
Motivating example, syntactic version.

This example is called in code fromPDotPaper, because it is indeed inspired by the pDOT paper.
Here, the main lemma is fromPDotPaperTyp, saying that fromPDotPaper x0 has type μ (fromPDotPaperAbsTBody x1). Moreover, pCoreTyp shows that lett hoptionModV (fromPDotPaper x0) is well-typed.

From D Require Import tactics.
From D.Dot Require Import syn path_repl.
From D.Dot Require Import old_unstamped_typing old_unstamped_typing_derived_rules.
From D.Dot Require Import hoas ex_utils scala_lib.
Import DBNotation.

Definition typeRefTBody : ty := {@
  val "symb" : x1 @ "symbols" @; "Symbol"

Definition fromPDotPaperTypesTBody : ty := {@
  typeEq "Type" ;
  typeEq "TypeTop" ;
  val "newTypeTop" : →: x0 @; "TypeTop";
  typeEq "TypeRef" $ TAnd (x0 @; "Type") typeRefTBody;
  val "newTypeRef" : x1 @ "symbols" @; "Symbol" →: x0 @; "TypeRef"

Definition fromPDotPaperAbsTypesTBody : ty := {@
  type "Type" >: <: TTop;
  type "TypeTop" >: <: x0 @; "Type";
  val "newTypeTop" : →: x0 @; "TypeTop";
  type "TypeRef" >: <: TAnd (x0 @; "Type") typeRefTBody;
  val "newTypeRef" : x1 @ "symbols" @; "Symbol" →: x0 @; "TypeRef"

(* Import AssertPlain.
From D.Dot Require Import hoas. *)

Definition fromPDotPaperTypesV : vl := ν {@
  type "Type" = TTop;
  type "TypeTop" = TTop;
  val "newTypeTop" = vabs (ν {@ });
  type "TypeRef" = TAnd (x0 @; "Type") typeRefTBody;
  val "newTypeRef" = vabs (
    ν {@
      val "symb" = x1

Definition optionTy pOpt pCore :=
  TAnd (pOpt @; "Option") (type "T" >: <: (pCore @ "types" @; "Type")).

Definition fromPDotPaperSymbolsTBody pOpt : ty := {@
  typeEq "Symbol" $ {@
    val "tpe" : optionTy pOpt x1;
    val "id" : TInt
  val "newSymbol" : optionTy pOpt x1 →: TInt →: x0 @; "Symbol"

Definition fromPDotPaperAbsSymbolsTBody pOpt : ty := {@
  type "Symbol" >: <: {@
    val "tpe" : optionTy pOpt x1;
    val "id" : TInt
  val "newSymbol" : optionTy pOpt x1 →: TInt →: x0 @; "Symbol"

Definition fromPDotPaperTBody pOpt : ty := {@
  val "types" : μ fromPDotPaperTypesTBody;
  val "symbols" : μ (fromPDotPaperSymbolsTBody (shift pOpt))

Definition fromPDotPaperAbsTBody pOpt : ty := {@
  val "types" : μ fromPDotPaperAbsTypesTBody;
  val "symbols" : μ (fromPDotPaperAbsSymbolsTBody (shift pOpt))

Definition fromPDotPaperSymbolsV pOpt : vl := ν {@
  type "Symbol" = {@
    val "tpe" : optionTy (shift pOpt) x1;
    val "id" : TInt
  val "newSymbol" = (vabs $ vabs $ ν {@
    val "tpe" = x2;
    val "id" = x1

Definition fromPDotPaper pOpt : vl := ν {@
  val "types" = fromPDotPaperTypesV;
  val "symbols" = fromPDotPaperSymbolsV (shift pOpt)

Example fromPDotPaperTypesTyp :
  TLater (fromPDotPaperAbsTBody x1) :: optionModT :: [] u⊢ₜ
    fromPDotPaperTypesV : μ fromPDotPaperTypesTBody.
  - eapply (iT_ISub_nocoerce) ⇒ /=; hideCtx.
    + repeat first [var | typconstructor | tcrush].
    + apply (iSub_Trans (T2 := ) (i2 := 0)); first tcrush.
      eapply iSub_Sel'; last (tcrush; varsub); ltcrush.
  - eapply (iT_ISub_nocoerce) ⇒ /=; hideCtx.
    + repeat first [var | typconstructor | tcrush].
    + ettrans; first last.
      eapply iSub_Sel'; first last.
      × typconstructor; varsub.
      × tcrush; last apply iSub_Bind_1; tcrush.
        eapply (iSub_Trans (T2 := )); tcrush.
        eapply iSub_Sel'; tcrush.
        varsub; tcrush.

