
Semantic lemmas for Scala 2 type projections T#A.

This shows how to restrict type projections to be sound and usable in Dotty.
This is developed as an extension of guarded DOT (gDOT), described in the ICFP'20 paper "Scala Step-by-Step". (Homepage: https://dot-iris.github.io ).
Because of the interest to the wider Scala community, this file has extensive informal comments.
The comments use a "naive" understanding of types as sets; this Coq development is based on this understanding, but with some restrictions discussed in the paper.
From iris.proofmode Require Import proofmode.
From D Require Import swap_later_impl.
From D.Dot Require Import unary_lr dsub_lr defs_lr path_repl_lr.
From D.Dot Require Import sem_unstamped_typing.

Implicit Types (Σ : gFunctors).
Implicit Types (v : vl) (e : tm) (d : dm) (ds : dms) (ρ : env) (l : label).

Definition oExists `{!dlangG Σ} (T : oltyO Σ) (U : oltyO Σ) : oltyO Σ :=
  Olty (λI args ρ v,
  (* w ∈ T *)
  oClose T ρ w
  (* v ∈ w.A *)
  U args (w .: ρ) v).

Semantic proofs of typing lemmas for existentials.

I adapted the rules from https://dl.acm.org/doi/pdf/10.1145/3290322 (see ≤∃L and ≤∃R in Fig. 4).
Lionel Parreaux pointed me to that paper and suggested they are the "standard" rules for "implicit" existentials.
Section existentials.
  Context `{!dlangG Σ}.

Rule ∃-<: (called ≤∃L in the link).
  Lemma sEx_Stp `{!SwapPropI Σ} Γ S T (U : oltyO Σ) i :
    oLaterN i (oShift S) :: Γ s T <:[i] oShift U -∗
    Γ s oExists S T <:[i] U.
    pupd; iIntros "/= #Hstp !> %ρ Hg %v"; iApply impl_laterN.
    iDestruct 1 as (w) "[HS HT]".
    iApply ("Hstp" $! (w .: ρ) with "[$Hg $HS] HT").

Rule <:-∃ (called ≤∃L in the link).
  Lemma sStp_Ex `{!SwapPropI Σ} Γ S T (U : oltyO Σ) i p :
    Γ sp p : S, i -∗
    Γ s T <:[i] opSubst p U -∗
    Γ s T <:[i] oExists S U.
    pupd; iIntros "/= #HpS #Hstp !> %ρ #Hg".
    iSpecialize ("HpS" with "Hg"); iSpecialize ("Hstp" with "Hg"); iNext i.
    iApply (subtype_trans with "Hstp"); iIntros "%v HvUp".
    iDestruct (path_wp_agree with "HpS HvUp") as (w ?) "Hgoal".
    iExists w. iApply "Hgoal".

End existentials.

Semantics of type projections.

This semantic type models upper-bound-only type projections using (model-level) existentials and normal DOT type members: V[[T#A]](ρ) = { v | w V[[T]](ρ). v V[[w.A]](ρ) }.
Definition oProj `{!dlangG Σ} `{!RecTyInterp Σ} A (T : oltyO Σ) : oltyO Σ :=
  Olty (λI args ρ v,
  (* w ∈ T *)
  oClose T ρ w
  (* v ∈ w.A *)
  oSel (pv (ids 0)) A args (w .: ρ) v).

Technical infrastructure for setoid rewriting.

#[global] Instance : Params (@oProj) 3 := {}.

Section type_proj_setoid_equality.
  Context `{!dlangG Σ} `{!RecTyInterp Σ}.

  Definition oProjN_oExists `{!dlangG Σ} A T :
    oProj A T oExists T (oSel (pv (ids 0)) A) := reflexivity _.

  (* Note: we can skip contractiveness over RecTyInterp, simply because oProjN
  is not used when constructing the fixpoint. *)

  #[global] Instance oProjN_ne A : NonExpansive (oProj A).
  Proof. solve_proper_ho. Qed.
  #[global] Instance oProjN_proper A : Proper1 (oProj A) :=
    ne_proper _.

  Lemma oProjN_eq A T args ρ v :
    oProj A T args ρ v ⊣⊢ w, oClose T ρ w vl_sel w A args v.
  Proof. by simpl; f_equivw; rewrite path_wp_pv_eq. Qed.

  Lemma oProjN_eq_2 A T args ρ v :
    oProj A T args ρ v ⊣⊢
     w d ψ, w ,, A d oClose T ρ w d ψ ψ args v.
    rewrite oProjN_eq; f_equivw.
    rewrite and_exist_l; f_equiv ⇒ ψ; rewrite and_exist_l; f_equivd.
    by rewrite (assoc bi_and) [(_ (_))%I](comm bi_and) -(assoc bi_and).
End type_proj_setoid_equality.

