From D Require Export iris_prelude saved_interp_n proper proofmode_pupd.
From D Require Import persistence.
From D.DSub Require Import syn.
From D.DSub Require Import ty_interp_subst_lemmas.
Export syn.
Include SavedHoInterp VlSorts. (* Defines envD and needed by TyInterpLemmas. *)
Include TyInterpLemmas VlSorts.
Export ty_interp_lemmas.
Set Default Proof Using "Type*".
From D Require Import persistence.
From D.DSub Require Import syn.
From D.DSub Require Import ty_interp_subst_lemmas.
Export syn.
Include SavedHoInterp VlSorts. (* Defines envD and needed by TyInterpLemmas. *)
Include TyInterpLemmas VlSorts.
Export ty_interp_lemmas.
Set Default Proof Using "Type*".
Deduce types from variable names, like on paper, for readability and to help
type inference for some overloaded operations (e.g. substitution).
The logical relation core is the interp, interprets *open* types into
predicates over *closed* values. Hence, interp T ρ v uses its argument ρ
to interpret anything contained in T, but not things contained in v.
Semantic judgements must apply instead to open terms/value/paths; therefore,
they are defined using closing substitution on arguments of interp.
Additionally, both apply to *unstamped* syntax, hence they only expect
vty and not vstamp for type member definitions.
(* The only point of these instances is to select Σ uniquely. *)
Class dsubSynG (Σ : gFunctors) := DsubSynG {}.
From D.DSub Require Export rules.
#[global] Instance dsubsynG_irisG `{!dsubSynG Σ} : irisGS dlang_lang Σ := {
irisG_langdet := _;
(* Use Program without its extended pattern-matching compiler; we only need
its handling of coercions. *)
Unset Program Cases.
Section vl_has_semtype.
Context `{!dsubSynG Σ}.
Notation D := (vl -d> iPropO Σ).
Definition vl_has_semtype : vl -d> D -d> (ty -d> envD Σ) -d> iPropO Σ :=
λI v φ rinterp,
∃ T, ⌜ v = vty T ⌝ ∧ ∀ w, ▷ (φ w ≡ rinterp T ids w).
#[global] Arguments vl_has_semtype /.
#[global] Instance vl_has_semtype_contractive n v :
Proper (dist_later n ==> dist_later n ==> dist n) (vl_has_semtype v).
Proof. solve_contractive_ho. Qed.
End vl_has_semtype.
Notation "v ↗[ rinterp ] φ" := (vl_has_semtype v φ rinterp) (at level 20).
Section logrel.
Context `{!dsubSynG Σ}.
Notation D := (vl -d> iPropO Σ).
Implicit Types (interp : envD Σ) (φ : D).
Definition interp_expr : envD Σ → (var → vl) -d> tm -d> iPropO Σ :=
λ interp, λI ρ t, WP t {{ interp ρ }}.
#[global] Arguments interp_expr /.
Definition interp_nat : envD Σ := λI ρ v, ∃ n, ⌜v = vint n⌝.
#[global] Arguments interp_nat /.
Definition interp_top : envD Σ := λI ρ v, True.
#[global] Arguments interp_top /.
Definition interp_bot : envD Σ := λI ρ v, False.
#[global] Arguments interp_bot /.
Definition interp_later : envD Σ → envD Σ :=
λI interp ρ v, ▷ interp ρ v.
#[global] Arguments interp_later /.
#[local] Instance interp_later_contractive : Contractive interp_later.
Proof. solve_contractive_ho. Qed.
(* Function types; this definition is contractive (similarly to what's
useful for equi-recursive types). *)
Definition interp_forall : envD Σ → envD Σ → envD Σ :=
λI interp1 interp2 ρ v,
∃ t, ⌜ v = vabs t ⌝ ∧
□ ▷ ∀ w, interp1 ρ w → interp_expr interp2 (w .: ρ) t.|[w/].
#[global] Arguments interp_forall /.
#[local] Instance interp_forall_contractive n :
Proper (dist_later n ==> dist_later n ==> dist n) interp_forall.
Proof. solve_contractive_ho. Qed.
Lemma vl_has_semtype_agree rinterp v (φ1 φ2 : D) :
v ↗[ rinterp ] φ1 -∗
v ↗[ rinterp ] φ2 -∗
∀ w, ▷ (φ1 w ≡ φ2 w).
iIntros "/= #H1 #H2" (w).
iDestruct "H1" as (T1 ?) "#Heq1"; iDestruct "H2" as (T ?) "#Heq2"; simplify_eq.
by iRewrite ("Heq1" $! w); iRewrite ("Heq2" $! w).
