From iris.proofmode Require Import proofmode.
From D Require Import iris_prelude swap_later_impl.
From D.Dot Require Import dot_semtypes.
Implicit Types (Σ : gFunctors).
Implicit Types (v : vl) (e : tm) (d : dm) (ds : dms) (ρ : env) (l : label).
Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Strict Implicit.
Section DStpLemmas.
Context `{HdotG : !dlangG Σ} `{!RecTyInterp Σ}.
Lemma sstpd_delay_oLaterN `{!SwapPropI Σ} Γ i T1 T2 :
Γ s⊨ oLaterN i T1 <:[0] oLaterN i T2 ⊣⊢
Γ s⊨ T1 <:[i] T2.
rewrite !sstpd_eq_1 /subtype_lty /=; properness; first done.
by rewrite mlaterN_impl.
Lemma sstpd_delay_oLaterN_plus `{!SwapPropI Σ} Γ i j T1 T2 :
Γ s⊨ oLaterN i T1 <:[j] oLaterN i T2 ⊣⊢
Γ s⊨ T1 <:[i+j] T2.
by rewrite -sstpd_delay_oLaterN -!oLaterN_plus (Nat.add_comm i j)
Lemma sStp_Refl {Γ} T i : ⊢ Γ s⊨ T <:[i] T.
Proof. pupd; iIntros "!> %ρ _ !>"; by rewrite -subtype_refl. Qed.
Lemma sStp_Trans {Γ T1 T2 T3 i} :
Γ s⊨ T1 <:[i] T2 -∗ Γ s⊨ T2 <:[i] T3 -∗ Γ s⊨ T1 <:[i] T3.
pupd; iIntros "#Hsub1 #Hsub2 !> %ρ #Hg *".
iApply (subtype_trans with "(Hsub1 Hg) (Hsub2 Hg)").
Lemma sStp_Top Γ T i :
⊢ Γ s⊨ T <:[i] oTop.
Proof. rewrite sstpd_eq_1. pupd; by iIntros "!> ** !> **". Qed.
Lemma sBot_Stp Γ T i :
⊢ Γ s⊨ oBot <:[i] T.
Proof. rewrite sstpd_eq_1. pupd; by iIntros "!> /= ** !> []". Qed.
Lemma sAnd1_Stp Γ T1 T2 i :
⊢ Γ s⊨ oAnd T1 T2 <:[i] T1.
Proof. rewrite sstpd_eq. pupd; by iIntros "!> /= %ρ %v _ !> [$ _]". Qed.
Lemma sAnd2_Stp Γ T1 T2 i :
⊢ Γ s⊨ oAnd T1 T2 <:[i] T2.
Proof. rewrite sstpd_eq. pupd; by iIntros "!> /= %ρ %v _ !> [_ $]". Qed.
Lemma sStp_And Γ T U1 U2 i :
Γ s⊨ T <:[i] U1 -∗
Γ s⊨ T <:[i] U2 -∗
Γ s⊨ T <:[i] oAnd U1 U2.
rewrite !sstpd_eq; pupd; iIntros "#H1 #H2 !> %ρ %v #Hg".
iSpecialize ("H1" $! ρ v with "Hg"); iSpecialize ("H2" $! ρ v with "Hg").
iNext i; iIntros "#H".
iSplit; [iApply "H1" | iApply "H2"]; iApply "H".
Lemma sStp_Or1 Γ T1 T2 i : ⊢ Γ s⊨ T1 <:[i] oOr T1 T2.
Proof. rewrite sstpd_eq. pupd; by iIntros "!> /= %ρ %v _ !>"; eauto. Qed.
Lemma sStp_Or2 Γ T1 T2 i : ⊢ Γ s⊨ T2 <:[i] oOr T1 T2.
Proof. rewrite sstpd_eq. pupd; by iIntros "!> /= %ρ %v _ !>"; eauto. Qed.
