
(* (* Must be loaded first, so that other modules can reset some flags. *)
Require Import Equations.Equations. *)

From Coq Require FunctionalExtensionality.
From iris.proofmode Require Import proofmode.
From iris.base_logic Require Import lib.saved_prop.
From D Require Import iris_prelude.
From D Require Export succ_notation.
From D Require Import saved_interp_n asubst_intf asubst_base dlang lty.
From D Require Import swap_later_impl.
From D.Dot Require dot_lty dot_semtypes.
From D.Dot Require defs_lr binding_lr dsub_lr path_repl_lr sub_lr examples_lr.
From D.Dot Require hoas ex_utils.

From D.Dot Require Import sem_kind sem_kind_dot.
Require Import D.iris_extra.proofmode_pupd.

Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Strict Implicit.

Implicit Types (Σ : gFunctors).

Module Type HoSemJudgments
  (Import VS : VlSortsSig)
  (Import LWP : LiftWp VS)
  (Import L : Lty VS LWP)
  (Import HST : HoSemTypes VS LWP L).

Kinded, Indexed SubTyPing
Notation sstpiK_env i T1 T2 K ρ := (▷^i K ρ (envApply T1 ρ) (envApply T2 ρ))%I.

Notation sstpiK' i Γ T1 T2 K := ( ρ, sGΓ⟧*ρ sstpiK_env i T1 T2 K ρ)%I.

Definition sstpiK `{dlangG Σ} i Γ T1 T2 (K : sf_kind Σ) : iProp Σ :=
  <PB> sstpiK' i Γ T1 T2 K.
Arguments sstpiK : simpl never.
#[global] Instance : Params (@sstpiK) 4 := {}.
Notation "Γ s⊨ T1 <:[ i ] T2 ∷ K" := (sstpiK i Γ T1 T2 K)
  (at level 74, i, T1, T2, K at next level).

Notation "Γ s⊨ T1 =[ i ] T2 ∷ K" :=
  (Γ s T1 <:[ i ] T2 K Γ s T2 <:[ i ] T1 K)%I
  (at level 74, i, T1, T2, K at next level).

Notation "Γ s⊨ T ∷[ i ] K" := (Γ s T <:[ i ] T K)
  (at level 74, T, K at next level).

(* Semantic SubKinding *)
Definition sSkd `{dlangG Σ} i Γ (K1 K2 : sf_kind Σ) : iProp Σ :=
  <PB> ρ, sGΓ⟧*ρ (T1 T2 : hoLtyO Σ), ▷^i (K1 ρ T1 T2 K2 ρ T1 T2).
Arguments sSkd : simpl never.
#[global] Instance : Params (@sSkd) 4 := {}.
Notation "Γ s⊨ K1 <∷[ i ] K2" := (sSkd i Γ K1 K2)
  (at level 74, K1, K2 at next level).

Notation sf_sngl T := (sf_kintv T T).

Section gen_lemmas.
  Context `{Hdlang : dlangG Σ} `{HswapProp : SwapPropI Σ}.

  #[global] Instance sstpiK_persistent i Γ T1 T2 K :
    Persistent (sstpiK i Γ T1 T2 K) := _.

  #[global] Instance sstpiK_into_persistent i Γ T1 T2 K :
    IntoPersistent' (sstpiK i Γ T1 T2 K) := _.

  #[global] Instance sSkd_persistent i Γ K1 K2 :
    Persistent (sSkd i Γ K1 K2) := _.

  #[global] Instance sSkd_into_persistent i Γ K1 K2 :
    IntoPersistent' (sSkd i Γ K1 K2) := _.

  #[global] Instance sstpiK_proper i :
    Proper4 (sstpiK (Σ := Σ) i).
    rewrite /sstpiKΓ1 Γ2 T1 T2 HT U1 U2 HU K1 K2 HK.
    properness; rewrite (, HK); first done.
    (* Time by rewrite HT HU. *)
    (* Time by apply sf_kind_sub_proper => //; f_equiv. *)
    by apply sf_kind_proper; f_equiv.