Semantic proofs of typing lemmas for projections.

Section type_proj.
  Context `{!dlangG Σ}.

Existentials on a singleton coincide with path substitution: x: p.type. T = T[x:=p].
  Lemma oExists_oSing p (T : oltyO Σ) :
    oExists (oSing p) T opSubst p T.
    moveargs ρ v. rewrite /= path_wp_eq.
    by properness; rewrite ?alias_paths_pv_eq_1.

Projections from a singleton coincide with selections: p.type#A = p.A.
  Lemma oProj_oSing A p :
    oProj A (oSing p) oSel p A.
    rewrite oProjN_oExists oExists_oSing.
    (* Reduce path substitution. *)
    by moveargs ρ v /=; f_equivw; rewrite path_wp_pv_eq.

TODO: other rules should be derivable from the rules for existentials.
Here and below, we use indexed subtyping Γ T <:^i U to satisfy the restrictions discussed above. These restrictions are not specific to type projections but are also needed for type selections p.A.
On a first read, you should read Γ T <:^i U as Γ T <: U; see the paper for more discussion.
In short, to show a subtyping relation T1 <: T2, we must show that any value v in T1 is also in T2.
Because types can contain free variables, we have environments ρ, typed by typing contexts Γ, but you can ignore them at first.
Type projections are covariant: if T <: U then TA <: UA, or formally:
Γ T <:^i U
Γ T#A <:^i U#A
  Lemma sProj_Stp_Proj A Γ T U i :
    Γ s T <:[i] U -∗
    Γ s oProj A T <:[i] oProj A U.
    pupd; iIntros "#Hsub !> %ρ Hg %v"; iSpecialize ("Hsub" with "Hg"); iNext i.
From T <: U we must show T#A <: U#A, that is, that any v in T#A is in U#A. Recall the definition of T#A:
V[[T#A]](ρ) = { v | w V[[T]](ρ). v V[[w.A]](ρ) }.
So assume v is in T#A; then there exists a w in T such that v is in w.A. But then w is in U, because T <: U. So we have w U and v w.A, that is, v U#A.

    rewrite !oProjN_eq. iDestruct 1 as (w) "(HTw & Hφ)"; iExists w; iFrame "Hφ".
    iApply ("Hsub" with "HTw").

Type projections are subtypes of their upper bound.
Γ { A :: L .. U }T#A <:^i U
  Lemma sProj_Stp_U A Γ L U i :
     Γ s oProj A (oTMem A L U) <:[i] U.
    pupd; iIntros "!> %ρ Hg %v"; iNext i.
    rewrite oProjN_eq; iDestruct 1 as (w) "(HTw & HselV)".
      After unfolding definitions, we must show that v is in U,
      assuming that v is in w.A where w is in { A :: L .. U }.
      From existing results for type selections, it follows that
      v is in U.

    iApply (vl_sel_ub with "HselV HTw").

Type projections are subtypes of their upper bound: a more general statement.
Γ T <:^i { A :: L .. U }
Γ T#A <:^i U
  Lemma sProj_Stp_U' A Γ T L U i :
    Γ s T <:[i] oTMem A L U -∗
    Γ s oProj A T <:[i] U.
    iIntros "#Hp".
    iApply sStp_Trans; first iApply (sProj_Stp_Proj with "[Hp]"). by iIntros "!>".
    iApply sProj_Stp_U.

Projections T#A are lower bounded by type selections p.A:
Γ p :^i T
Γ p.A <:^i T#A
Derive this rule from the above ones: rewrite the selection as a projection from a singleton type, then use covariance of projections, and finally use sSngl_Stp_Self to show that p.type <: T.
  Lemma sSel_Stp_Proj A Γ T i p :
    Γ sp p : T, i -∗
    Γ s oSel p A <:[i] oProj A T.
    rewrite -oProj_oSing. iIntros "Hp".
    iApply sProj_Stp_Proj. iApply (sSngl_Stp_Self with "Hp").

Combining the two above rules for projections with the existing system, we even get lower bounds for projections from inhabited types:
Γ T <:^i { A :: L .. U } Γ p :^i T
Γ L <:^i T#A
But this is not the Scala 2 lower-bound rule (which doesn't require p to exist), and it is not directly usable for a typechecker. The only typing rule we can use in Scala is sSel_Stp_Proj, and to use that the user needs to get a value of type p.A in the usual, safe way: if e has type L, then e : p.A has types p.A and T#A.
However, a typechecker might relax this restriction if it can prove T has an inhabiting path (that is, that it is realizable, in the sense used in Dotty), even if the value has not been constructed.
Such reasoning is needed to enable compiling: trait T { type A = Int }; def f(x: Int): T#A = x.
The value can even use assumptions in the typing context (which might be more liberal than the Dotty rules); as usual, code in absurd typing contexts cannot run.
  Lemma sProj_Stp_L A Γ T L U i p :
    Γ s T <:[i] oTMem A L U -∗
    Γ sp p : T, i -∗
    Γ s L <:[i] oProj A T.
    iIntros "#Hsub #Hp".
    iApply sStp_Trans; last iApply (sSel_Stp_Proj with "Hp").
    iApply sStp_Sel.
    iApply (sP_Sub with "Hp Hsub").