Lemma sOr_Stp Γ T1 T2 U i :
Γ s⊨ T1 <:[i] U -∗
Γ s⊨ T2 <:[i] U -∗
Γ s⊨ oOr T1 T2 <:[i] U.
rewrite !sstpd_eq; pupd; iIntros "#H1 #H2 !> * #Hg".
iSpecialize ("H1" $! ρ v with "Hg"); iSpecialize ("H2" $! ρ v with "Hg").
iNext i; iIntros "#[HT | HT]"; [iApply "H1" | iApply "H2"]; iApply "HT".
Lemma sDistr_And_Or_Stp Γ {S T U i} : ⊢ Γ s⊨ oAnd (oOr S T) U <:[i] oOr (oAnd S U) (oAnd T U).
rewrite sstpd_eq.
by pupd; iIntros "!> %ρ %v #Hg !> [[HS|HT] Hu] /="; [iLeft|iRight]; iFrame.
(* XXX must we state the two separate halves? *)
Lemma sLater_Stp_Eq {Γ T U i} `{SwapPropI Σ} :
Γ s⊨ T <:[i.+1] U ⊣⊢
Γ s⊨ oLater T <:[i] oLater U.
Proof. by rewrite sstpd_delay_oLaterN_plus. Qed.
Lemma sStp_Add_LaterN {Γ T i j} :
⊢ Γ s⊨ T <:[i] oLaterN j T.
Proof. rewrite sstpd_eq; pupd; iIntros "!> ** !> $". Qed.
Lemma sStp_Add_Later {Γ T i} :
⊢ Γ s⊨ T <:[i] oLater T.
Proof. apply sStp_Add_LaterN. Qed.
Lemma sStp_Sel {Γ L U p l i} :
Γ s⊨p p : oTMem l L U, i -∗
Γ s⊨ L <:[i] oSel p l.
rewrite sstpd_eq; pupd; iIntros "#Hp !> %ρ %v Hg".
iSpecialize ("Hp" with "Hg"); iNext i; iIntros "#HL".
iApply (path_wp_wand with "Hp"); iIntros (w).
iApply (vl_sel_lb with "HL").
Lemma sSel_Stp {Γ L U p l i} :
Γ s⊨p p : oTMem l L U, i -∗
Γ s⊨ oSel p l <:[i] U.
rewrite sstpd_eq; pupd; iIntros "#Hp !> %ρ %v Hg".
iSpecialize ("Hp" with "Hg"); iNext i; iIntros "Hφ".
iDestruct (path_wp_agree with "Hp Hφ") as (w Hw) "[Hp Hφ]".
iApply (vl_sel_ub with "Hφ Hp").
Γ, z : T₁ᶻ ⊨ T₁ᶻ <: T₂ᶻ
----------------------------------------------- (μ-<:-μ)
Γ ⊨ μ (x : T₁ˣ) <: μ(x : T₂ˣ)
Lemma sMu_Stp_Mu {Γ T1 T2 i} `{!SwapPropI Σ} :
oLaterN i T1 :: Γ s⊨ T1 <:[i] T2 -∗
Γ s⊨ oMu T1 <:[i] oMu T2.
rewrite !sstpd_eq; pupd; iIntros "#Hstp !> %ρ %v Hg".
iApply mlaterN_impl; iIntros "#HT1".
iApply ("Hstp" $! (v .: ρ) v with "[$Hg $HT1] HT1").
From D Require Import iris_prelude swap_later_impl.
From D.Dot Require Import dot_semtypes.
Implicit Types (Σ : gFunctors).
Implicit Types (v : vl) (e : tm) (d : dm) (ds : dms) (ρ : env) (l : label).
Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Strict Implicit.
Section DStpLemmas.
Context `{HdotG : !dlangG Σ} `{!RecTyInterp Σ}.
Lemma sstpd_delay_oLaterN `{!SwapPropI Σ} Γ i T1 T2 :
Γ s⊨ oLaterN i T1 <:[0] oLaterN i T2 ⊣⊢
Γ s⊨ T1 <:[i] T2.
rewrite !sstpd_eq_1 /subtype_lty /=; properness; first done.
by rewrite mlaterN_impl.