  Lemma sstpiK_mono_ctx i Γ {T1 U1 T2 U2 : olty Σ} (K1 K2 : sf_kind Σ)
    (Hsub : ρ, sGΓ⟧*ρ sstpiK_env i T1 U1 K1 ρ -∗ sstpiK_env i T2 U2 K2 ρ) :
    Γ s T1 <:[ i ] U1 K1 Γ s T2 <:[ i ] U2 K2.
  Proof. pupd; iIntros "#HT !>" (ρ) "#Hg /=". iApply (Hsub with "Hg (HT Hg)"). Qed.

  #[global] Instance sSkd_proper i :
    Proper3 (sSkd (Σ := Σ) i).
    rewrite /sSkdΓ1 Γ2 K1 K2 HK1 K3 K4 HK2.
    by properness; rewrite (, HK1, HK2).

  Lemma shift_sstpiK S Γ {i} (T1 T2 : olty Σ) K :
    Γ s T1 <:[ i ] T2 K -∗
    S :: Γ s oShift T1 <:[ i ] oShift T2 kShift K.
    pupd; iIntros "#HK !> %ρ /= #[Hg _]".
    by iApply (sf_kind_proper with "(HK Hg)").

  Lemma shift_sKEq S Γ {i} (T1 T2 : olty Σ) K :
    Γ s T1 =[ i ] T2 K -∗
    S :: Γ s oShift T1 =[ i ] oShift T2 kShift K.
  Proof. by rewrite -!shift_sstpiK. Qed.

  Lemma shift_stpkD S Γ {i} (T : olty Σ) K :
    Γ s T ∷[ i ] K -∗
    S :: Γ s oShift T ∷[ i ] kShift K.
  Proof. apply shift_sstpiK. Qed.

  Lemma shift_sSkd S Γ {i} (K1 K2 : sf_kind Σ) :
    Γ s K1 <∷[ i ] K2 -∗
    S :: Γ s kShift K1 <∷[ i ] kShift K2.
    pupd; iIntros "#HK !> %ρ /= #[Hg _] *".
    iApply ("HK" with "Hg").

  Lemma narrow_sstpiK Γ S1 S2 T U (K : sf_kind Σ) i :
    S2 :: Γ s S2 <:[ 0 ] S1 sf_star -∗
    S1 :: Γ s T <:[ i ] U K -∗
    S2 :: Γ s T <:[ i ] U K.
    pupd; iIntros "#HsubS #HJ !> %ρ /= #[Hg HS]".
    iApply ("HJ" $! ρ with "[$Hg]").
    iApply ("HsubS" $! ρ with "[$Hg $HS] HS").

  Lemma narrow_stpkD Γ S1 S2 T (K : sf_kind Σ) i :
    S2 :: Γ s S2 <:[ 0 ] S1 sf_star -∗
    S1 :: Γ s T ∷[ i ] K -∗
    S2 :: Γ s T ∷[ i ] K.
  Proof. apply narrow_sstpiK. Qed.

  Lemma narrow_sKEq Γ S1 S2 T U (K : sf_kind Σ) i :
    S2 :: Γ s S2 <:[ 0 ] S1 sf_star -∗
    S1 :: Γ s T =[ i ] U K -∗
    S2 :: Γ s T =[ i ] U K.
    by iIntros "#HsubS #[HJ1 HJ2]"; iSplit; iApply (narrow_sstpiK with "HsubS").

  Lemma narrow_sSkd Γ S1 S2 {i} (K1 K2 : sf_kind Σ) :
    S2 :: Γ s S2 <:[ 0 ] S1 sf_star -∗
    S1 :: Γ s K1 <∷[ i ] K2 -∗
    S2 :: Γ s K1 <∷[ i ] K2.
    pupd; iIntros "#HsubS #HJ !> %ρ /= #[Hg HS] *".
    iApply ("HJ" $! ρ with "[$Hg]").
    iApply ("HsubS" $! ρ with "[$Hg $HS] HS").

