From iris.proofmode Require Import proofmode.
From D Require Import iris_prelude swap_later_impl.
From D.Dot Require Import rules path_repl dot_semtypes dsub_lr defs_lr binding_lr.
Implicit Types (Σ : gFunctors)
(v w : vl) (e : tm) (d : dm) (ds : dms) (p : path)
(ρ : env) (l : label).
Notation sstpi' i j Γ τ1 τ2 :=
(∀ ρ v,
sG⟦Γ⟧*ρ → ▷^i oClose τ1 ρ v → ▷^j oClose τ2 ρ v)%I.
Section defs.
Context {Σ}.
Implicit Types (τ : oltyO Σ).
From D Require Import iris_prelude swap_later_impl.
From D.Dot Require Import rules path_repl dot_semtypes dsub_lr defs_lr binding_lr.
Implicit Types (Σ : gFunctors)
(v w : vl) (e : tm) (d : dm) (ds : dms) (p : path)
(ρ : env) (l : label).
Notation sstpi' i j Γ τ1 τ2 :=
(∀ ρ v,
sG⟦Γ⟧*ρ → ▷^i oClose τ1 ρ v → ▷^j oClose τ2 ρ v)%I.
Section defs.
Context {Σ}.
Implicit Types (τ : oltyO Σ).
Legacy: (double)-indexed subtyping.
Definition sstpi `{!dlangG Σ} i j Γ τ1 τ2 : iProp Σ :=
<PB> sstpi' i j Γ τ1 τ2.
#[global] Arguments sstpi /.
End defs.
<PB> sstpi' i j Γ τ1 τ2.
#[global] Arguments sstpi /.
End defs.
Indexed subtyping
Section Propers.
Context `{HdotG : !dlangG Σ}.
Implicit Types (τ L T U : olty Σ).
#[global] Instance sstpi_proper i j : Proper3 (sstpi i j).
(* intros ?? HG ?? H1 ?? H2; simplify_eq/=.
properness; by rewrite HG|apply H1|apply H2. *)
#[global] Instance : Params (@sstpi) 4 := {}.
End Propers.
Section judgment_lemmas.
Context `{!dlangG Σ}.
#[global] Instance sstpi_persistent i j Γ τ1 τ2 : Persistent (sstpi i j Γ τ1 τ2) := _.
Lemma sstpi_app ρ Γ (T1 T2 : olty Σ) i j :
sstpi' i j Γ T1 T2 -∗ sG⟦ Γ ⟧* ρ -∗
oClose (oLaterN i T1) ρ ⊆ oClose (oLaterN j T2) ρ.
Proof. iIntros "Hsub Hg %v"; iApply ("Hsub" with "Hg"). Qed.
Lemma sstpd0_to_sstpi0 Γ T1 T2 :
Γ s⊨ T1 <:[0] T2 ⊣⊢
Γ s⊨ T1, 0 <: T2, 0.
Proof. by rewrite /sstpi sstpd_eq. Qed.
Lemma sstpi_to_sstpd0 Γ i j T1 T2 :
Γ s⊨ T1, i <: T2, j ⊣⊢
Γ s⊨ oLaterN i T1 <:[0] oLaterN j T2.
Proof. by rewrite sstpd0_to_sstpi0. Qed.
Lemma sstpd_to_sstpi Γ i T1 T2 `{!SwapPropI Σ} :
Γ s⊨ T1 <:[i] T2 ⊣⊢
Γ s⊨ T1, i <: T2, i.
Proof. by rewrite /sstpi -sstpd_delay_oLaterN sstpd_eq. Qed.
End judgment_lemmas.
Section StpLemmas.
Context `{HdotG : !dlangG Σ}.
Lemma sP_ISub {Γ p T1 T2 i j} :
Γ s⊨p p : T1, i -∗
Γ s⊨ T1, i <: T2, i + j -∗
Γ s⊨p p : T2, i + j.
pupd; iIntros "#HpT1 #Hsub !> %ρ #Hg".
iSpecialize ("HpT1" with "Hg").
rewrite !path_wp_eq.
iDestruct "HpT1" as (v) "Hpv"; iExists v.
iDestruct "Hpv" as "-#[$ #HpT1]". by iApply "Hsub".
Lemma sT_ISub {Γ e T1 T2 i} :
Γ s⊨ e : T1 -∗
Γ s⊨ T1, 0 <: T2, i -∗
Γ s⊨ iterate tskip i e : T2.
rewrite sstpi_to_sstpd0 oLaterN_0; iIntros "He Hsub".
iApply sT_SkipN.
iApply (sT_Sub with "He Hsub").
End StpLemmas.
Context `{HdotG : !dlangG Σ}.
Implicit Types (τ L T U : olty Σ).
#[global] Instance sstpi_proper i j : Proper3 (sstpi i j).
(* intros ?? HG ?? H1 ?? H2; simplify_eq/=.
properness; by rewrite HG|apply H1|apply H2. *)
#[global] Instance : Params (@sstpi) 4 := {}.
End Propers.
Section judgment_lemmas.
Context `{!dlangG Σ}.
#[global] Instance sstpi_persistent i j Γ τ1 τ2 : Persistent (sstpi i j Γ τ1 τ2) := _.
Lemma sstpi_app ρ Γ (T1 T2 : olty Σ) i j :
sstpi' i j Γ T1 T2 -∗ sG⟦ Γ ⟧* ρ -∗
oClose (oLaterN i T1) ρ ⊆ oClose (oLaterN j T2) ρ.
Proof. iIntros "Hsub Hg %v"; iApply ("Hsub" with "Hg"). Qed.
Lemma sstpd0_to_sstpi0 Γ T1 T2 :
Γ s⊨ T1 <:[0] T2 ⊣⊢
Γ s⊨ T1, 0 <: T2, 0.
Proof. by rewrite /sstpi sstpd_eq. Qed.
Lemma sstpi_to_sstpd0 Γ i j T1 T2 :
Γ s⊨ T1, i <: T2, j ⊣⊢
Γ s⊨ oLaterN i T1 <:[0] oLaterN j T2.
Proof. by rewrite sstpd0_to_sstpi0. Qed.
Lemma sstpd_to_sstpi Γ i T1 T2 `{!SwapPropI Σ} :
Γ s⊨ T1 <:[i] T2 ⊣⊢
Γ s⊨ T1, i <: T2, i.
Proof. by rewrite /sstpi -sstpd_delay_oLaterN sstpd_eq. Qed.
End judgment_lemmas.
Section StpLemmas.
Context `{HdotG : !dlangG Σ}.
Lemma sP_ISub {Γ p T1 T2 i j} :
Γ s⊨p p : T1, i -∗
Γ s⊨ T1, i <: T2, i + j -∗
Γ s⊨p p : T2, i + j.
pupd; iIntros "#HpT1 #Hsub !> %ρ #Hg".
iSpecialize ("HpT1" with "Hg").
rewrite !path_wp_eq.
iDestruct "HpT1" as (v) "Hpv"; iExists v.
iDestruct "Hpv" as "-#[$ #HpT1]". by iApply "Hsub".
Lemma sT_ISub {Γ e T1 T2 i} :
Γ s⊨ e : T1 -∗
Γ s⊨ T1, 0 <: T2, i -∗
Γ s⊨ iterate tskip i e : T2.
rewrite sstpi_to_sstpd0 oLaterN_0; iIntros "He Hsub".
iApply sT_SkipN.
iApply (sT_Sub with "He Hsub").
End StpLemmas.