Lemma sstpd_delay_oLaterN_plus `{!SwapPropI Σ} Γ i j T1 T2 :
Γ s⊨ oLaterN i T1 <:[j] oLaterN i T2 ⊣⊢
Γ s⊨ T1 <:[i+j] T2.
by rewrite -sstpd_delay_oLaterN -!oLaterN_plus (Nat.add_comm i j)
Lemma sStp_Refl {Γ} T i : ⊢ Γ s⊨ T <:[i] T.
Proof. pupd; iIntros "!> %ρ _ !>"; by rewrite -subtype_refl. Qed.
Lemma sStp_Trans {Γ T1 T2 T3 i} :
Γ s⊨ T1 <:[i] T2 -∗ Γ s⊨ T2 <:[i] T3 -∗ Γ s⊨ T1 <:[i] T3.
pupd; iIntros "#Hsub1 #Hsub2 !> %ρ #Hg *".
iApply (subtype_trans with "(Hsub1 Hg) (Hsub2 Hg)").
Lemma sStp_Top Γ T i :
⊢ Γ s⊨ T <:[i] oTop.
Proof. rewrite sstpd_eq_1. pupd; by iIntros "!> ** !> **". Qed.
Lemma sBot_Stp Γ T i :
⊢ Γ s⊨ oBot <:[i] T.
Proof. rewrite sstpd_eq_1. pupd; by iIntros "!> /= ** !> []". Qed.
Lemma sAnd1_Stp Γ T1 T2 i :
⊢ Γ s⊨ oAnd T1 T2 <:[i] T1.
Proof. rewrite sstpd_eq. pupd; by iIntros "!> /= %ρ %v _ !> [$ _]". Qed.
Lemma sAnd2_Stp Γ T1 T2 i :
⊢ Γ s⊨ oAnd T1 T2 <:[i] T2.
Proof. rewrite sstpd_eq. pupd; by iIntros "!> /= %ρ %v _ !> [_ $]". Qed.
Lemma sStp_And Γ T U1 U2 i :
Γ s⊨ T <:[i] U1 -∗
Γ s⊨ T <:[i] U2 -∗
Γ s⊨ T <:[i] oAnd U1 U2.
rewrite !sstpd_eq; pupd; iIntros "#H1 #H2 !> %ρ %v #Hg".
iSpecialize ("H1" $! ρ v with "Hg"); iSpecialize ("H2" $! ρ v with "Hg").
iNext i; iIntros "#H".
iSplit; [iApply "H1" | iApply "H2"]; iApply "H".
Lemma sStp_Or1 Γ T1 T2 i : ⊢ Γ s⊨ T1 <:[i] oOr T1 T2.
Proof. rewrite sstpd_eq. pupd; by iIntros "!> /= %ρ %v _ !>"; eauto. Qed.
Lemma sStp_Or2 Γ T1 T2 i : ⊢ Γ s⊨ T2 <:[i] oOr T1 T2.
Proof. rewrite sstpd_eq. pupd; by iIntros "!> /= %ρ %v _ !>"; eauto. Qed.
Lemma sOr_Stp Γ T1 T2 U i :
Γ s⊨ T1 <:[i] U -∗
Γ s⊨ T2 <:[i] U -∗
Γ s⊨ oOr T1 T2 <:[i] U.
rewrite !sstpd_eq; pupd; iIntros "#H1 #H2 !> * #Hg".
iSpecialize ("H1" $! ρ v with "Hg"); iSpecialize ("H2" $! ρ v with "Hg").
iNext i; iIntros "#[HT | HT]"; [iApply "H1" | iApply "H2"]; iApply "HT".
Lemma sDistr_And_Or_Stp Γ {S T U i} : ⊢ Γ s⊨ oAnd (oOr S T) U <:[i] oOr (oAnd S U) (oAnd T U).
rewrite sstpd_eq.
by pupd; iIntros "!> %ρ %v #Hg !> [[HS|HT] Hu] /="; [iLeft|iRight]; iFrame.