  Lemma sKEq_Symm Γ (K : sf_kind Σ) T1 T2 i :
    Γ s T1 =[ i ] T2 K -∗
    Γ s T2 =[ i ] T1 K.
  Proof. iIntros "[$ $]". Qed.

  Lemma sf_star_eq ρ T1 T2 :
    sf_star ρ T1 T2 ⊣⊢ (oClose T1 ⊆@{Σ} oClose T2).
    iSplit; first by iIntros "(_ & $ & _)".
    iIntros "#$ !>"; iSplit;
      iIntros (v); [iIntros "[]" | iIntros "_ //"].

  Lemma ksubtyping_equiv' i Γ T1 T2 :
     sstpiK' i Γ T1 T2 sf_star ⊣⊢
     ρ, sG Γ ⟧* ρ ▷^i (oClose T1 ρ oClose T2 ρ).
    - iIntros "#Hsub !> %ρ #Hg".
      iDestruct (sf_star_eq with "(Hsub Hg)") as "{Hsub Hg} #Hsub".
      iIntros "!>". iApply "Hsub".
    - iIntros "#Hsub !> %ρ #Hg". rewrite sf_star_eq /=.
      iSpecialize ("Hsub" with "Hg").
      by iNext.

  Lemma ksubtyping_equiv i Γ T1 T2 :
    Γ s T1 <:[ i ] T2 sf_star ⊣⊢
    <PB> ρ, sG Γ ⟧* ρ ▷^i (oClose T1 ρ oClose T2 ρ).
  Proof. by rewrite /sstpiK ksubtyping_equiv'. Qed.

  Lemma ksubtyping_spec ρ i Γ T1 T2 :
     sstpiK' i Γ T1 T2 sf_star -∗
    sG Γ ⟧* ρ -∗
    ▷^i (oClose T1 ρ oClose T2 ρ).
    rewrite ksubtyping_equiv'. iIntros "Hsub Hg"; iApply ("Hsub" with "Hg").

  Lemma ksubtyping_intro i Γ (T1 T2 : oltyO Σ) :
    (<PB> ρ, sG Γ ⟧* ρ
     v, ▷^i (oClose T1 ρ v oClose T2 ρ v)) -∗
    Γ s T1 <:[ i ] T2 sf_star.
    apply equiv_entails_1_1.
    rewrite ksubtyping_equiv; properness; first done.
    by rewrite -laterN_forall.

  Lemma ksubtyping_intro_swap i Γ (T1 T2 : oltyO Σ) :
    (<PB> ρ, sG Γ ⟧* ρ
     v, ▷^i oClose T1 ρ v ▷^i oClose T2 ρ v) -∗
    Γ s T1 <:[ i ] T2 sf_star.
  Proof using HswapProp.
    rewrite -ksubtyping_intro; pupd; iIntros "#Hsub !> %ρ #Hg *".
    iApply (impl_laterN with "(Hsub Hg)").

  Lemma kinding_intro Γ i (L T U : oltyO Σ) :
    (<PB> ρ, sG Γ ⟧* ρ
    ▷^i (oClose L ρ oClose T ρ oClose U ρ)) -∗
    Γ s T ∷[ i ] sf_kintv L U.
    pupd; iIntros "#Hsub !> %ρ #Hg". rewrite /= sr_kintv_refl /=.
    by iSpecialize ("Hsub" with "Hg"); iNext.

Prefixes: K for Kinding, KStp for kinded subtyping, Skd for subkinding.

  Lemma sK_Sing Γ (T : oltyO Σ) i :
     Γ s T ∷[ i ] sf_sngl T.
    rewrite -kinding_intro; pupd; iIntros "!> %ρ _". by rewrite -subtype_refl.

  Lemma sKStp_Intv Γ (T1 T2 L U : oltyO Σ) i :
    Γ s T1 <:[i] T2 sf_kintv L U -∗
    Γ s T1 <:[i] T2 sf_kintv T1 T2.
    pupd; iIntros "#Hs !> %ρ Hg"; iDestruct ("Hs" with "Hg") as "{Hs} (_ & #H & _)".
    rewrite /= /sr_kintv; iNext i. iDestruct "H" as "#$".
    by rewrite -!subtype_refl.