#[local] Hint Opaque vl_has_semtype : typeclass_instances.
#[local] Opaque vl_has_semtype.
Definition interp_tmem :
(ty -d> envD Σ) → envD Σ → envD Σ → envD Σ :=
λI rinterp interpL interpU ρ v,
∃ φ, v ↗[ rinterp ] φ ∧
□ ((∀ v, interpL ρ v → □ ▷ φ v) ∧
(∀ v, □ ▷ φ v → interpU ρ v)).
#[global] Arguments interp_tmem /.
#[local] Instance interp_tmem_contractive n :
Proper (dist_later n ==> dist n ==> dist n ==> dist n) interp_tmem.
Proof. solve_contractive_ho. Qed.
Definition interp_sel : (ty -d> envD Σ) -d> vl -d> envD Σ :=
λI rinterp w ρ v,
∃ ϕ, w.[ρ] ↗[rinterp] ϕ ∧ □ ▷ ϕ v.
#[global] Arguments interp_sel /.
#[local] Instance interp_sel_contractive n :
Proper (dist_later n ==> eq ==> dist n) interp_sel.
Proof. solve_contractive_ho. Qed.
(* This is a structurally recursive Coq function: we use rec rinterp for
structurally recursive calls, and rinterp for guarded recursive calls, only legal under ▷.
For calls that are structurally recursive and are under ▷, we prefer
rinterp to rec rinterp, to simplify proofs of the unfolding lemmas.
Definition interp_rec : (ty -d> envD Σ) → ty -d> envD Σ :=
fix rec rinterp T :=
match T with
| TLater T ⇒ interp_later (rinterp T)
| TTMem L U ⇒ interp_tmem rinterp (rec rinterp L) (rec rinterp U)
| TInt ⇒ interp_nat
| TAll T1 T2 ⇒ interp_forall (rinterp T1) (rinterp T2)
| TSel w ⇒ interp_sel rinterp w
| TTop ⇒ interp_top
| TBot ⇒ interp_bot
(* solve_contractive is really not happy about checking this code. *)
#[global] Instance interp_rec_contractive : Contractive interp_rec.
move ⇒ n i1 i2 Heq T /=; induction T.
all: cbn -[interp_later interp_forall interp_tmem interp_sel interp_nat interp_top interp_bot].
all: try by [f_contractive | f_equiv| ].
#[global] Instance dsub_interp : TyInterp ty Σ := fixpoint interp_rec.
Lemma fixpoint_interp_eq1 T : ⟦ T ⟧ ≡ interp_rec ty_interp T.
Proof. apply: (fixpoint_unfold interp_rec). Qed.
Lemma fixpoint_interp_rec_eq :
ty_interp ≡@{ty -d> envD Σ} interp_rec ty_interp.
Proof. apply: (fixpoint_unfold interp_rec). Qed.
(* Unused. *)
Lemma fixpoint_interp_eq2 T ρ : ⟦ T ⟧ ρ ≡ interp_rec ty_interp T ρ.
Proof. apply: (fixpoint_unfold interp_rec). Qed.
Lemma fixpoint_interp_eq3 T ρ v : ⟦ T ⟧ ρ v ≡ interp_rec ty_interp T ρ v.
Proof. apply: (fixpoint_unfold interp_rec). Qed.
Lemma interp_TInt ρ v : ⟦ TInt ⟧ ρ v ≡ interp_nat ρ v.
Proof. apply: (fixpoint_unfold interp_rec). Qed.
Lemma interp_TSel ρ v w : ⟦ TSel w ⟧ ρ v ≡ interp_sel ty_interp w ρ v.
Proof. apply: (fixpoint_unfold interp_rec). Qed.
Lemma interp_TTop ρ v : ⟦ TTop ⟧ ρ v ≡ interp_top ρ v.
Proof. apply: (fixpoint_unfold interp_rec). Qed.
Lemma interp_TBot ρ v : ⟦ TBot ⟧ ρ v ≡ interp_bot ρ v.
Proof. apply: (fixpoint_unfold interp_rec). Qed.
Lemma interp_TAll T1 T2 ρ v : ⟦ TAll T1 T2 ⟧ ρ v ≡ interp_forall ⟦ T1 ⟧ ⟦ T2 ⟧ ρ v.
Proof. apply: (fixpoint_unfold interp_rec). Qed.
Lemma interp_TLater T1 ρ v : ⟦ TLater T1 ⟧ ρ v ≡ interp_later ⟦ T1 ⟧ ρ v.
Proof. apply: (fixpoint_unfold interp_rec). Qed.
Ltac rewrite_interp := repeat (rewrite fixpoint_interp_eq1 //=; repeat f_equiv).