(* XXX must we state the two separate halves? *)
Lemma sLater_Stp_Eq {Γ T U i} `{SwapPropI Σ} :
Γ s⊨ T <:[i.+1] U ⊣⊢
Γ s⊨ oLater T <:[i] oLater U.
Proof. by rewrite sstpd_delay_oLaterN_plus. Qed.
Lemma sStp_Add_LaterN {Γ T i j} :
⊢ Γ s⊨ T <:[i] oLaterN j T.
Proof. rewrite sstpd_eq; pupd; iIntros "!> ** !> $". Qed.
Lemma sStp_Add_Later {Γ T i} :
⊢ Γ s⊨ T <:[i] oLater T.
Proof. apply sStp_Add_LaterN. Qed.
Lemma sStp_Sel {Γ L U p l i} :
Γ s⊨p p : oTMem l L U, i -∗
Γ s⊨ L <:[i] oSel p l.
rewrite sstpd_eq; pupd; iIntros "#Hp !> %ρ %v Hg".
iSpecialize ("Hp" with "Hg"); iNext i; iIntros "#HL".
iApply (path_wp_wand with "Hp"); iIntros (w).
iApply (vl_sel_lb with "HL").
Lemma sSel_Stp {Γ L U p l i} :
Γ s⊨p p : oTMem l L U, i -∗
Γ s⊨ oSel p l <:[i] U.
rewrite sstpd_eq; pupd; iIntros "#Hp !> %ρ %v Hg".
iSpecialize ("Hp" with "Hg"); iNext i; iIntros "Hφ".
iDestruct (path_wp_agree with "Hp Hφ") as (w Hw) "[Hp Hφ]".
iApply (vl_sel_ub with "Hφ Hp").
Γ, z : T₁ᶻ ⊨ T₁ᶻ <: T₂ᶻ
----------------------------------------------- (μ-<:-μ)
Γ ⊨ μ (x : T₁ˣ) <: μ(x : T₂ˣ)
Lemma sMu_Stp_Mu {Γ T1 T2 i} `{!SwapPropI Σ} :
oLaterN i T1 :: Γ s⊨ T1 <:[i] T2 -∗
Γ s⊨ oMu T1 <:[i] oMu T2.
rewrite !sstpd_eq; pupd; iIntros "#Hstp !> %ρ %v Hg".
iApply mlaterN_impl; iIntros "#HT1".
iApply ("Hstp" $! (v .: ρ) v with "[$Hg $HT1] HT1").
Novel subtyping rules for recursive types:
x ∉ fv T
Γ ⊨ mu x : T <: T Γ ⊨ T <: mu(x : T)
Stp_Bind_1 and Stp_Bind_2 become derivable.
Γ ⊨ mu x : T <: T Γ ⊨ T <: mu(x : T)
Lemma sMu_Stp {Γ T i} : ⊢ Γ s⊨ oMu (shift T) <:[i] T.
Proof. rewrite oMu_shift. apply sStp_Refl. Qed.
Lemma sStp_Mu {Γ T i} : ⊢ Γ s⊨ T <:[i] oMu (shift T).
Proof. rewrite oMu_shift. apply sStp_Refl. Qed.
Lemma sFld_Stp_Fld {Γ T1 T2 i l} :
Γ s⊨ T1 <:[i] T2 -∗
Γ s⊨ oVMem l T1 <:[i] oVMem l T2.
pupd; iIntros "#Hsub !> %ρ Hg"; iSpecialize ("Hsub" with "Hg"); iNext i.
iApply (oVMem_respects_sub with "Hsub").
Lemma sTyp_Stp_Typ Γ L1 L2 U1 U2 i l :
Γ s⊨ L2 <:[i] L1 -∗
Γ s⊨ U1 <:[i] U2 -∗
Γ s⊨ oTMem l L1 U1 <:[i] oTMem l L2 U2.
pupd; iIntros "#HsubL #HsubU !> %ρ #Hg".
iSpecialize ("HsubL" with "Hg"); iSpecialize ("HsubU" with "Hg"); iNext i.
iApply (oTMem_respects_sub with "HsubL HsubU").