In fact, if p has more specific bounds, we can use those too.
  Lemma sProj_Stp_L_Gen A Γ T1 T2 L U i p :
    Γ s T2 <:[i] oTMem A L U -∗
    Γ s T2 <:[i] T1 -∗
    Γ sp p : T2, i -∗
    Γ s L <:[i] oProj A T1.
    iIntros "#HsubBounds #Hsub #HpT2".
    iDestruct (sP_Sub with "HpT2 Hsub") as "HpT1".
    iApply sStp_Trans; last iApply (sSel_Stp_Proj with "HpT1").
    iApply sStp_Sel.
    iApply (sP_Sub with "HpT2 HsubBounds").

And sProj_Stp_L is indeed a special case of sProj_Stp_L_Gen.
  Lemma sProj_Stp_L' A Γ T L U i p :
    Γ s T <:[i] oTMem A L U -∗
    Γ sp p : T, i -∗
    Γ s L <:[i] oProj A T.
    iIntros "#Hsub #Hp".
    iApply (sProj_Stp_L_Gen with "Hsub [] Hp").
    iApply sStp_Refl.

TODO: Scala probably has more typing rules. Check them, or provide counterexamples.

Rules for projecting members with matching bounds.

Upper bounds are easy...
  Lemma sProj_TMem_Stp Γ A T i :
     Γ s oProj A (oTMem A T T) <:[i] T.
  Proof. apply sProj_Stp_U. Qed.

For lower bounds, we'd expect a rule similar to: Γ T <:^i { A :: T .. T }#A However, we must first of all "guard" it with ▷, like other gDOT rules involving (g)DOT's impredicative type members; that would give:
Γ T <:^i { A >: T <: T }#A
where { A >: T <: T } means { A :: T .. T }.
In our notation, that's written:
Γ s oLater T <:[i] oProj A (oTMemL A T T).
That rule indeed holds, but was challenging to prove, because this rule involves a type definition that doesn't appear in the source program, and the setup described in our ICFP'20 paper does not support such type definitions for technical reasons. Luckily, we only needed to tweak our model a bit, preserving all results.
Technically, in Iris jargon, to enable this proof we prepended a basic update modality (|==>) to the definitions of all semantic judgments, to allow using oProj_oTMem despite its own update modality. Luckily, it was easy enough to update the proofs for these changes in definitions; see: https://github.com/Blaisorblade/dot-iris/pull/303 .

Auxiliary lemma.

  Lemma oProj_oTMem A (T : olty Σ) σ s :
    s ↝[ σ ] shift T -∗
    <PB> ρ, oLater T anil ρ oProj A (oTMemL A T T) anil ρ.
To prove this theorem, we create an auxiliary definition body auxD and an auxiliary object auxV, whose type member A points to shift T.
    iIntros "#Hs !>".
    set auxD := dtysem σ s; set auxV := (vobj [(A, auxD)]).

    iAssert ([] sp pv (vobj [(A, auxD)]) :
      oMu (oTMemL A (shift T) (shift T)), 0) as "#>#HwT".
    by iApply sP_Obj_I; iApply sD_Sing'; iApply (sD_Typ with "Hs").

    iIntros "!> !> %ρ %v #HT"; rewrite oProjN_eq.
    iAssert (oTMemL A T T anil ρ auxV.[ρ])%I as "{HwT} #Hw". {
      rewrite -(path_wp_pv_eq auxV.[ρ]). by iApply "HwT".

    iExists auxV.[ρ]; iFrame "Hw".
    iApply (vl_sel_lb with "HT Hw").

  Lemma sProj_Stp_TMem {Γ i A σ} {T : olty Σ} :
    coveringσ σ T
     Γ s oLater T <:[i] oProj A (oTMemL A T T).
    iIntros "%HclT !>".
    iMod (leadsto_envD_equiv_alloc_shift HclT) as (s) "Hs".
    iDestruct (oProj_oTMem A with "Hs") as "{Hs} #>#Hs".
    iIntros "!>!> %ρ _ !>". iApply "Hs".

  Lemma Proj_Stp_TMem {Γ i A n} {T : ty} (HclT : nclosed T n) :
     Γ s oLater VT <:[i] oProj A (oTMemL A VT VT).
  Proof. have := !!nclosed_syn_coveringσ HclT; apply sProj_Stp_TMem. Qed.
End type_proj.