From D Require Export iris_prelude proper lty lr_syn_aux.
From D Require Import iris_extra.det_reduction.
From D Require Import swap_later_impl.
From D.Dot Require Import syn path_repl.
From D.Dot Require Export dlang_inst path_wp.
From D.pure_program_logic Require Import weakestpre.
From D.Dot Require Export dot_lty dot_semtypes sem_kind_dot.
Unset Program Cases.
Implicit Types (Σ : gFunctors)
(v w : vl) (e : tm) (d : dm) (ds : dms) (p : path)
(ρ : env) (l : label) (T : ty) (K : kind) (Γ : ctx).
From D Require Import iris_extra.det_reduction.
From D Require Import swap_later_impl.
From D.Dot Require Import syn path_repl.
From D.Dot Require Export dlang_inst path_wp.
From D.pure_program_logic Require Import weakestpre.
From D.Dot Require Export dot_lty dot_semtypes sem_kind_dot.
Unset Program Cases.
Implicit Types (Σ : gFunctors)
(v w : vl) (e : tm) (d : dm) (ds : dms) (p : path)
(ρ : env) (l : label) (T : ty) (K : kind) (Γ : ctx).
CTyInterp is an (operational) typeclass, implemented by the gDOT
logical relation.
Class CTyInterp Σ :=
clty_interp : ty → clty Σ.
#[global] Arguments clty_interp {_ _} !_ /.
Notation "C⟦ T ⟧" := (clty_interp T).
Class SfKindInterp Σ :=
sf_kind_interp : kind → sf_kind Σ.
#[global] Arguments sf_kind_interp {_ _} !_ /.
Notation "K⟦ K ⟧" := (sf_kind_interp K).
clty_interp : ty → clty Σ.
#[global] Arguments clty_interp {_ _} !_ /.
Notation "C⟦ T ⟧" := (clty_interp T).
Class SfKindInterp Σ :=
sf_kind_interp : kind → sf_kind Σ.
#[global] Arguments sf_kind_interp {_ _} !_ /.
Notation "K⟦ K ⟧" := (sf_kind_interp K).
Define various notations on top of clty_interp.
Definition interpretation of types (Fig. 9).
Notation "Ds⟦ T ⟧" := (clty_dslty C⟦ T ⟧).
(* We could inline pty_interp inside the V⟦ _ ⟧ notation, but I suspect
the V⟦ _ ⟧* notation needs pty_interp to be a first-class function. *)
Definition pty_interp `{CTyInterp Σ} T : oltyO Σ := clty_olty C⟦ T ⟧.
#[global] Arguments pty_interp : simpl never.
(* We could inline pty_interp inside the V⟦ _ ⟧ notation, but I suspect
the V⟦ _ ⟧* notation needs pty_interp to be a first-class function. *)
Definition pty_interp `{CTyInterp Σ} T : oltyO Σ := clty_olty C⟦ T ⟧.
#[global] Arguments pty_interp : simpl never.
Notation "V⟦ T ⟧" := (pty_interp T).
Notation "V⟦ Γ ⟧*" := (fmap (M := list) pty_interp Γ).
Notation "E⟦ T ⟧" := (sE⟦ V⟦ T ⟧ ⟧).
Notation "V⟦ Γ ⟧*" := (fmap (M := list) pty_interp Γ).
Notation "E⟦ T ⟧" := (sE⟦ V⟦ T ⟧ ⟧).
Class CTyInterpLemmas Σ `{!CTyInterp Σ} := {
interp_subst_compose_ind T {args} ρ1 ρ2 v :
V⟦ T.|[ρ1] ⟧ args ρ2 v ⊣⊢ V⟦ T ⟧ args (ρ1 >> ρ2) v;
interp_subst_compose_ind T {args} ρ1 ρ2 v :
V⟦ T.|[ρ1] ⟧ args ρ2 v ⊣⊢ V⟦ T ⟧ args (ρ1 >> ρ2) v;
Corollaries of CTyInterpLemmas.
Section logrel_binding_lemmas.
Context `{Htil : CTyInterpLemmas Σ}.
#[local] Set Default Proof Using "Type*".
Lemma interp_subst_compose T {args} ρ1 ρ2 ρ3 :
ρ1 >> ρ2 = ρ3 → V⟦ T.|[ρ1] ⟧ args ρ2 ≡ V⟦ T ⟧ args ρ3.
Proof. move⇒ <- v. exact: interp_subst_compose_ind. Qed.
Lemma interp_weaken_one τ ρ {args} :
V⟦ shift τ ⟧ args ρ ≡ V⟦ τ ⟧ args (stail ρ).
Proof. apply interp_subst_compose. autosubst. Qed.
Lemma interp_subst_one T v w ρ {args} :
V⟦ T.|[v/] ⟧ args ρ ≡ V⟦ T ⟧ args (v.[ρ] .: ρ).
Proof. apply interp_subst_compose. autosubst. Qed.
Lemma interp_subst_ids T ρ {args} : V⟦ T ⟧ args ρ ≡ V⟦ T.|[ρ] ⟧ args ids.
Proof. symmetry. apply interp_subst_compose. autosubst. Qed.
Context `{Htil : CTyInterpLemmas Σ}.
#[local] Set Default Proof Using "Type*".
Lemma interp_subst_compose T {args} ρ1 ρ2 ρ3 :
ρ1 >> ρ2 = ρ3 → V⟦ T.|[ρ1] ⟧ args ρ2 ≡ V⟦ T ⟧ args ρ3.
Proof. move⇒ <- v. exact: interp_subst_compose_ind. Qed.
Lemma interp_weaken_one τ ρ {args} :
V⟦ shift τ ⟧ args ρ ≡ V⟦ τ ⟧ args (stail ρ).
Proof. apply interp_subst_compose. autosubst. Qed.
Lemma interp_subst_one T v w ρ {args} :
V⟦ T.|[v/] ⟧ args ρ ≡ V⟦ T ⟧ args (v.[ρ] .: ρ).
Proof. apply interp_subst_compose. autosubst. Qed.
Lemma interp_subst_ids T ρ {args} : V⟦ T ⟧ args ρ ≡ V⟦ T.|[ρ] ⟧ args ids.