Lemma sAll_Stp_All Γ T1 T2 U1 U2 i `{!SwapPropI Σ} :
Γ s⊨ oLater T2 <:[i] oLater T1 -∗
oLaterN (i.+1) (oShift T2) :: Γ s⊨ oLater U1 <:[i] oLater U2 -∗
Γ s⊨ oAll T1 U1 <:[i] oAll T2 U2.
rewrite !sstpd_delay_oLaterN_plus; pupd; iIntros "#HsubT #HsubU !> %ρ #Hg %v".
rewrite -!mlaterN_impl.
iDestruct 1 as (t) "#[Heq #HT1]"; iExists t; iFrame "Heq".
iIntros (w); iSpecialize ("HT1" $! w).
rewrite -!mlaterN_pers mlater_impl -!mlaterN_impl.
iIntros "!> #HwT2".
iSpecialize ("HsubT" with "Hg").
iSpecialize ("HsubU" $! (w .: ρ) with "[$HwT2 $Hg]").
rewrite -!laterN_later.
iNext (i.+1). wp_wapply "(HT1 (HsubT HwT2))".
iIntros (u) "#HuU1". iApply ("HsubU" with "HuU1").
(* An inverse of subsumption: subtyping is *equivalent* to convertibility
for values. *)
Lemma sStp_Skolem_P {Γ T1 T2 i j} `{!SwapPropI Σ} :
oLaterN i (shift T1) :: Γ s⊨p pv (ids 0) : shift T2, i + j -∗
Γ s⊨ T1 <:[i] oLaterN j T2.
rewrite -sstpd_delay_oLaterN; pupd; iIntros "#Htyp !> %ρ Hg %v HvT1".
iEval rewrite /= -(path_wp_pv_eq _ (T2 _ _)) -laterN_add.
iApply ("Htyp" $! (v .: ρ) with "[$Hg $HvT1]").
(* Is it true that for covariant F, FA ∧ B = FA ∧ FB?
Dotty assumes that, tho DOT didn't capture it.
FA ∧ B <: FA ∧ FB is provable by covariance.
Let's prove FA ∧ FB <: FA ∧ B in the model.
Lemma sAnd_All_1_Stp_Distr Γ S T1 T2 i :
⊢ Γ s⊨ oAnd (oAll S T1) (oAll S T2) <:[i] oAll S (oAnd T1 T2).
pupd; iIntros "!> %ρ _ !> %v [#H1 #H2]".
iDestruct "H1" as (t ?) "#H1"; iDestruct "H2" as (t' ->) "#H2"; simplify_eq.
iExists t; iSplit; first done.
iIntros "!> %w #HS".
(* Oh. Dreaded conjunction rule. Tho could we use a version
for separating conjunction? *)
iApply (wp_and with "(H1 HS) (H2 HS)").
Lemma sAnd_All_2_Stp_Distr Γ S1 S2 T i :
⊢ Γ s⊨ oAnd (oAll S1 T) (oAll S2 T) <:[i] oAll (oOr S1 S2) T.
pupd; iIntros "!> %ρ _ !> %v [#H1 #H2]".
iDestruct "H1" as (t ?) "#H1"; iDestruct "H2" as (t' ->) "#H2"; simplify_eq.
iExists t; iSplit; first done.
iIntros "!> %w #[HS|HS]"; [iApply ("H1" with "HS")|iApply ("H2" with "HS")].
Proof. rewrite oMu_shift. apply sStp_Refl. Qed.
Lemma sStp_Mu {Γ T i} : ⊢ Γ s⊨ T <:[i] oMu (shift T).
Proof. rewrite oMu_shift. apply sStp_Refl. Qed.
Lemma sFld_Stp_Fld {Γ T1 T2 i l} :
Γ s⊨ T1 <:[i] T2 -∗
Γ s⊨ oVMem l T1 <:[i] oVMem l T2.
pupd; iIntros "#Hsub !> %ρ Hg"; iSpecialize ("Hsub" with "Hg"); iNext i.
iApply (oVMem_respects_sub with "Hsub").
