WIP examples constructing syntactic typing derivations.
I am also experimenting with notations, but beware the current definitions are pretty bad.
From D Require Import tactics.
From D.Dot Require Import syn storeless_typing_ex_utils
Implicit Types (L T U : ty) (v : vl) (e : tm) (d : dm) (ds : dms) (Γ : list ty).
Notation HashableString := (μ {@ val "hashCode" : TAll TUnit TInt }).
(* From D Require Import typeExtraction *)
Example ex0 e Γ T :
Γ v⊢ₜ e : T →
is_unstamped_ty' (length Γ) T →
Γ v⊢ₜ e : ⊤.
Proof. intros. apply (iT_ISub_nocoerce T TTop); tcrush. Qed.
Example ex1 Γ (n : Z) T :
Γ v⊢ₜ ν {@ val "a" = n } : μ {@ val "a" : TInt }.
(* Help proof search: Avoid trying iT_Mu_I, that's slow. *)
apply iT_Obj_I; tcrush.
Example ex2 Γ T :
Γ v⊢ₜ ν {@ type "A" = (idsσ 1 ; s1) } :
TMu (TAnd (TTMem "A" TBot TTop) TTop).
apply iT_Obj_I; tcrush. (* Avoid trying iT_Mu_I, that's slow. *)
apply (iD_Typ_Abs_old (x0 @; "B")); cbn; wtcrush. tcrush_nclosed.
(* Try out fixpoints. *)
Definition F3 T :=
TMu (TAnd (TTMemL "A" T T) TTop).
Example ex3 Γ T :
Γ v⊢ₜ ν {@ type "A" = (σ1 ; s1) } :
F3 (F3 (TSel x0 "A")).
apply iT_Obj_I; tcrush. (* Avoid trying iT_Mu_I, that's slow. *)
apply (iD_Typ_Abs_old (F3 (x0 @; "A"))); by wtcrush.
(* (Ones we could start describing in text). *)
First example from "The Essence of Dependent Object Types". Original code:
trait Keys {
type Key
def key(data: String): Key
object HashKeys extends Keys {
type Key = Int
def key(s: String) = s.hashCode
Note we upcast Int to this.Key; as expected, no later is needed.
(* This stands for type String in that example. *)
Definition KeysT : ty := μ {@
type "Key" >: ⊥ <: ⊤;
val "key": TAll HashableString (x1 @; "Key")
Definition hashKeys : vl := ν {@
type "Key" = (σ1; s1);
val "key" = vabs (tapp (tproj x0 "hashCode") tUnit)
(* To typecheck the object body, we first typecheck it with a tighter type,
and then widen it. *)
Definition KeysT' := μ {@
type "Key" >: TInt <: ⊤;
val "key": TAll HashableString (x1 @; "Key")
(* IDEA for our work: use (type "Key" >: TInt <: ⊤) ⩓ (type "Key" >: ⊥ <: ⊤). *)
Example hashKeys_typed Γ :
Γ v⊢ₜ hashKeys : KeysT.
cut (Γ v⊢ₜ hashKeys : KeysT').
{ intros H.
apply (iT_ISub_nocoerce KeysT'); first done.
apply iMu_Sub_Mu; last stcrush.
ettrans; first apply iAnd1_Sub; tcrush.
apply iT_Obj_I; tcrush.
by apply (iD_Typ_Abs_old TInt); wtcrush.
cbn; apply (iT_All_E (T1 := TUnit));
last eapply (iT_ISub_nocoerce TInt); tcrush.
tcrush; cbn.
pose (T0 := μ {@ val "hashCode" : TAll ⊤ 𝐙 }).
have Htp : ∀ Γ', T0 :: Γ' v⊢ₜ x0 : val "hashCode" : TAll ⊤ TInt. {
intros. eapply iT_ISub_nocoerce.
by eapply iT_Mu_E'; [exact: iT_Var'| |stcrush].
by apply iAnd1_Sub; tcrush.
apply (iT_ISub_nocoerce (val "hashCode" : TAll ⊤ 𝐙)). exact: Htp.
eapply iSub_Sel', (path_tp_delay (i := 0)); wtcrush.
varsub; tcrush.
Section StringExamples.