Example fromPDotPaperTypesAbsTyp :
  TLater (fromPDotPaperAbsTBody x1) :: optionModT :: [] u⊢ₜ
    fromPDotPaperTypesV : μ fromPDotPaperAbsTypesTBody.
  eapply iT_ISub_nocoerce; first exact: fromPDotPaperTypesTyp; ltcrush.
  eapply iSub_Sel', (path_tp_delay (i := 0)); wtcrush.
  varsub; tcrush.

Example fromPDotPaperSymbolsTyp :
  TLater (fromPDotPaperAbsTBody x1) :: optionModT :: [] u⊢ₜ
    fromPDotPaperSymbolsV x1 : μ (fromPDotPaperSymbolsTBody x2).
  - eapply (iT_ISub_nocoerce) ⇒ /=; hideCtx.
    + repeat first [var | typconstructor | tcrush].
    + ettrans; first last.
      eapply iSub_Sel'; first last.
      × typconstructor; varsub; tcrush.
      × mltcrush.

Example fromPDotPaperSymbolsAbsTyp :
  TLater (fromPDotPaperAbsTBody x1) :: optionModT :: [] u⊢ₜ
    fromPDotPaperSymbolsV x1 : μ (fromPDotPaperAbsSymbolsTBody x2).
  eapply iT_ISub_nocoerce; first exact: fromPDotPaperSymbolsTyp; tcrush.

Example fromPDotPaperTyp : optionModT :: [] u⊢ₜ fromPDotPaper x0 : μ (fromPDotPaperAbsTBody x1).
  pose proof fromPDotPaperTypesAbsTyp.
  pose proof fromPDotPaperSymbolsAbsTyp.

Example pCoreTyp : [] u⊢ₜ lett hoptionModV (fromPDotPaper x0) : .
  eapply iT_All_E, optionModTyp; tcrush.
  eapply (iT_ISub (i := 0)), fromPDotPaperTyp; tcrush.

Definition getAnyTypeT pOpt : ty :=
  TAll (μ (fromPDotPaperAbsTBody (shift pOpt))) ( →: x0 @ "types" @; "TypeTop").
Definition getAnyType : vl := vabs (tskip (tproj (tproj x0 "types") "newTypeTop")).

Definition fromPDotPaperAbsTypesTBodySubst : ty := {@
  type "Type" >: <: ;
  type "TypeTop" >: <: x0 @ "types" @; "Type";
  val "newTypeTop" : →: x0 @ "types" @; "TypeTop";
  type "TypeRef" >: <: TAnd (x0 @ "types" @; "Type") {@
    val "symb" : x0 @ "symbols" @; "Symbol"
  val "newTypeRef" : x0 @ "symbols" @; "Symbol" →: x0 @ "types" @; "TypeRef"

Lemma fromPDotPSubst : fromPDotPaperAbsTypesTBody .Tp[ (x0 @ "types") /]~ fromPDotPaperAbsTypesTBodySubst.
Proof. exact: psubst_ty_rtc_sufficient. Qed.

Example getAnyTypeFunTyp Γ T : T :: optionModT :: Γ u⊢ₜ getAnyType : getAnyTypeT x1.
  rewrite /getAnyType -(iterate_S tskip 0); tcrush.
  eapply (iT_ISub (T1 := TLater ( →: x0 @ "types" @; "TypeTop"))); tcrush.
  set Γ' := shift (μ fromPDotPaperAbsTBody (shiftV x1)) :: T :: optionModT :: Γ.
  have Hpx : Γ' u⊢ₚ x0 @ "types" : μ fromPDotPaperAbsTypesTBody, 0
    by tcrush; eapply iT_ISub_nocoerce;
      [ by eapply iT_Mu_E; first var; stcrush | tcrush].
  have HpxSubst : Γ' u⊢ₚ x0 @ "types" : fromPDotPaperAbsTypesTBodySubst, 0.
  by eapply (iP_Mu_E (T := fromPDotPaperAbsTypesTBody)
    (p := x0 @ "types")), Hpx; tcrush.
  eapply iT_Path', iP_Fld_I, (iP_ISub (i := 0)), HpxSubst.

Example getAnyTypeTyp0 :
  [μ (fromPDotPaperAbsTBody x2); optionModT] u⊢ₜ
    getAnyType $: x0 $: () : x0 @ "types" @; "TypeTop".
  eapply (iT_All_E (T1 := )), iT_ISub_nocoerce; tcrush.
  eapply iT_All_Ex'; [exact: getAnyTypeFunTyp|var|tcrush..].