Lemma sTyp_Stp_Typ Γ L1 L2 U1 U2 i l :
Γ s⊨ L2 <:[i] L1 -∗
Γ s⊨ U1 <:[i] U2 -∗
Γ s⊨ oTMem l L1 U1 <:[i] oTMem l L2 U2.
pupd; iIntros "#HsubL #HsubU !> %ρ #Hg".
iSpecialize ("HsubL" with "Hg"); iSpecialize ("HsubU" with "Hg"); iNext i.
iApply (oTMem_respects_sub with "HsubL HsubU").
Lemma sAll_Stp_All Γ T1 T2 U1 U2 i `{!SwapPropI Σ} :
Γ s⊨ oLater T2 <:[i] oLater T1 -∗
oLaterN (i.+1) (oShift T2) :: Γ s⊨ oLater U1 <:[i] oLater U2 -∗
Γ s⊨ oAll T1 U1 <:[i] oAll T2 U2.
rewrite !sstpd_delay_oLaterN_plus; pupd; iIntros "#HsubT #HsubU !> %ρ #Hg %v".
rewrite -!mlaterN_impl.
iDestruct 1 as (t) "#[Heq #HT1]"; iExists t; iFrame "Heq".
iIntros (w); iSpecialize ("HT1" $! w).
rewrite -!mlaterN_pers mlater_impl -!mlaterN_impl.
iIntros "!> #HwT2".
iSpecialize ("HsubT" with "Hg").
iSpecialize ("HsubU" $! (w .: ρ) with "[$HwT2 $Hg]").
rewrite -!laterN_later.
iNext (i.+1). wp_wapply "(HT1 (HsubT HwT2))".
iIntros (u) "#HuU1". iApply ("HsubU" with "HuU1").
(* An inverse of subsumption: subtyping is *equivalent* to convertibility
for values. *)
Lemma sStp_Skolem_P {Γ T1 T2 i j} `{!SwapPropI Σ} :
oLaterN i (shift T1) :: Γ s⊨p pv (ids 0) : shift T2, i + j -∗
Γ s⊨ T1 <:[i] oLaterN j T2.
rewrite -sstpd_delay_oLaterN; pupd; iIntros "#Htyp !> %ρ Hg %v HvT1".
iEval rewrite /= -(path_wp_pv_eq _ (T2 _ _)) -laterN_add.
iApply ("Htyp" $! (v .: ρ) with "[$Hg $HvT1]").
(* Is it true that for covariant F, FA ∧ B = FA ∧ FB?
Dotty assumes that, tho DOT didn't capture it.
FA ∧ B <: FA ∧ FB is provable by covariance.
Let's prove FA ∧ FB <: FA ∧ B in the model.
Lemma sAnd_All_1_Stp_Distr Γ S T1 T2 i :
⊢ Γ s⊨ oAnd (oAll S T1) (oAll S T2) <:[i] oAll S (oAnd T1 T2).
pupd; iIntros "!> %ρ _ !> %v [#H1 #H2]".
iDestruct "H1" as (t ?) "#H1"; iDestruct "H2" as (t' ->) "#H2"; simplify_eq.
iExists t; iSplit; first done.
iIntros "!> %w #HS".
(* Oh. Dreaded conjunction rule. Tho could we use a version
for separating conjunction? *)
iApply (wp_and with "(H1 HS) (H2 HS)").
Lemma sAnd_All_2_Stp_Distr Γ S1 S2 T i :
⊢ Γ s⊨ oAnd (oAll S1 T) (oAll S2 T) <:[i] oAll (oOr S1 S2) T.
pupd; iIntros "!> %ρ _ !> %v [#H1 #H2]".
iDestruct "H1" as (t ?) "#H1"; iDestruct "H2" as (t' ->) "#H2"; simplify_eq.
iExists t; iSplit; first done.
iIntros "!> %w #[HS|HS]"; [iApply ("H1" with "HS")|iApply ("H2" with "HS")].