(* new {
val subSys1 : { z => type A <: Int } = new { type A = Int }
val subSys2 : { z => type B } = new { type B = String }
} *)
Context (String : ty).
(* Term *)
Definition systemVal := ν {@
val "subSys1" = ν {@ type "A" = (σ1; s1) } ;
val "subSys2" = ν {@ type "B" = (σ2; s2) } }.
(* Type *)
Definition systemValT := μ {@
val "subSys1" : μ {@ type "A" >: ⊥ <: TInt};
val "subSys2" : μ {@ type "B" >: ⊥ <: ⊤}}.
Example motivEx Γ
(HuString : is_unstamped_ty' 0 String) :
Γ v⊢ₜ systemVal : systemValT.
apply iT_Obj_I; tcrush.
all: [> apply (iD_Typ_Abs_old TInt) | apply (iD_Typ_Abs_old String) ]; wtcrush.
(* Uh, we can unfold recursive types during construction! Does that allow
us to encode mutual recursion? Write this up. *)
Definition systemValT' := μ {@
val "subSys1" : type "A" >: ⊥ <: TInt;
val "subSys2" : type "B" >: ⊥ <: ⊤}.
Example motivEx1 Γ
(HuString : is_unstamped_ty' 0 String) :
Γ v⊢ₜ systemVal : systemValT'.
apply iT_Obj_I; tcrush.
- apply (iT_ISub_nocoerce (μ {@ type "A" >: ⊥ <: TInt})); tcrush.
+ apply (iD_Typ_Abs_old TInt); wtcrush.
+ ettrans;
[apply: (iMu_Sub _ {@ type "A" >: ⊥ <: TInt } 0)|]; tcrush.
- apply (iT_ISub_nocoerce (μ {@ type "B" >: ⊥ <: ⊤})); tcrush.
+ apply (iD_Typ_Abs_old String); wtcrush.
+ ettrans;
[apply: (iMu_Sub _ {@ type "B" >: ⊥ <: ⊤ } 0)|]; tcrush.
End StringExamples.
(* Sec. 5 of WadlerFest DOT.
IFTFun ≡ { if: ∀(x: {A: ⊥..⊤})∀(t: x.A)∀(f: x.A): x.A }
IFT ≡ { if: IFTFun }
let boolImplV =
ν (b: { Boolean: IFT..IFT } ∧ { true: IFT } ∧ { false: IFT })
{ Boolean = IFT } ∧
{ true = λ(x: {A: ⊥..⊤})λ(t: x.A)λ(f: x.A)t } ∧ { false = λ(x: {A: ⊥..⊤})λ(t: x.A)λ(f: x.A)f }
In fact, that code doesn't typecheck as given, and we fix it by setting.
Definition IFTBody := (TAll (x0 @; "A") (TAll (x1 @; "A") (x2 @; "A"))).
Definition IFT : ty :=
TAll (type "A" >: ⊥ <: ⊤) IFTBody.
Lemma IFTUnstamped : is_unstamped_ty' 0 IFT.
Proof. tcrush. Qed.
#[global] Hint Resolve IFTUnstamped : core.
(* Definition IFT : ty := {@ val "if" : IFTFun }. *)
Definition iftTrue := vabs (vabs (vabs x1)).
Definition iftFalse := vabs (vabs (vabs x0)).
Example iftTrueTyp Γ : Γ v⊢ₜ iftTrue : IFT.
Proof. tcrush. exact: iT_Var'. Qed.
Example iftFalseTyp Γ : Γ v⊢ₜ iftFalse : IFT.
Proof. tcrush. exact: iT_Var'. Qed.
Definition p0Bool := x0 @; "Boolean".
Definition boolImplV :=
ν {@
type "Boolean" = ( σ1; s1 );
val "true" = iftTrue;
val "false" = iftFalse
(* This type makes "Boolean" nominal by abstracting it. *)
Definition boolImplT : ty :=
μ {@
type "Boolean" >: ⊥ <: IFT;
val "true" : TLater p0Bool;
val "false" : TLater p0Bool
Definition boolImplTConcr : ty :=
μ {@
typeEq "Boolean" IFT;
val "true" : IFT;
val "false" : IFT
Example SubIFT_P0Bool Γ : {@
typeEq "Boolean" IFT;
val "true" : IFT;
val "false" : IFT
}%ty :: Γ v⊢ₜ IFT, 0 <: p0Bool, 0.