Proof. symmetry. apply interp_subst_compose. autosubst. Qed.
We have, unconditionally, that
V⟦ T.|∞ σ ⟧ args ρ = V⟦ T ⟧ args (∞ σ >> ρ).
But ∞ σ >> ρ and ∞ σ.|[ρ] are only equal for
length σ entries.
Lemma interp_commute_finsubst_cl T σ ρ v (HclT : nclosed T (length σ)) args :
V⟦ T.|[∞ σ] ⟧ args ρ v ≡ V⟦ T ⟧ args (∞ σ.|[ρ]) v.
rewrite interp_subst_compose_ind !(interp_subst_ids T) -hsubst_comp.
(* *The* step requiring HclT. *)
by rewrite (subst_compose HclT).
V⟦ T.|[∞ σ] ⟧ args ρ v ≡ V⟦ T ⟧ args (∞ σ.|[ρ]) v.
rewrite interp_subst_compose_ind !(interp_subst_ids T) -hsubst_comp.
(* *The* step requiring HclT. *)
by rewrite (subst_compose HclT).
Substitution on semantic types commutes with the semantics.
Lemma interp_commute_subst T σ : V⟦ T.|[σ] ⟧ ≡ V⟦ T ⟧.|[σ].
Proof. intros ???; apply interp_subst_compose_ind. Qed.
Lemma interp_commute_weaken T n : V⟦ shiftN n T ⟧ ≡ shiftN n V⟦ T ⟧.
Proof. apply (interp_commute_subst _ (ren (+n))). Qed.
Lemma interp_commute_weaken_one T : V⟦ shift T ⟧ ≡ shift V⟦ T ⟧.
Proof. apply interp_commute_weaken. Qed.
Lemma interp_commute_subst_one T v : V⟦ T.|[ v /] ⟧ ≡ V⟦ T ⟧.|[ v /].
Proof. apply (interp_commute_subst _ (v .: ids)). Qed.
End logrel_binding_lemmas.
Notation cBot := (olty2clty oBot).
Notation cOr T1 T2 := (olty2clty $ oOr T1 T2).
Notation cLater T := (olty2clty $ oLater T).
Notation cPrim b := (olty2clty $ oPrim b).
Notation cAll T1 T2 := (olty2clty $ oAll T1 T2).
Notation cMu T := (olty2clty $ oMu T).
Notation cSel p l := (olty2clty $ oSel p l).
Notation cSing p := (olty2clty $ oSing p).
Notation cLam T := (olty2clty $ oLam T).
Notation cApp T p := (olty2clty $ oTApp T p).
Section log_rel.
Context `{HdotG : !dlangG Σ}.
Proof. intros ???; apply interp_subst_compose_ind. Qed.
Lemma interp_commute_weaken T n : V⟦ shiftN n T ⟧ ≡ shiftN n V⟦ T ⟧.
Proof. apply (interp_commute_subst _ (ren (+n))). Qed.
Lemma interp_commute_weaken_one T : V⟦ shift T ⟧ ≡ shift V⟦ T ⟧.
Proof. apply interp_commute_weaken. Qed.
Lemma interp_commute_subst_one T v : V⟦ T.|[ v /] ⟧ ≡ V⟦ T ⟧.|[ v /].
Proof. apply (interp_commute_subst _ (v .: ids)). Qed.
End logrel_binding_lemmas.
Notation cBot := (olty2clty oBot).
Notation cOr T1 T2 := (olty2clty $ oOr T1 T2).
Notation cLater T := (olty2clty $ oLater T).
Notation cPrim b := (olty2clty $ oPrim b).
Notation cAll T1 T2 := (olty2clty $ oAll T1 T2).
Notation cMu T := (olty2clty $ oMu T).
Notation cSel p l := (olty2clty $ oSel p l).
Notation cSing p := (olty2clty $ oSing p).
Notation cLam T := (olty2clty $ oLam T).
Notation cApp T p := (olty2clty $ oTApp T p).
Section log_rel.
Context `{HdotG : !dlangG Σ}.
The logical relation on values is V⟦T⟧. We also define the logical
relation on definitions Ds⟦T⟧.
Both definitions follow the one on paper; concretely, they are defined
through C⟦T⟧ in instance dot_ty_interp.
Binding and closing substitutions:
Both relations interprets *open* types into predicates over values that
are meant to be closed. So for instance V⟦T⟧ T args ρ v applies substitution ρ
to T, but not to v. We don't actually require that v be closed.
Semantic judgements must apply instead to open subjects (terms/value/paths),
so they apply substitutions to their subject.
Additionally, both apply to *stamped* syntax, hence they only expect
dtysem and not dtysyn for type member definitions.
Dispatch function defining V⟦ T ⟧ and Ds⟦ T ⟧.
(* Observe the naming pattern for semantic type constructors:
replace T by o (for most constructors) or by c (for constructors producing
cltys). *)
Implicit Type (hrec : ty -d> hoEnvD Σ).
Implicit Type (clrec : ty -d> cltyO Σ).
Fixpoint kind_rec clrec (K : kind) {struct K} : sf_kind Σ :=
let rec_ty : CTyInterp Σ := ty_rec clrec in
let rec_kind : SfKindInterp Σ := kind_rec clrec in
match K with
| kintv L U ⇒ sf_kintv V⟦ L ⟧ V⟦ U ⟧
| kpi S K ⇒ sf_kpi V⟦ S ⟧ K⟦ K ⟧
with ty_rec clrec (T : ty) {struct T} : clty Σ :=
let rec_ty : CTyInterp Σ := ty_rec clrec in
let rec_kind : SfKindInterp Σ := kind_rec clrec in
let hrec : RecTyInterp Σ := λ T, clty_olty $ clrec T in
match T with
| kTTMem l K ⇒ cTMemK l K⟦ K ⟧
| TVMem l T' ⇒ cVMem l V⟦ T' ⟧
| TAnd T1 T2 ⇒ cAnd C⟦ T1 ⟧ C⟦ T2 ⟧
| TTop ⇒ cTop
(* The remaining types are not useful for definition typing. *)
| TBot ⇒ olty2clty oBot
| TOr T1 T2 ⇒ olty2clty $ oOr V⟦ T1 ⟧ V⟦ T2 ⟧
| TLater T ⇒ olty2clty $ oLater V⟦ T ⟧
| TPrim b ⇒ olty2clty $ oPrim b
| TAll T1 T2 ⇒ olty2clty $ oAll V⟦ T1 ⟧ V⟦ T2 ⟧
| TMu T ⇒ olty2clty $ oMu V⟦ T ⟧
| kTSel n p l ⇒ olty2clty $ oSel p l
| TSing p ⇒ olty2clty $ oSing p
| TLam T ⇒ olty2clty $ oLam V⟦ T ⟧
| TApp T p ⇒ olty2clty $ oTApp V⟦ T ⟧ p
Section interp_contractive.