We cannot combine the two rules to get
⊢ Γ s⊨ oAnd (oAll S1 T1) (oAll S2 T2) <:[i] oAll (oOr S1 S2) (oAnd T1 T2).
id : Int → Int and id : String → String, but not id : Int ∨ String → Int ∧ String).
Lemma sAnd_Fld_Stp_Distr Γ l T1 T2 i :
⊢ Γ s⊨ oAnd (oVMem l T1) (oVMem l T2) <:[i] oVMem l (oAnd T1 T2).
pupd; iIntros "!> %ρ _ !> %v [#H1 H2]"; rewrite !oVMem_eq.
iDestruct "H1" as (pmem Hl) "#H1"; iDestruct "H2" as (pmem' Hl') "#H2".
objLookupDet. iExists pmem; iFrame (Hl).
by iApply (path_wp_and' with "H1 H2").
Lemma sAnd_Typ_Stp_Distr Γ l L1 L2 U1 U2 i :
⊢ Γ s⊨ oAnd (oTMem l L1 U1) (oTMem l L2 U2) <:[i] oTMem l (oOr L1 L2) (oAnd U1 U2).
pupd; iIntros "!> %ρ _ !> %v #[H1 H2]"; rewrite !oTMem_eq /dot_intv_type_pred.
iDestruct "H1" as (ψ d Hl) "[Hdψ1 #[HLψ1 HψU1]]".
iDestruct "H2" as (ψ' d' Hl') "[Hdψ2 #[HLψ2 HψU2]]". objLookupDet.
iExists ψ, d. iFrame (Hl). iSplit; first done.
iIntros "!>"; iSplit; iIntros (w) "Hw";
iDestruct (dm_to_type_agree anil w with "Hdψ1 Hdψ2") as "Hag".
- iDestruct "Hw" as "[Hw|Hw]"; first iApply ("HLψ1" with "Hw").
iSpecialize ("HLψ2" with "Hw").
iNext. by iRewrite "Hag".
- iSplit; [iApply ("HψU1" with "Hw") | iApply "HψU2"].
iNext. by iRewrite -"Hag".
Lemma sOr_Fld_Stp_Distr Γ l T1 T2 i :
⊢ Γ s⊨ oVMem l (oOr T1 T2) <:[i] oOr (oVMem l T1) (oVMem l T2).
pupd; iIntros "!> %ρ _ !> %v". rewrite !oVMem_eq.
iDestruct 1 as (pmem Hl) "Hp". rewrite path_wp_eq.
iDestruct "Hp" as (w Hpw) "[H|H]"; [iLeft|iRight].
all: by rewrite oVMem_eq; iExists (pmem); iFrame (Hl);
rewrite path_wp_eq; iExists (w); iFrame (Hpw).
Most dual rules for union types do not actually hold.
In fact, even sOr_Fld_Stp_Distr is subtle, and only works in CBV
For more on the trickiness of union types in general, see the introduction
of Subtyping for union types
(https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-540-30124-0_32) (also on
Specific cases follow.
There is no union rule for type members (except the derivable ones).
Symmetry suggests the following rule, which however is incorrect:
⊢ Γ s⊨ oTMem l (oAnd L1 L2) (oOr U1 U2) <:[i] oOr (oTMem l L1 U1) (oTMem l L2 U2).
Here are weaker rules, with counterexamples:
There is also no union rule for function types (except the derivable ones).
- ⊢ Γ s⊨ oTMem l L (oOr U1 U2) <:[i] oOr (oTMem l L U1) (oTMem l L U2): Ignoring laters, the witness (actual rhs of the type member) can be U1 ∨ U2, which is a subtype of U1 ∨ U2, but not of U1, and not of U2. In particular, we can have U1 ∨ U2 = ⊤.
- ⊢ Γ s⊨ oTMem l (oAnd L1 L2) U <:[i] oOr (oTMem l L1 U) (oTMem l L2 U): Again, ignoring laters, the witness can be L1 ∧ L2, which isn't a supertype of L1 or L2. In particular, we can have L1 ∧ L2 = ⊥.