  Lemma sK_Star Γ (T : oltyO Σ) i :
     Γ s T ∷[ i ] sf_star.
    rewrite -kinding_intro; pupd; iIntros "!> %ρ _ !>".
    by iSplit; iIntros "%v /="; [iIntros "[]"|iIntros "_"].

Kind subsumption (for kinded subtyping).
  Lemma sKStp_Sub Γ (T1 T2 : oltyO Σ) (K1 K2 : sf_kind Σ) i :
    Γ s T1 <:[ i ] T2 K1 -∗
    Γ s K1 <∷[ i ] K2 -∗
    Γ s T1 <:[ i ] T2 K2.
    pupd; iIntros "#H1 #Hsub !> %ρ #Hg". iApply ("Hsub" with "Hg (H1 Hg)").

Kind subsumption (for kinding).
  Lemma sK_Sub Γ (T : oltyO Σ) (K1 K2 : sf_kind Σ) i :
    Γ s T ∷[ i ] K1 -∗
    Γ s K1 <∷[ i ] K2 -∗
    Γ s T ∷[ i ] K2.
  Proof. apply sKStp_Sub. Qed.

  Lemma sK_Sing_deriv Γ (T : oltyO Σ) i :
     Γ s T ∷[ i ] sf_sngl T.
  Proof. rewrite -sKStp_Intv. apply sK_Star. Qed.

  Lemma sKStp_Lam Γ (K : sf_kind Σ) S T1 T2 i :
    oLaterN i (oShift S) :: Γ s T1 <:[i] T2 K -∗
    Γ s oLam T1 <:[i] oLam T2 sf_kpi S K.
  Proof using HswapProp.
    pupd; iIntros "#HTK !> %ρ #Hg * /=" (arg).
    rewrite -mlaterN_pers -impl_laterN.
    iIntros "!> Hs".
    iSpecialize ("HTK" $! (arg .: ρ) with "[$Hg $Hs]").
    by iApply (sf_kind_proper with "HTK").

  Lemma sK_Lam Γ (K : sf_kind Σ) S T i :
    oLaterN i (oShift S) :: Γ s T ∷[i] K -∗
    Γ s oLam T ∷[i] sf_kpi S K.
  Proof using HswapProp. apply sKStp_Lam. Qed.


  Lemma sSkd_Intv (L1 L2 U1 U2 : oltyO Σ) Γ i :
    Γ s L2 <:[ i ] L1 sf_star -∗
    Γ s U1 <:[ i ] U2 sf_star -∗
    Γ s sf_kintv L1 U1 <∷[ i ] sf_kintv L2 U2.
    pupd; iIntros "#HsubL #HsubU !> %ρ #Hg /=" (T1 T2).
    iPoseProof (ksubtyping_spec with "HsubL Hg") as "{HsubL} HsubL".
    iPoseProof (ksubtyping_spec with "HsubU Hg") as "{HsubU Hg} HsubU".
    iNext i; iIntros "#(HsubL1 & $ & HsubU1) !>"; iSplit.
    iApply (subtype_trans with "HsubL HsubL1").
    iApply (subtype_trans with "HsubU1 HsubU").

  Lemma sSkd_Pi (S1 S2 : oltyO Σ) (K1 K2 : sf_kind Σ) Γ i :
    Γ s S2 <:[ i ] S1 sf_star -∗
    oLaterN i (oShift S2) :: Γ s K1 <∷[ i ] K2 -∗
    Γ s sf_kpi S1 K1 <∷[ i ] sf_kpi S2 K2.
  Proof using HswapProp.
    pupd; iIntros "#HsubS #HsubK !> %ρ #Hg /=".
    iPoseProof (ksubtyping_spec with "HsubS Hg") as "{HsubS} HsubS".
    iAssert ( arg : vl, let ρ' := arg .: ρ in
            ▷^i (oClose S2 ρ arg T1 T2 : hoLtyO Σ,
            K1 ρ' T1 T2 K2 ρ' T1 T2))%I as
            "{HsubK} #HsubK". {
      iIntros "%arg !>"; rewrite -mlaterN_impl.
      iIntros "#HS2 %T1 %T2"; rewrite -mlaterN_impl; iIntros "HK1".
      iApply ("HsubK" $! (arg .: ρ) with "[$Hg $HS2] HK1").
    iIntros (T1 T2); iNext i. iIntros "#HTK1 !> * #HS".
    iSpecialize ("HsubK" $! arg with "HS").
    iApply ("HsubK" with "(HTK1 (HsubS HS))").

