φ.
iSplit; first done.
iSplitL "Ci"; iIntros "" (w).
1: iSpecialize ("HT1" ! ρ w with "Hg Cj").
(* iSpecialize ("HT1" *)
(* setoid_rewrite mlaterN_impl. *)
repeat iSplitL; first done;
iIntros "" (w).
iNext; iIntros "!> **".
- iApply "HLφ" => //. by iApply "IHT".
- iApply "IHT1". by iApply "HφU".