Context (ri1 ri2 : ty -d> cltyO Σ).
Lemma interp_contractive_mut n (Hri : dist_later n ri1 ri2) :
(∀ T, ty_rec ri1 T ≡{n}≡ ty_rec ri2 T) ∧
(∀ K, kind_rec ri1 K ≡{n}≡ kind_rec ri2 K).
apply tp_kn_mut_ind; simpl; [done|done|..]; intros ×.
all: rewrite /pty_interp/clty_interp/sf_kind_interp.
all: intros; try by repeat (hof_eq_app || f_equiv).
all: repeat (hof_eq_app || f_contractive || f_equiv).
all: intros ????; apply clty_olty_ne, Hri.
End interp_contractive.
#[global] Instance kind_rec_contractive :
Contractive (kind_rec : _ -d> kind -d> sf_kindO Σ).
Proof. by move⇒ /= n ri1 ri2 Hri x; apply interp_contractive_mut. Qed.
#[global] Instance kind_rec_ne :
NonExpansive (kind_rec : _ -d> kind -d> sf_kindO Σ) := _.
#[global] Instance kind_rec_proper :
Proper1 (kind_rec : _ -d> kind -d> sf_kindO Σ) := _.
#[global] Instance ty_rec_contractive :
Contractive (ty_rec : _ -d> ty -d> cltyO Σ).
Proof. by move⇒ /= n ri1 ri2 Hri x; apply interp_contractive_mut. Qed.
#[global] Instance ty_interp : CTyInterp Σ := fixpoint ty_rec.
#[global] Arguments clty_interp {_ _} _ : simpl never.
#[global] Instance dot_kind_interp : SfKindInterp Σ := kind_rec ty_interp.
#[global] Arguments sf_kind_interp {_ _} _ : simpl never.
#[global] Instance dot_rec_ty_interp : RecTyInterp Σ := pty_interp.
Lemma fixpoint_interp_eq1 T : C⟦ T ⟧ ≡ ty_rec ty_interp T.
Proof. apply: (fixpoint_unfold ty_rec). Qed.
Lemma fixpoint_interp_eq : ty_interp ≡@{ty -d> _} ty_rec ty_interp.
Proof. apply: fixpoint_unfold. Qed.
Section kinterp_lemmas.
#[local] Lemma trec_fold0 : ty_rec ty_interp ≡@{ty -d> cltyO Σ} ty_interp.
Proof. apply symmetry, fixpoint_unfold. Qed.
Lemma kinterp_kintv L U : K⟦ kintv L U ⟧ ≡ sf_kintv V⟦ L ⟧ V⟦ U ⟧.
Proof. apply sf_kintv_proper; apply trec_fold0. Qed.
Lemma kinterp_kpi S K : K⟦ kpi S K ⟧ ≡ sf_kpi V⟦ S ⟧ K⟦ K ⟧.
Proof. apply sf_kpi_proper. apply trec_fold0. done. Qed.
End kinterp_lemmas.
Definition klr := (kinterp_kintv, kinterp_kpi).
Section cinterp_lemmas.
Ltac fast_work :=
rewrite !fixpoint_interp_eq1 /= /pty_interp/clty_interp//=.
Ltac fast_go := by fast_work.
Ltac go := fast_work; by rewrite -fixpoint_unfold.
Lemma cinterp_TTop : C⟦ TTop ⟧ ≡ cTop.
Proof. fast_go. Qed.
Lemma cinterp_TBot : C⟦ TBot ⟧ ≡ cBot.
Proof. fast_go. Qed.
Lemma cinterp_kTTMem l K1 : C⟦ kTTMem l K1 ⟧ ≡ cTMemK l K⟦ K1 ⟧.
Proof. fast_go. Qed.
Lemma cinterp_kTSel n p l : C⟦ kTSel n p l ⟧ ≡ cSel p l.
Proof. fast_go. Qed.
Lemma cinterp_TAnd T1 T2 : C⟦ TAnd T1 T2 ⟧ ≡ cAnd C⟦ T1 ⟧ C⟦ T2 ⟧.
Proof. fast_go. Qed.
Lemma cinterp_TOr T1 T2 : C⟦ TOr T1 T2 ⟧ ≡ cOr V⟦ T1 ⟧ V⟦ T2 ⟧.
Proof. go. Qed.
Lemma cinterp_TLater T1 : C⟦ TLater T1 ⟧ ≡ cLater V⟦ T1 ⟧.
Proof. go. Qed.
Lemma cinterp_TAll T1 T2 : C⟦ TAll T1 T2 ⟧ ≡ cAll V⟦ T1 ⟧ V⟦ T2 ⟧.
Proof. go. Qed.
Lemma cinterp_TMu T1 : C⟦ TMu T1 ⟧ ≡ cMu V⟦ T1 ⟧.
Proof. go. Qed.
Lemma cinterp_TVMem l T1 : C⟦ TVMem l T1 ⟧ ≡ cVMem l V⟦ T1 ⟧.
Proof. go. Qed.
Lemma cinterp_TPrim b : C⟦ TPrim b ⟧ ≡ cPrim b.
Proof. fast_go. Qed.
Lemma cinterp_TSing p : C⟦ TSing p ⟧ ≡ cSing p.
Proof. fast_go. Qed.
Lemma cinterp_TLam T1 : C⟦ TLam T1 ⟧ ≡ cLam V⟦ T1 ⟧.
Proof. go. Qed.