Lemma interp_TTMem T1 T2 ρ v : ⟦ TTMem T1 T2 ⟧ ρ v ≡ interp_tmem ty_interp ⟦ T1 ⟧ ⟦ T2 ⟧ ρ v.
Proof. rewrite_interp. Qed.
End logrel.
Notation "⟦ T ⟧ₑ" := (interp_expr ⟦ T ⟧).
Unfold uses of interp, but only if the argument allows progress.
Ltac unfold_interp :=
rewrite /=
?(interp_TLater, interp_TAll, interp_TInt, interp_TTMem,
interp_TSel, interp_TTop, interp_TBot) /=.
Hint Rewrite @interp_TLater @interp_TAll @interp_TInt @interp_TTMem
@interp_TSel @interp_TTop @interp_TBot : ds_interp.
Ltac unfold_interp_autorw := simpl; autorewrite with ds_interp; simpl.
Ltac setoid_unfold_interp :=
try setoid_rewrite interp_TAll;
try setoid_rewrite interp_TLater;
try setoid_rewrite interp_TSel;
try setoid_rewrite interp_TInt;
try setoid_rewrite interp_TTMem;
try setoid_rewrite interp_TTop;
try setoid_rewrite interp_TBot;
#[global] Arguments ty_interp {_ _ _} _ : simpl never.
Section logrel_part2.
Context `{!dsubSynG Σ}.
#[global] Instance interp_lemmas : TyInterpLemmas ty Σ.
split; induction T ⇒ sb1 sb2 w; unfold_interp;
properness; rewrite /= ?scons_up_swap ?subst_comp; trivial.
#[global] Instance interp_persistent T ρ v :
Persistent (⟦ T ⟧ ρ v).
Proof. move: v ρ; induction T ⇒ w ρ; unfold_interp; try apply _. Qed.
(* XXX here we needn't add a variable to the scope of its own type. But that won't hurt. *)
Fixpoint interp_env (Γ : ctx) (ρ : var → vl) : iProp Σ :=
match Γ with
| T :: Γ' ⇒ interp_env Γ' (stail ρ) ∧ ⟦ T ⟧ ρ (shead ρ)
| nil ⇒ True
Notation "G⟦ Γ ⟧" := (interp_env Γ).
#[global] Instance interp_env_persistent Γ ρ :
Persistent (G⟦ Γ ⟧ ρ).
Proof. elim: Γ ρ ⇒ [|τ Γ IHΓ] ρ /=; apply _. Qed.
Definition ietp Γ T e : iProp Σ :=
<PB> ∀ ρ, G⟦Γ⟧ ρ → ⟦T⟧ₑ ρ (e.|[ρ]).
#[global] Arguments ietp /.
Notation "Γ ⊨ e : T" := (ietp Γ T e) (at level 74, e, T at next level).
Definition ietpi Γ T e i : iProp Σ :=
<PB> ∀ ρ, G⟦Γ⟧ ρ → ▷^i ⟦T⟧ₑ ρ (e.|[ρ]).
#[global] Arguments ietpi /.
Notation "Γ ⊨ e : T , i" := (ietpi Γ T e i) (at level 74, e, T at next level).
rewrite /=
?(interp_TLater, interp_TAll, interp_TInt, interp_TTMem,
interp_TSel, interp_TTop, interp_TBot) /=.
Hint Rewrite @interp_TLater @interp_TAll @interp_TInt @interp_TTMem
@interp_TSel @interp_TTop @interp_TBot : ds_interp.
Ltac unfold_interp_autorw := simpl; autorewrite with ds_interp; simpl.
Ltac setoid_unfold_interp :=
try setoid_rewrite interp_TAll;
try setoid_rewrite interp_TLater;
try setoid_rewrite interp_TSel;
try setoid_rewrite interp_TInt;
try setoid_rewrite interp_TTMem;
try setoid_rewrite interp_TTop;
try setoid_rewrite interp_TBot;
#[global] Arguments ty_interp {_ _ _} _ : simpl never.
Section logrel_part2.
Context `{!dsubSynG Σ}.
#[global] Instance interp_lemmas : TyInterpLemmas ty Σ.
split; induction T ⇒ sb1 sb2 w; unfold_interp;
properness; rewrite /= ?scons_up_swap ?subst_comp; trivial.
#[global] Instance interp_persistent T ρ v :
Persistent (⟦ T ⟧ ρ v).
Proof. move: v ρ; induction T ⇒ w ρ; unfold_interp; try apply _. Qed.