Proof. eapply iSub_Sel''; tcrush. varsub; tcrush. Qed.
Example SubIFT_LaterP0Bool' Γ : {@
typeEq "Boolean" IFT;
val "true" : IFT;
val "false" : IFT
}%ty :: Γ v⊢ₜ IFT, 0 <: ▶: p0Bool, 0.
Proof. ettrans; first exact: SubIFT_P0Bool. tcrush. Qed.
Example SubIFT_LaterP0Bool Γ : TLater {@
typeEq "Boolean" IFT;
val "true" : TLater p0Bool;
val "false" : TLater p0Bool
} :: Γ v⊢ₜ IFT, 0 <: ▶: p0Bool, 0.
ettrans; first (apply (iSub_AddI _ _ 1); tcrush).
eapply iSub_Sel''; tcrush.
varsub; tcrush.
Example boolImplTyp Γ :
Γ v⊢ₜ boolImplV : boolImplT.
apply (iT_ISub_nocoerce boolImplTConcr).
tcrush; by [apply (iD_Typ_Abs_old IFT); wtcrush| exact: iT_Var'].
tcrush; rewrite iterate_0; ltcrush; apply SubIFT_LaterP0Bool'.
(* We can also use subtyping on the individual members to type this example. *)
Definition boolImplT0 : ty :=
μ {@
typeEq "Boolean" IFT;
val "true" : TLater p0Bool;
val "false" : TLater p0Bool
Lemma iD_Lam_Sub {Γ} V T1 T2 e l L :
shift T1 :: V :: Γ v⊢ₜ e : T2 →
TLater V :: Γ v⊢ₜ TAll T1 T2, 0 <: L, 0 →
Γ |L V v⊢{ l := dpt (pv (vabs e)) } : TVMem l L.
intros He Hsub. apply iD_Val.
eapply (iT_ISub (i := 0)); first apply Hsub.
by apply iT_All_I_strip1.
Example boolImplTypAlt Γ :
Γ v⊢ₜ boolImplV : boolImplT.
apply (iT_ISub_nocoerce boolImplT0);
last (tcrush; ettrans; first apply iAnd1_Sub; tcrush).
tcrush; first by apply (iD_Typ_Abs_old IFT); wtcrush.
- eapply iT_ISub_nocoerce; [apply iftTrueTyp|apply SubIFT_LaterP0Bool].
- eapply iT_ISub_nocoerce; [apply iftFalseTyp|apply SubIFT_LaterP0Bool].
(* AND = λ a b. a b False. *)
Definition packBoolean := packTV 0 s1.
Lemma packBooleanTyp0 Γ :
Γ v⊢ₜ packBoolean : typeEq "A" IFT.
Proof. eapply (packTV_typed' s1 IFT); eauto 1. Qed.
Lemma packBooleanTyp Γ :
Γ v⊢ₜ packBoolean : type "A" >: ⊥ <: ⊤.
apply (iT_ISub_nocoerce (typeEq "A" IFT)); last tcrush.
exact: packBooleanTyp0.
Definition iftCoerce t :=
lett t (vabs (vabs (tskip (x2 $: x1 $: x0)))).
Lemma coerce_tAppIFT Γ t T :
is_unstamped_ty' (length Γ) T →
Γ v⊢ₜ t : TAll T (TAll (shift T) (▶: shiftN 2 T)) →
Γ v⊢ₜ iftCoerce t : TAll T (TAll (shift T) (shiftN 2 T)).
move ⇒ HuT1 Ht.
move: (HuT1) ⇒ /is_unstamped_ren1_ty HuT2.
move: (HuT2) ⇒ /is_unstamped_ren1_ty; rewrite -hrenS ⇒ HuT3.
move: (HuT3) ⇒ /is_unstamped_ren1_ty; rewrite -hrenS ⇒ HuT4.
eapply iT_Let; [exact: Ht|].
rewrite /= !(hren_upn_gen 1) (hren_upn_gen 2) /=.
rewrite -!hrenS -!(iterate_S tskip 0).
eapply (iT_ISub (T1 := ▶:T.|[_])); first tcrush.
eapply iT_All_E; last exact: iT_Var';
eapply iT_All_E; last exact: iT_Var'.
apply: iT_Var' ⇒ //.
rewrite /= !(hren_upn 1) (hren_upn_gen 1) (hren_upn_gen 2)
!hsubst_comp !ren_ren_comp /=. done.