Lemma cinterp_TApp T1 p : C⟦ TApp T1 p ⟧ ≡ cApp V⟦ T1 ⟧ p.
Proof. go. Qed.
End cinterp_lemmas.
Definition clr :=
(cinterp_TTop, cinterp_TBot, cinterp_TAnd,
cinterp_TOr, cinterp_TLater, cinterp_TAll, cinterp_TMu, cinterp_TVMem,
cinterp_kTTMem, cinterp_kTSel, cinterp_TPrim, cinterp_TSing, cinterp_TLam, cinterp_TApp).
Section interp_lemmas.
Ltac go := rewrite /pty_interp clr //.
Lemma interp_TTop : V⟦ TTop ⟧ ≡ oTop.
Proof. go. Qed.
Lemma interp_TBot : V⟦ TBot ⟧ ≡ oBot.
Proof. go. Qed.
Lemma interp_TAnd T1 T2 : V⟦ TAnd T1 T2 ⟧ ≡ oAnd V⟦ T1 ⟧ V⟦ T2 ⟧.
Proof. go. Qed.
Lemma interp_TOr T1 T2 : V⟦ TOr T1 T2 ⟧ ≡ oOr V⟦ T1 ⟧ V⟦ T2 ⟧.
Proof. go. Qed.
Lemma interp_TLater T1 : V⟦ TLater T1 ⟧ ≡ oLater V⟦ T1 ⟧.
Proof. go. Qed.
Lemma interp_TAll T1 T2 : V⟦ TAll T1 T2 ⟧ ≡ oAll V⟦ T1 ⟧ V⟦ T2 ⟧.
Proof. go. Qed.
Lemma interp_TMu T1 : V⟦ TMu T1 ⟧ ≡ oMu V⟦ T1 ⟧.
Proof. go. Qed.
Lemma interp_TVMem l T1 : V⟦ TVMem l T1 ⟧ ≡ oVMem l V⟦ T1 ⟧.
Proof. go. Qed.
Lemma interp_kTTMem l K1 : V⟦ kTTMem l K1 ⟧ ≡ oTMemK l K⟦ K1 ⟧.
Proof. go. Qed.
Lemma interp_kTSel n p l : V⟦ kTSel n p l ⟧ ≡ oSel p l.
Proof. go. Qed.
Lemma interp_TPrim b : V⟦ TPrim b ⟧ ≡ oPrim b.
Proof. go. Qed.
Lemma interp_TSing p : V⟦ TSing p ⟧ ≡ oSing p.
Proof. go. Qed.
Lemma interp_TLam T1 : V⟦ TLam T1 ⟧ ≡ oLam V⟦ T1 ⟧.
Proof. go. Qed.
Lemma interp_TApp T1 p : V⟦ TApp T1 p ⟧ ≡ oTApp V⟦ T1 ⟧ p.
Proof. go. Qed.
End interp_lemmas.
Definition vlr :=
(interp_TTop, interp_TBot, interp_TAnd,
interp_TOr, interp_TLater, interp_TAll, interp_TMu, interp_TVMem,
interp_kTTMem, interp_kTSel, interp_TPrim, interp_TSing, interp_TLam, interp_TApp).
replace T by o (for most constructors) or by c (for constructors producing
cltys). *)
Implicit Type (hrec : ty -d> hoEnvD Σ).
Implicit Type (clrec : ty -d> cltyO Σ).
Fixpoint kind_rec clrec (K : kind) {struct K} : sf_kind Σ :=
let rec_ty : CTyInterp Σ := ty_rec clrec in
let rec_kind : SfKindInterp Σ := kind_rec clrec in
match K with
| kintv L U ⇒ sf_kintv V⟦ L ⟧ V⟦ U ⟧
| kpi S K ⇒ sf_kpi V⟦ S ⟧ K⟦ K ⟧
with ty_rec clrec (T : ty) {struct T} : clty Σ :=
let rec_ty : CTyInterp Σ := ty_rec clrec in
let rec_kind : SfKindInterp Σ := kind_rec clrec in
let hrec : RecTyInterp Σ := λ T, clty_olty $ clrec T in
match T with
| kTTMem l K ⇒ cTMemK l K⟦ K ⟧
| TVMem l T' ⇒ cVMem l V⟦ T' ⟧
| TAnd T1 T2 ⇒ cAnd C⟦ T1 ⟧ C⟦ T2 ⟧
| TTop ⇒ cTop
(* The remaining types are not useful for definition typing. *)
| TBot ⇒ olty2clty oBot
| TOr T1 T2 ⇒ olty2clty $ oOr V⟦ T1 ⟧ V⟦ T2 ⟧
| TLater T ⇒ olty2clty $ oLater V⟦ T ⟧
| TPrim b ⇒ olty2clty $ oPrim b
| TAll T1 T2 ⇒ olty2clty $ oAll V⟦ T1 ⟧ V⟦ T2 ⟧
| TMu T ⇒ olty2clty $ oMu V⟦ T ⟧
| kTSel n p l ⇒ olty2clty $ oSel p l
| TSing p ⇒ olty2clty $ oSing p
| TLam T ⇒ olty2clty $ oLam V⟦ T ⟧
| TApp T p ⇒ olty2clty $ oTApp V⟦ T ⟧ p
Section interp_contractive.
Context (ri1 ri2 : ty -d> cltyO Σ).
Lemma interp_contractive_mut n (Hri : dist_later n ri1 ri2) :
(∀ T, ty_rec ri1 T ≡{n}≡ ty_rec ri2 T) ∧
(∀ K, kind_rec ri1 K ≡{n}≡ kind_rec ri2 K).
apply tp_kn_mut_ind; simpl; [done|done|..]; intros ×.
all: rewrite /pty_interp/clty_interp/sf_kind_interp.
all: intros; try by repeat (hof_eq_app || f_equiv).
all: repeat (hof_eq_app || f_contractive || f_equiv).
all: intros ????; apply clty_olty_ne, Hri.
End interp_contractive.
#[global] Instance kind_rec_contractive :
Contractive (kind_rec : _ -d> kind -d> sf_kindO Σ).
Proof. by move⇒ /= n ri1 ri2 Hri x; apply interp_contractive_mut. Qed.