(* XXX here we needn't add a variable to the scope of its own type. But that won't hurt. *)
Fixpoint interp_env (Γ : ctx) (ρ : var → vl) : iProp Σ :=
match Γ with
| T :: Γ' ⇒ interp_env Γ' (stail ρ) ∧ ⟦ T ⟧ ρ (shead ρ)
| nil ⇒ True
Notation "G⟦ Γ ⟧" := (interp_env Γ).
#[global] Instance interp_env_persistent Γ ρ :
Persistent (G⟦ Γ ⟧ ρ).
Proof. elim: Γ ρ ⇒ [|τ Γ IHΓ] ρ /=; apply _. Qed.
Definition ietp Γ T e : iProp Σ :=
<PB> ∀ ρ, G⟦Γ⟧ ρ → ⟦T⟧ₑ ρ (e.|[ρ]).
#[global] Arguments ietp /.
Notation "Γ ⊨ e : T" := (ietp Γ T e) (at level 74, e, T at next level).
Definition ietpi Γ T e i : iProp Σ :=
<PB> ∀ ρ, G⟦Γ⟧ ρ → ▷^i ⟦T⟧ₑ ρ (e.|[ρ]).
#[global] Arguments ietpi /.
Notation "Γ ⊨ e : T , i" := (ietpi Γ T e i) (at level 74, e, T at next level).
Indexed Subtyping. Defined on closed values. We must require closedness
explicitly, since closedness now does not follow from being well-typed later.
Definition istpi Γ T1 T2 i j : iProp Σ :=
<PB> ∀ ρ v, G⟦Γ⟧ ρ → (▷^i ⟦T1⟧ ρ v) → ▷^j ⟦T2⟧ ρ v.
#[global] Arguments istpi /.
Definition delayed_ivstp Γ T1 T2 i : iProp Σ :=
<PB> ∀ ρ, G⟦Γ⟧ρ → ▷^i ∀v, ⟦T1⟧ ρ v → ⟦T2⟧ ρ v.
#[global] Arguments delayed_ivstp /.
#[global] Instance ietp_persistent Γ T e : Persistent (ietp Γ T e) := _.
#[global] Instance ietpi_persistent Γ T e i : Persistent (ietpi Γ T e i) := _.
#[global] Instance istpi_persistent Γ T1 T2 i j : Persistent (istpi Γ T1 T2 i j) := _.
End logrel_part2.
Notation "G⟦ Γ ⟧" := (interp_env Γ).
<PB> ∀ ρ v, G⟦Γ⟧ ρ → (▷^i ⟦T1⟧ ρ v) → ▷^j ⟦T2⟧ ρ v.
#[global] Arguments istpi /.
Definition delayed_ivstp Γ T1 T2 i : iProp Σ :=
<PB> ∀ ρ, G⟦Γ⟧ρ → ▷^i ∀v, ⟦T1⟧ ρ v → ⟦T2⟧ ρ v.
#[global] Arguments delayed_ivstp /.
#[global] Instance ietp_persistent Γ T e : Persistent (ietp Γ T e) := _.
#[global] Instance ietpi_persistent Γ T e i : Persistent (ietpi Γ T e i) := _.
#[global] Instance istpi_persistent Γ T1 T2 i j : Persistent (istpi Γ T1 T2 i j) := _.
End logrel_part2.
Notation "G⟦ Γ ⟧" := (interp_env Γ).
Expression typing
Indexed expression typing
Notation "Γ ⊨ e : T , i" := (ietpi Γ T e i) (at level 74, e, T at next level).
Notation "Γ ⊨ T1 , i <: T2 , j" := (istpi Γ T1 T2 i j) (at level 74, T1, T2, i, j at next level).
Notation "Γ ⊨[ i ] T1 <: T2" := (delayed_ivstp Γ T1 T2 i) (at level 74, T1, T2 at next level).
Section logrel_lemmas.
Context `{!dsubSynG Σ}.
Lemma iterate_TLater_later i T ρ v :
⟦ iterate TLater i T ⟧ ρ v ⊣⊢ ▷^i ⟦ T ⟧ ρ v.
elim: i ⇒ [|i IHi] //.
rewrite iterate_S /=; unfold_interp; rewrite IHi //.
Lemma semantic_typing_uniform_step_index Γ T e i :
Γ ⊨ e : T -∗ Γ ⊨ e : T, i.
pupd. iIntros "#H !> %ρ #HΓ".
iInduction i as [|i] "IHi". by iApply "H". iExact "IHi".