Lemma subIFT i Γ T :
is_unstamped_ty' (length Γ) (shiftN i T) →
(typeEq "A" T.|[ren (+1+i)]) :: Γ v⊢ₜ IFTBody, 0 <:
TAll T.|[ren (+1+i)] (TAll T.|[ren (+2+i)] (▶: T.|[ren (+3+i)])), 0.
rewrite /= -/IFTBody ⇒ HuT1.
move: (HuT1) ⇒ /is_unstamped_ren1_ty HuT2; rewrite -hrenS in HuT2.
move: (HuT2) ⇒ /is_unstamped_ren1_ty HuT3; rewrite -hrenS in HuT3.
move: (HuT3) ⇒ /is_unstamped_ren1_ty HuT4; rewrite -hrenS in HuT4.
tcrush; rewrite ?iterate_S ?iterate_0 /=; tcrush;
first [eapply iSub_Sel', (path_tp_delay (i := 0)) |
eapply iSel_Sub, (path_tp_delay (i := 0))];
try apply: iP_Var';
rewrite ?hsubst_id -?hrenS //; try autosubst; wtcrush.
Lemma tAppIFT_typed Γ T t s :
is_unstamped_ty' (length Γ) T →
Γ v⊢ₜ t : IFT →
Γ v⊢ₜ tApp Γ t s :
TAll T (TAll (shift T) (▶: shiftN 2 T)).
move ⇒ HsT1 Ht; move: (HsT1) ⇒ /is_unstamped_ren1_ty HsT2.
intros; eapply typeApp_typed ⇒ //; tcrush.
intros; asimpl. exact: (subIFT 1).
Lemma tAppIFT_coerced_typed Γ T t s :
is_unstamped_ty' (length Γ) T →
Γ v⊢ₜ t : IFT →
Γ v⊢ₜ iftCoerce (tApp Γ t s) :
TAll T (TAll (shift T) (shiftN 2 T)).
Proof. intros. by apply /coerce_tAppIFT /tAppIFT_typed. Qed.
Lemma tAppIFT_coerced_typed_IFT Γ t s :
Γ v⊢ₜ t : IFT →
Γ v⊢ₜ iftCoerce (tApp Γ t s) :
Proof. intros. apply tAppIFT_coerced_typed; eauto 2. Qed.
Definition IFTp0 := TAll p0Bool (TAll (shift p0Bool) ((shiftN 2 p0Bool))).
Lemma tAppIFT_coerced_typed_p0Boolean Γ T t s :
T :: Γ v⊢ₜ t : IFT →
T :: Γ v⊢ₜ iftCoerce (tApp (T :: Γ) t s) :
TAll p0Bool (TAll (shift p0Bool) (shiftN 2 p0Bool)).
Proof. intros. apply tAppIFT_coerced_typed; tcrush. Qed.
Definition iftNot Γ t s :=
tapp (tapp
(iftCoerce (tApp Γ t s))
Lemma iftNotTyp Γ T t s :
Γ v⊢ₜ t : IFT →
Γ v⊢ₜ iftNot Γ t s : IFT.
eapply iT_All_E; last exact: iftTrueTyp.
eapply iT_All_E; last exact: iftFalseTyp.
exact: tAppIFT_coerced_typed_IFT.
Definition iftAnd2 Γ t1 t2 s :=
iftCoerce (tApp Γ t1 s) $: t2 $:
Lemma iftAndTyp2 Γ T t1 t2 s :
Γ v⊢ₜ t1 : IFT →
Γ v⊢ₜ t2 : IFT →
Γ v⊢ₜ iftAnd2 Γ t1 t2 s : IFT.
intros Ht1 Ht2.
eapply iT_All_E; last exact: iftFalseTyp.
eapply iT_All_E; last exact: Ht2.
exact: tAppIFT_coerced_typed_IFT.