#[global] Instance kind_rec_ne :
NonExpansive (kind_rec : _ -d> kind -d> sf_kindO Σ) := _.
#[global] Instance kind_rec_proper :
Proper1 (kind_rec : _ -d> kind -d> sf_kindO Σ) := _.
#[global] Instance ty_rec_contractive :
Contractive (ty_rec : _ -d> ty -d> cltyO Σ).
Proof. by move⇒ /= n ri1 ri2 Hri x; apply interp_contractive_mut. Qed.
#[global] Instance ty_interp : CTyInterp Σ := fixpoint ty_rec.
#[global] Arguments clty_interp {_ _} _ : simpl never.
#[global] Instance dot_kind_interp : SfKindInterp Σ := kind_rec ty_interp.
#[global] Arguments sf_kind_interp {_ _} _ : simpl never.
#[global] Instance dot_rec_ty_interp : RecTyInterp Σ := pty_interp.
Lemma fixpoint_interp_eq1 T : C⟦ T ⟧ ≡ ty_rec ty_interp T.
Proof. apply: (fixpoint_unfold ty_rec). Qed.
Lemma fixpoint_interp_eq : ty_interp ≡@{ty -d> _} ty_rec ty_interp.
Proof. apply: fixpoint_unfold. Qed.
Section kinterp_lemmas.
#[local] Lemma trec_fold0 : ty_rec ty_interp ≡@{ty -d> cltyO Σ} ty_interp.
Proof. apply symmetry, fixpoint_unfold. Qed.
Lemma kinterp_kintv L U : K⟦ kintv L U ⟧ ≡ sf_kintv V⟦ L ⟧ V⟦ U ⟧.
Proof. apply sf_kintv_proper; apply trec_fold0. Qed.
Lemma kinterp_kpi S K : K⟦ kpi S K ⟧ ≡ sf_kpi V⟦ S ⟧ K⟦ K ⟧.
Proof. apply sf_kpi_proper. apply trec_fold0. done. Qed.
End kinterp_lemmas.
Definition klr := (kinterp_kintv, kinterp_kpi).
Section cinterp_lemmas.
Ltac fast_work :=
rewrite !fixpoint_interp_eq1 /= /pty_interp/clty_interp//=.
Ltac fast_go := by fast_work.
Ltac go := fast_work; by rewrite -fixpoint_unfold.
Lemma cinterp_TTop : C⟦ TTop ⟧ ≡ cTop.
Proof. fast_go. Qed.
Lemma cinterp_TBot : C⟦ TBot ⟧ ≡ cBot.
Proof. fast_go. Qed.
Lemma cinterp_kTTMem l K1 : C⟦ kTTMem l K1 ⟧ ≡ cTMemK l K⟦ K1 ⟧.
Proof. fast_go. Qed.
Lemma cinterp_kTSel n p l : C⟦ kTSel n p l ⟧ ≡ cSel p l.
Proof. fast_go. Qed.
Lemma cinterp_TAnd T1 T2 : C⟦ TAnd T1 T2 ⟧ ≡ cAnd C⟦ T1 ⟧ C⟦ T2 ⟧.
Proof. fast_go. Qed.
Lemma cinterp_TOr T1 T2 : C⟦ TOr T1 T2 ⟧ ≡ cOr V⟦ T1 ⟧ V⟦ T2 ⟧.
Proof. go. Qed.
Lemma cinterp_TLater T1 : C⟦ TLater T1 ⟧ ≡ cLater V⟦ T1 ⟧.
Proof. go. Qed.
Lemma cinterp_TAll T1 T2 : C⟦ TAll T1 T2 ⟧ ≡ cAll V⟦ T1 ⟧ V⟦ T2 ⟧.
Proof. go. Qed.
Lemma cinterp_TMu T1 : C⟦ TMu T1 ⟧ ≡ cMu V⟦ T1 ⟧.
Proof. go. Qed.
Lemma cinterp_TVMem l T1 : C⟦ TVMem l T1 ⟧ ≡ cVMem l V⟦ T1 ⟧.
Proof. go. Qed.
Lemma cinterp_TPrim b : C⟦ TPrim b ⟧ ≡ cPrim b.
Proof. fast_go. Qed.
Lemma cinterp_TSing p : C⟦ TSing p ⟧ ≡ cSing p.
Proof. fast_go. Qed.
Lemma cinterp_TLam T1 : C⟦ TLam T1 ⟧ ≡ cLam V⟦ T1 ⟧.
Proof. go. Qed.
Lemma cinterp_TApp T1 p : C⟦ TApp T1 p ⟧ ≡ cApp V⟦ T1 ⟧ p.
Proof. go. Qed.
End cinterp_lemmas.
Definition clr :=
(cinterp_TTop, cinterp_TBot, cinterp_TAnd,
cinterp_TOr, cinterp_TLater, cinterp_TAll, cinterp_TMu, cinterp_TVMem,
cinterp_kTTMem, cinterp_kTSel, cinterp_TPrim, cinterp_TSing, cinterp_TLam, cinterp_TApp).
Section interp_lemmas.
Ltac go := rewrite /pty_interp clr //.
Lemma interp_TTop : V⟦ TTop ⟧ ≡ oTop.
Proof. go. Qed.
Lemma interp_TBot : V⟦ TBot ⟧ ≡ oBot.
Proof. go. Qed.
Lemma interp_TAnd T1 T2 : V⟦ TAnd T1 T2 ⟧ ≡ oAnd V⟦ T1 ⟧ V⟦ T2 ⟧.
Proof. go. Qed.
Lemma interp_TOr T1 T2 : V⟦ TOr T1 T2 ⟧ ≡ oOr V⟦ T1 ⟧ V⟦ T2 ⟧.
Proof. go. Qed.
Lemma interp_TLater T1 : V⟦ TLater T1 ⟧ ≡ oLater V⟦ T1 ⟧.
Proof. go. Qed.
Lemma interp_TAll T1 T2 : V⟦ TAll T1 T2 ⟧ ≡ oAll V⟦ T1 ⟧ V⟦ T2 ⟧.
Proof. go. Qed.
Lemma interp_TMu T1 : V⟦ TMu T1 ⟧ ≡ oMu V⟦ T1 ⟧.