Reflexivity and transitivity of subkinding seem admissible, but let's prove them anyway, to show they hold regardless of extensions.
  Lemma sSkd_Refl Γ i (K : sf_kind Σ) :
     Γ s K <∷[ i ] K.
  Proof. pupd; iIntros "!> %ρ Hg * !> $". Qed.

  Lemma sSkd_Trans Γ i (K1 K2 K3 : sf_kind Σ) :
    Γ s K1 <∷[ i ] K2 -∗
    Γ s K2 <∷[ i ] K3 -∗
    Γ s K1 <∷[ i ] K3.
    pupd; iIntros "#Hs1 #Hs2 !> %ρ #Hg *".
    iSpecialize ("Hs1" with "Hg"); iSpecialize ("Hs2" with "Hg"); iNext i.
    iIntros "{Hg} HK1". iApply ("Hs2" with "(Hs1 HK1)").

Kinded subtyping.

  Lemma sKStp_Refl Γ T (K : sf_kind Σ) i :
    Γ s T ∷[ i ] K -∗
    Γ s T <:[ i ] T K.
  Proof. done. Qed.

  Lemma sKEq_Refl Γ T1 T2 (K : sf_kind Σ) i :
    T1 T2
    Γ s T1 ∷[i] K -∗
    Γ s T1 =[i] T2 K.
  Proof. iIntros (Heq) "#H"; by iSplit; iApply (sstpiK_proper with "H"). Qed.

  Lemma sTEq_Eta_acons (T : oltyO Σ) arg args :
    oLam (oTAppV (oShift T) (ids 0)) (acons arg args) T (acons arg args).
  Proof. move=>?? /=. autosubst. Qed.

  Lemma sstpiK_mono_kpi i Γ {T1 U1 T2 U2 : olty Σ} S (K : sf_kind Σ)
    (HT : arg args ρ, envApply T2 ρ (acons arg args) envApply T1 ρ (acons arg args))
    (HU : arg args ρ, envApply U2 ρ (acons arg args) envApply U1 ρ (acons arg args)) :
    Γ s T1 <:[ i ] U1 sf_kpi S K Γ s T2 <:[ i ] U2 sf_kpi S K.
    apply sstpiK_mono_ctx; iIntros "%ρ #Hg #HK"; iNext i; iIntros "!> %arg #HS".
    by iApply (sf_kind_proper with "(HK HS)")args; rewrite /acurry.

  Lemma sKStp_EtaRed Γ (K : sf_kind Σ) S T1 T2 i :
    Γ s oLam (oTAppV (oShift T1) (ids 0)) <:[ i ] oLam (oTAppV (oShift T2) (ids 0)) sf_kpi S K -∗
    Γ s T1 <:[ i ] T2 sf_kpi S K.
  Proof. apply sstpiK_mono_kpi; intros; apply symmetry, sTEq_Eta_acons. Qed.

  Lemma sKStp_Eta_1 Γ S T (K : sf_kind Σ) i :
    Γ s T ∷[i] sf_kpi S K -∗
    Γ s T <:[i] oLam (oTAppV (oShift T) (ids 0)) sf_kpi S K.
  Proof. apply sstpiK_mono_kpi; intros ⇒ //. exact: (sTEq_Eta_acons _ arg args). Qed.