Lemma interp_env_lookup Γ ρ T x :
Γ !! x = Some T →
G⟦ Γ ⟧ ρ -∗ ⟦ shiftN x T ⟧ ρ (ρ x).
elim: Γ ρ x ⇒ [//|τ' Γ' IHΓ] ρ x Hx /=.
iDestruct 1 as "[Hg Hv]". move: x Hx ⇒ [ [->] | x Hx] /=.
- rewrite hsubst_id. by [].
- rewrite hrenS.
iApply (interp_weaken_one (shiftN x T)).
iApply (IHΓ ((+1) >>> ρ) x Hx with "Hg").
Context {Γ}.
Lemma Sub_Refl T i : ⊢ Γ ⊨ T, i <: T, i.
Proof. pupd. by iIntros "!> /= **". Qed.
Lemma Sub_Trans T1 T2 T3 i1 i2 i3 :
Γ ⊨ T1, i1 <: T2, i2 -∗ Γ ⊨ T2, i2 <: T3, i3 -∗ Γ ⊨ T1, i1 <: T3, i3.
pupd; iIntros "#Hsub1 #Hsub2 !> /= * #Hg #HT".
iApply ("Hsub2" with "Hg (Hsub1 Hg [//])").
Lemma DSub_Refl T i : ⊢ Γ ⊨[i] T <: T.
Proof. pupd; by iIntros "/= !> ** !> **". Qed.
Lemma DSub_Trans T1 T2 T3 i :
Γ ⊨[i] T1 <: T2 -∗ Γ ⊨[i] T2 <: T3 -∗ Γ ⊨[i] T1 <: T3.
pupd; iIntros "#Hsub1 #Hsub2 !> /= * #Hg".
iSpecialize ("Hsub1" with "Hg"); iSpecialize ("Hsub2" with "Hg").
iIntros "!>" (v) "#HT". iApply "Hsub2". by iApply "Hsub1".
End logrel_lemmas.
Notation "Γ ⊨ T1 , i <: T2 , j" := (istpi Γ T1 T2 i j) (at level 74, T1, T2, i, j at next level).
Notation "Γ ⊨[ i ] T1 <: T2" := (delayed_ivstp Γ T1 T2 i) (at level 74, T1, T2 at next level).
Section logrel_lemmas.
Context `{!dsubSynG Σ}.
Lemma iterate_TLater_later i T ρ v :
⟦ iterate TLater i T ⟧ ρ v ⊣⊢ ▷^i ⟦ T ⟧ ρ v.
elim: i ⇒ [|i IHi] //.
rewrite iterate_S /=; unfold_interp; rewrite IHi //.
Lemma semantic_typing_uniform_step_index Γ T e i :
Γ ⊨ e : T -∗ Γ ⊨ e : T, i.
pupd. iIntros "#H !> %ρ #HΓ".
iInduction i as [|i] "IHi". by iApply "H". iExact "IHi".
Lemma interp_env_lookup Γ ρ T x :
Γ !! x = Some T →
G⟦ Γ ⟧ ρ -∗ ⟦ shiftN x T ⟧ ρ (ρ x).
elim: Γ ρ x ⇒ [//|τ' Γ' IHΓ] ρ x Hx /=.
iDestruct 1 as "[Hg Hv]". move: x Hx ⇒ [ [->] | x Hx] /=.
- rewrite hsubst_id. by [].
- rewrite hrenS.
iApply (interp_weaken_one (shiftN x T)).
iApply (IHΓ ((+1) >>> ρ) x Hx with "Hg").
Context {Γ}.
Lemma Sub_Refl T i : ⊢ Γ ⊨ T, i <: T, i.
Proof. pupd. by iIntros "!> /= **". Qed.
Lemma Sub_Trans T1 T2 T3 i1 i2 i3 :
Γ ⊨ T1, i1 <: T2, i2 -∗ Γ ⊨ T2, i2 <: T3, i3 -∗ Γ ⊨ T1, i1 <: T3, i3.
pupd; iIntros "#Hsub1 #Hsub2 !> /= * #Hg #HT".
iApply ("Hsub2" with "Hg (Hsub1 Hg [//])").
Lemma DSub_Refl T i : ⊢ Γ ⊨[i] T <: T.
Proof. pupd; by iIntros "/= !> ** !> **". Qed.
Lemma DSub_Trans T1 T2 T3 i :
Γ ⊨[i] T1 <: T2 -∗ Γ ⊨[i] T2 <: T3 -∗ Γ ⊨[i] T1 <: T3.
pupd; iIntros "#Hsub1 #Hsub2 !> /= * #Hg".
iSpecialize ("Hsub1" with "Hg"); iSpecialize ("Hsub2" with "Hg").
iIntros "!>" (v) "#HT". iApply "Hsub2". by iApply "Hsub1".
End logrel_lemmas.