Proof. go. Qed.
Lemma interp_TVMem l T1 : V⟦ TVMem l T1 ⟧ ≡ oVMem l V⟦ T1 ⟧.
Proof. go. Qed.
Lemma interp_kTTMem l K1 : V⟦ kTTMem l K1 ⟧ ≡ oTMemK l K⟦ K1 ⟧.
Proof. go. Qed.
Lemma interp_kTSel n p l : V⟦ kTSel n p l ⟧ ≡ oSel p l.
Proof. go. Qed.
Lemma interp_TPrim b : V⟦ TPrim b ⟧ ≡ oPrim b.
Proof. go. Qed.
Lemma interp_TSing p : V⟦ TSing p ⟧ ≡ oSing p.
Proof. go. Qed.
Lemma interp_TLam T1 : V⟦ TLam T1 ⟧ ≡ oLam V⟦ T1 ⟧.
Proof. go. Qed.
Lemma interp_TApp T1 p : V⟦ TApp T1 p ⟧ ≡ oTApp V⟦ T1 ⟧ p.
Proof. go. Qed.
End interp_lemmas.
Definition vlr :=
(interp_TTop, interp_TBot, interp_TAnd,
interp_TOr, interp_TLater, interp_TAll, interp_TMu, interp_TVMem,
interp_kTTMem, interp_kTSel, interp_TPrim, interp_TSing, interp_TLam, interp_TApp).
Binding lemmas for V⟦ T ⟧ and K⟦ T ⟧.
Lemma mut_interp_subst_compose_ind :
(∀ T args ρ1 ρ2 v,
V⟦ T.|[ρ1] ⟧ args ρ2 v ⊣⊢ V⟦ T ⟧ args (ρ1 >> ρ2) v) ∧
(∀ K ρ1 ρ2 τ1 τ2,
K⟦ K.|[ρ1] ⟧ ρ2 τ1 τ2 ⊣⊢ K⟦ K ⟧ (ρ1 >> ρ2) τ1 τ2).
apply tp_kn_mut_ind; intros;
rewrite ?(vlr, klr) /= /sr_kintv /subtype_lty.
all: properness.
all: rewrite ?scons_up_swap ?hsubst_comp; trivial.
all: try by apply path_wp_proper ⇒ ?.
#[global] Instance pinterp_lemmas : CTyInterpLemmas Σ.
Proof. split. apply mut_interp_subst_compose_ind. Qed.
Lemma kind_interp_subst_compose_ind K ρ1 ρ2 τ1 τ2 :
K⟦ K.|[ρ1] ⟧ ρ2 τ1 τ2 ⊣⊢ K⟦ K ⟧ (ρ1 >> ρ2) τ1 τ2.
Proof. apply mut_interp_subst_compose_ind. Qed.
Definition idtp Γ T l d := sdtp l d V⟦Γ⟧* C⟦T⟧.
Definition idstp Γ T ds := sdstp ds V⟦Γ⟧* C⟦T⟧.
Definition ietp Γ T e := setp e V⟦Γ⟧* V⟦T⟧.
Definition istpd i Γ T1 T2 := sstpd i V⟦Γ⟧* V⟦T1⟧ V⟦T2⟧.
Definition iptp Γ T p i := sptp p i V⟦Γ⟧* V⟦T⟧.
End log_rel.
Notation "G⟦ Γ ⟧ ρ" := (sG⟦ V⟦ Γ ⟧* ⟧* ρ) (at level 10).
(∀ T args ρ1 ρ2 v,
V⟦ T.|[ρ1] ⟧ args ρ2 v ⊣⊢ V⟦ T ⟧ args (ρ1 >> ρ2) v) ∧
(∀ K ρ1 ρ2 τ1 τ2,
K⟦ K.|[ρ1] ⟧ ρ2 τ1 τ2 ⊣⊢ K⟦ K ⟧ (ρ1 >> ρ2) τ1 τ2).
apply tp_kn_mut_ind; intros;
rewrite ?(vlr, klr) /= /sr_kintv /subtype_lty.
all: properness.
all: rewrite ?scons_up_swap ?hsubst_comp; trivial.
all: try by apply path_wp_proper ⇒ ?.
#[global] Instance pinterp_lemmas : CTyInterpLemmas Σ.
Proof. split. apply mut_interp_subst_compose_ind. Qed.
Lemma kind_interp_subst_compose_ind K ρ1 ρ2 τ1 τ2 :
K⟦ K.|[ρ1] ⟧ ρ2 τ1 τ2 ⊣⊢ K⟦ K ⟧ (ρ1 >> ρ2) τ1 τ2.
Proof. apply mut_interp_subst_compose_ind. Qed.
Definition idtp Γ T l d := sdtp l d V⟦Γ⟧* C⟦T⟧.
Definition idstp Γ T ds := sdstp ds V⟦Γ⟧* C⟦T⟧.
Definition ietp Γ T e := setp e V⟦Γ⟧* V⟦T⟧.
Definition istpd i Γ T1 T2 := sstpd i V⟦Γ⟧* V⟦T1⟧ V⟦T2⟧.
Definition iptp Γ T p i := sptp p i V⟦Γ⟧* V⟦T⟧.
End log_rel.
Notation "G⟦ Γ ⟧ ρ" := (sG⟦ V⟦ Γ ⟧* ⟧* ρ) (at level 10).
Single-definition typing
Multi-definition typing
Expression typing
Notation "Γ ⊨ e : T" := (ietp Γ T e) (at level 74, e, T at next level).
Notation "Γ ⊨p p : T , i" := (iptp Γ T p i) (at level 74, p, T, i at next level).
Notation "Γ ⊨ T1 <:[ i ] T2" := (istpd i Γ T1 T2) (at level 74, T1, T2 at next level).
Notation "Γ ⊨p p : T , i" := (iptp Γ T p i) (at level 74, p, T, i at next level).
Notation "Γ ⊨ T1 <:[ i ] T2" := (istpd i Γ T1 T2) (at level 74, T1, T2 at next level).
Section judgment_definitions.
Context `{HdotG : !dlangG Σ}.