  Lemma sKStp_Eta_2 Γ S T (K : sf_kind Σ) i :
    Γ s T ∷[i] sf_kpi S K -∗
    Γ s oLam (oTAppV (oShift T) (ids 0)) <:[i] T sf_kpi S K.
  Proof. apply sstpiK_mono_kpi; intros ⇒ //. exact: (sTEq_Eta_acons _ arg args). Qed.

  Lemma sKEq_Eta Γ S T (K : sf_kind Σ) i :
    Γ s T ∷[i] sf_kpi S K -∗
    Γ s T =[i] oLam (oTAppV (oShift T) (ids 0)) sf_kpi S K.
  Proof. by iIntros "HT"; iSplit; [iApply sKStp_Eta_1|iApply sKStp_Eta_2]. Qed.

This lemma is a stronger version of sTEq_Eta_acons; it is controversial, and fails when astream := list vl, but it enables simpler proofs of sKStp_EtaRed and sKEq_Eta, without needing sstpiK_mono_kpi.
  Lemma sTEq_Eta (T : oltyO Σ) :
    T oLam (oTAppV (oShift T) (ids 0)).
  Proof. intros args ρ v. rewrite /=/acons/ahead/atail /shead/stail. autosubst. Qed.

  Lemma sKStp_EtaRed_simpler Γ (K : sf_kind Σ) S T1 T2 i :
    Γ s oLam (oTAppV (oShift T1) (ids 0)) <:[ i ] oLam (oTAppV (oShift T2) (ids 0)) sf_kpi S K -∗
    Γ s T1 <:[ i ] T2 sf_kpi S K.
  Proof. by rewrite -!sTEq_Eta. Qed.

  Lemma sKEq_Eta_simpler Γ S T (K : sf_kind Σ) i :
    Γ s T ∷[i] sf_kpi S K -∗
    Γ s T =[i] oLam (oTAppV (oShift T) (ids 0)) sf_kpi S K.
  Proof. iApply sKEq_Refl. apply sTEq_Eta. Qed.

  Lemma sKStp_Trans Γ T1 T2 T3 (K : sf_kind Σ) i :
    Γ s T1 <:[ i ] T2 K -∗
    Γ s T2 <:[ i ] T3 K -∗
    Γ s T1 <:[ i ] T3 K.
    pupd; iIntros "#Hs1 #Hs2 !> %ρ #Hg".
    iApply (sf_kind_sub_trans with "(Hs1 Hg) (Hs2 Hg)").

  (* Notation "" := sf_star. *)
  (* Notation "L  U" := (sf_kintv L U) (at level 70). *)

  Lemma sKStp_Top Γ (T : oltyO Σ) i :
     Γ s T <:[ i ] sf_star.
  Proof. rewrite -ksubtyping_intro. pupd; iIntros "!> %ρ * _ * !> _ //". Qed.
  Lemma sKStp_Bot Γ (T : oltyO Σ) i :
     Γ s <:[ i ] T sf_star.
  Proof. rewrite -ksubtyping_intro; pupd; iIntros "!> %ρ * _ * !> []". Qed.

  (* XXX <:-..-U *)
  Lemma sKStp_IntvU {Γ T1 T2 L U i} :
    Γ s T1 <:[i] T2 sf_kintv L U -∗
    Γ s T2 <:[i] U sf_star.
    rewrite -ksubtyping_intro; pupd; iIntros "#HK !> * Hg *".
    iDestruct ("HK" with "Hg") as "[_ [_ Hsub]]".
    iNext i; iApply "Hsub".

  (* <:-..-U *)
  Lemma sKStp_IntvU' {Γ T L U i} :
    Γ s T ∷[i] sf_kintv L U -∗
    Γ s T <:[i] U sf_star.
  Proof. apply sKStp_IntvU. Qed.

  (* <:-..-L *)
  Lemma sKStp_IntvL {Γ T1 T2 L U i} :
    Γ s T1 <:[i] T2 sf_kintv L U -∗
    Γ s L <:[i] T1 sf_star.
    rewrite -ksubtyping_intro; pupd; iIntros "#HK !> * Hg *".
    iDestruct ("HK" with "Hg") as "[Hsub _]".
    iNext i; iApply "Hsub".