Lemma idstp_eq Γ T ds : Γ ⊨ds ds : T ⊣⊢
<PB> (⌜wf_ds ds⌝ ∧ ∀ ρ, ⌜path_includes (pv (ids 0)) ρ ds ⌝ → G⟦Γ⟧ ρ → Ds⟦T⟧ ρ ds.|[ρ]).
Proof. reflexivity. Qed.
Lemma ietp_eq Γ e T :
Γ ⊨ e : T ⊣⊢ <PB> ∀ ρ, G⟦Γ⟧ ρ → E⟦T⟧ ρ (e.|[ρ]).
Proof. reflexivity. Qed.
Lemma istpd_eq Γ T1 i T2 :
Γ ⊨ T1 <:[i] T2 ⊣⊢
<PB> ∀ ρ v, G⟦Γ⟧ ρ → ▷^i (V⟦T1⟧ anil ρ v → V⟦T2⟧ anil ρ v).
Proof. apply sstpd_eq. Qed.
Lemma iptp_eq Γ p T i :
Γ ⊨p p : T , i ⊣⊢
<PB> ∀ ρ, G⟦Γ⟧ ρ →
▷^i path_wp (p.|[ρ]) (λ v, V⟦T⟧ anil ρ v).
Proof. reflexivity. Qed.
End judgment_definitions.
Section misc_lemmas.
Context `{HdotG : !dlangG Σ}.
Lemma iterate_TLater_oLater i (T : ty) :
V⟦iterate TLater i T⟧ ≡ oLaterN i V⟦T⟧.
Proof. elim: i ⇒ [//|i IHi] ???. by rewrite !iterate_S vlr /= IHi. Qed.
End misc_lemmas.
Context `{HdotG : !dlangG Σ}.
Lemma idstp_eq Γ T ds : Γ ⊨ds ds : T ⊣⊢
<PB> (⌜wf_ds ds⌝ ∧ ∀ ρ, ⌜path_includes (pv (ids 0)) ρ ds ⌝ → G⟦Γ⟧ ρ → Ds⟦T⟧ ρ ds.|[ρ]).
Proof. reflexivity. Qed.
Lemma ietp_eq Γ e T :
Γ ⊨ e : T ⊣⊢ <PB> ∀ ρ, G⟦Γ⟧ ρ → E⟦T⟧ ρ (e.|[ρ]).
Proof. reflexivity. Qed.
Lemma istpd_eq Γ T1 i T2 :
Γ ⊨ T1 <:[i] T2 ⊣⊢
<PB> ∀ ρ v, G⟦Γ⟧ ρ → ▷^i (V⟦T1⟧ anil ρ v → V⟦T2⟧ anil ρ v).
Proof. apply sstpd_eq. Qed.
Lemma iptp_eq Γ p T i :
Γ ⊨p p : T , i ⊣⊢
<PB> ∀ ρ, G⟦Γ⟧ ρ →
▷^i path_wp (p.|[ρ]) (λ v, V⟦T⟧ anil ρ v).
Proof. reflexivity. Qed.
End judgment_definitions.
Section misc_lemmas.
Context `{HdotG : !dlangG Σ}.
Lemma iterate_TLater_oLater i (T : ty) :
V⟦iterate TLater i T⟧ ≡ oLaterN i V⟦T⟧.
Proof. elim: i ⇒ [//|i IHi] ???. by rewrite !iterate_S vlr /= IHi. Qed.
End misc_lemmas.
Tactic to reduce the syntactic judgments and logical relation.
To use when proving syntactic typing lemmas, e.g. Stp_Top over sStp_Top, or
Mu_Stp over sMu_Stp.
Due to the fix to issue #365(https://github.com/Blaisorblade/dot-iris/issues/365),
this must now use non-definitional equalities.
Definition lr := (@fmap_cons, @iterate_TLater_oLater, @vlr, @klr, @clr).
Ltac rw := rewrite /ietp /idstp /idtp /iptp /istpd ?lr.
Section path_repl_lemmas.
Context `{!dlangG Σ}.
Implicit Types (φ : vl -d> iPropO Σ).
Let fundamental_ty_path_repl_def p q T1 T2 := V⟦ T1 ⟧ ¬sTpP[ p := q ]* V⟦ T2 ⟧.
Let fundamental_kn_path_repl_def p q K1 K2 := K⟦ K1 ⟧ ¬sKpP[ p := q ]* K⟦ K2 ⟧.
#[local] Lemma fundamental_ty_kn_mut_path_repl p q :
(∀ T1 T2 (Hrew : T1 ¬Tp[ p := q ] T2), fundamental_ty_path_repl_def p q T1 T2) ∧
(∀ K1 K2 (Hrew : K1 ¬Kp[ p := q ] K2), fundamental_kn_path_repl_def p q K1 K2).
apply ty_kind_path_repl_mut_ind;
rewrite /fundamental_ty_path_repl_def /fundamental_kn_path_repl_def
/sem_ty_path_repl /sem_kind_path_repl; intros.
all: rewrite ?vlr ?klr /=.
all: rewrite /sr_kintv /subtype_lty/=; intros;
try match goal with
| H : context [equiv _ _] |- _ ⇒ rename H into IHHrew
all: eauto 2.
all: by [ apply: path_replacement_equiv
| apply: rewrite_path_path_repl
| apply IHHrew; rewrite ?hsubst_comp
| apply: path_wp_proper ⇒ ?; exact: IHHrew ].
Lemma fundamental_ty_path_repl {p q T1 T2}
(Hrew : T1 ¬Tp[ p := q ] T2) :
V⟦ T1 ⟧ ¬sTpP[ p := q ]* V⟦ T2 ⟧.
Proof. by apply fundamental_ty_kn_mut_path_repl. Qed.
Lemma fundamental_kn_path_repl {p q K1 K2}
(Hrew : K1 ¬Kp[ p := q ] K2) :
K⟦ K1 ⟧ ¬sKpP[ p := q ]* K⟦ K2 ⟧.
Proof. by apply fundamental_ty_kn_mut_path_repl. Qed.
Lemma fundamental_ty_path_repl_rtc {p q T1 T2}
(Hrew : T1 ¬Tp[ p := q ]* T2) :
V⟦ T1 ⟧ ¬sTpP[ p := q ]* V⟦ T2 ⟧.
move⇒ args ρ v Hal. elim: Hrew ⇒ [//|T {}T1 {}T2 Hr _ <-].
apply (fundamental_ty_path_repl Hr), Hal.
Lemma rewrite_ty_path_repl_rtc {p q T1 T2 args ρ}
(Hrepl : T1 ¬Tp[ p := q ]* T2)
(Hal : alias_paths p.|[ρ] q.|[ρ]) : (* p : q.type *)
V⟦ T1 ⟧ args ρ ≡ V⟦ T2 ⟧ args ρ.
Proof. intros v. apply: (fundamental_ty_path_repl_rtc Hrepl) Hal. Qed.
Ltac rw := rewrite /ietp /idstp /idtp /iptp /istpd ?lr.
Section path_repl_lemmas.
Context `{!dlangG Σ}.
Implicit Types (φ : vl -d> iPropO Σ).
Let fundamental_ty_path_repl_def p q T1 T2 := V⟦ T1 ⟧ ¬sTpP[ p := q ]* V⟦ T2 ⟧.
Let fundamental_kn_path_repl_def p q K1 K2 := K⟦ K1 ⟧ ¬sKpP[ p := q ]* K⟦ K2 ⟧.
#[local] Lemma fundamental_ty_kn_mut_path_repl p q :
(∀ T1 T2 (Hrew : T1 ¬Tp[ p := q ] T2), fundamental_ty_path_repl_def p q T1 T2) ∧
(∀ K1 K2 (Hrew : K1 ¬Kp[ p := q ] K2), fundamental_kn_path_repl_def p q K1 K2).
apply ty_kind_path_repl_mut_ind;
rewrite /fundamental_ty_path_repl_def /fundamental_kn_path_repl_def
/sem_ty_path_repl /sem_kind_path_repl; intros.
all: rewrite ?vlr ?klr /=.
all: rewrite /sr_kintv /subtype_lty/=; intros;
try match goal with
| H : context [equiv _ _] |- _ ⇒ rename H into IHHrew
all: eauto 2.
all: by [ apply: path_replacement_equiv
| apply: rewrite_path_path_repl
| apply IHHrew; rewrite ?hsubst_comp
| apply: path_wp_proper ⇒ ?; exact: IHHrew ].
Lemma fundamental_ty_path_repl {p q T1 T2}
(Hrew : T1 ¬Tp[ p := q ] T2) :
V⟦ T1 ⟧ ¬sTpP[ p := q ]* V⟦ T2 ⟧.
Proof. by apply fundamental_ty_kn_mut_path_repl. Qed.
Lemma fundamental_kn_path_repl {p q K1 K2}
(Hrew : K1 ¬Kp[ p := q ] K2) :
K⟦ K1 ⟧ ¬sKpP[ p := q ]* K⟦ K2 ⟧.
Proof. by apply fundamental_ty_kn_mut_path_repl. Qed.
Lemma fundamental_ty_path_repl_rtc {p q T1 T2}
(Hrew : T1 ¬Tp[ p := q ]* T2) :
V⟦ T1 ⟧ ¬sTpP[ p := q ]* V⟦ T2 ⟧.
move⇒ args ρ v Hal. elim: Hrew ⇒ [//|T {}T1 {}T2 Hr _ <-].
apply (fundamental_ty_path_repl Hr), Hal.
Lemma rewrite_ty_path_repl_rtc {p q T1 T2 args ρ}
(Hrepl : T1 ¬Tp[ p := q ]* T2)
(Hal : alias_paths p.|[ρ] q.|[ρ]) : (* p : q.type *)
V⟦ T1 ⟧ args ρ ≡ V⟦ T2 ⟧ args ρ.
Proof. intros v. apply: (fundamental_ty_path_repl_rtc Hrepl) Hal. Qed.
Prove that semantic and syntactic substitution of paths in types agree.
However, this proof only works for paths that normalize; that's because
V⟦ T ⟧ .sTp[ p /] args ρ v asserts that p terminates, while
V⟦ T' ⟧ args ρ v need not assert that (say, because T' is
TOr TTop (TSel p l).
Lemma sem_psubst_one_eq {T T' args p v ρ}
(Hrepl : T .Tp[ p /]~ T')
(Hal : alias_paths p.|[ρ] (pv v)) :
V⟦ T' ⟧ args ρ ≡ V⟦ T ⟧ .sTp[ p /] args ρ.
rewrite -(interp_weaken_one T' (v .: ρ)) ⇒ w.
rewrite -(rewrite_ty_path_repl_rtc Hrepl) /=.
by rewrite (alias_paths_elim_eq _ Hal) path_wp_pv_eq.
by rewrite hsubst_comp ren_scons /= alias_paths_symm.
Lemma psubst_one_repl {T T' args p v w ρ}
(Hr : T .Tp[ p /]~ T') (Hal : alias_paths p.|[ρ] (pv v)) :
V⟦ T ⟧ args (v .: ρ) w ≡ V⟦ T' ⟧ args ρ w.
Proof. by rewrite (sem_psubst_one_eq Hr Hal) (sem_psubst_one_repl Hal). Qed.
End path_repl_lemmas.
(Hrepl : T .Tp[ p /]~ T')
(Hal : alias_paths p.|[ρ] (pv v)) :
V⟦ T' ⟧ args ρ ≡ V⟦ T ⟧ .sTp[ p /] args ρ.
rewrite -(interp_weaken_one T' (v .: ρ)) ⇒ w.
rewrite -(rewrite_ty_path_repl_rtc Hrepl) /=.
by rewrite (alias_paths_elim_eq _ Hal) path_wp_pv_eq.
by rewrite hsubst_comp ren_scons /= alias_paths_symm.
Lemma psubst_one_repl {T T' args p v w ρ}
(Hr : T .Tp[ p /]~ T') (Hal : alias_paths p.|[ρ] (pv v)) :
V⟦ T ⟧ args (v .: ρ) w ≡ V⟦ T' ⟧ args ρ w.
Proof. by rewrite (sem_psubst_one_eq Hr Hal) (sem_psubst_one_repl Hal). Qed.
End path_repl_lemmas.
Backward compatibility.
Adequacy of normalization for gDOT paths.