  Lemma sKStp_IntvL' {Γ T L U i} :
    Γ s T ∷[i] sf_kintv L U -∗
    Γ s L <:[i] T sf_star.
  Proof. apply sKStp_IntvL. Qed.

  (* Derived. *)
  Lemma sKStp_Intv_Split Γ T1 T2 L U i :
    Γ s L <:[i] T1 sf_star -∗
    Γ s T1 <:[i] T2 sf_star -∗
    Γ s T2 <:[i] U sf_star -∗
    Γ s T1 <:[i] T2 sf_kintv L U.
    iIntros "HL HT HU".
    iDestruct (sKStp_Intv _ T1 T2 with "HT") as "HT".
    iApply (sKStp_Sub with "HT").
    iApply (sSkd_Intv with "HL HU").

End gen_lemmas.

End HoSemJudgments.

Module HkDot.
Import dot_lty dot_semtypes dsub_lr sub_lr path_repl_lr hoas ex_utils.
Include HoSemJudgments VlSorts dlang_inst dot_lty HkDotSemTypes.
Implicit Types
         (v w : vl) (e : tm) (d : dm) (ds : dms) (p : path)
         (ρ : var vl) (l : label).

Notation "Γ s⊨X T1 <:[ i ] T2" := (sstpd i Γ T1 T2) (at level 74, T1, T2 at next level).

Section dot_types.
  Context `{!dlangG Σ} `{HswapProp : SwapPropI Σ} `{!RecTyInterp Σ}.

Such substitution lemmas hold for all judgments. Note the mu type! XXX don't restrict to values.
  Lemma sptp_subst_oMu {Γ T U p v i} :
    Γ sp pv v : oMu T, i -∗
    oLaterN i T :: Γ sp p : U, i -∗
    Γ sp p.|[v/] : U.|[v/], i.
    pupd; iIntros "#Hrepl #H !>" (ρ) "#Hg /=".
    iSpecialize ("Hrepl" with "Hg"); rewrite path_wp_pv_eq.
    rewrite hsubst_comp -subst_swap_base.
    iSpecialize ("H" $! (v.[ρ] .: ρ) with "[$Hg $Hrepl]").
    iApply (path_wp_wand with "H"); iIntros "!>" (w) "Hw".
    by rewrite /= hoEnvD_subst_one.

  (* Add a lemma like sptp_subst_oMu, used below. *)
  (* We need a semantic substitution lemma?!? More importantly... one with mu types!?!? Oh dear. *)
  Lemma sstpiK_subst_oMu (K : sf_kind Σ) {Γ V T1 T2 v i} :
    Γ sp pv v : oMu V, i -∗
    oLaterN i V :: Γ s T1 <:[ i ] T2 K -∗
    Γ s T1.|[v/] <:[ i ] T2.|[v/] K.|[v/].
    pupd; iIntros "#Hrepl #H !>" (ρ) "#Hg /=".
    iSpecialize ("Hrepl" with "Hg"); rewrite path_wp_pv_eq -subst_swap_base.
    iSpecialize ("H" $! (v.[ρ] .: ρ) with "[$Hg $Hrepl]").
    iApply (sf_kind_proper with "H")args w /=;
      by rewrite hoEnvD_subst_one.

  Lemma sKStp_App Γ (K : sf_kind Σ) S T1 T2 i p :
    Γ s T1 <:[i] T2 sf_kpi S K -∗
    Γ sp p : S, i -∗
    Γ s oTApp T1 p <:[i] oTApp T2 p kpSubstOne p K.
    pupd; iIntros "#HTK #Hp !> %ρ #Hg".
    iApply (strong_path_wp_wand with "(Hp Hg)").
    iIntros (v Hal%alias_paths_pv_eq_1) "{Hp} #Hv".
    iApply (sf_kind_proper with "(HTK Hg Hv)")args w /=;
      by rewrite (alias_paths_elim_eq _ Hal) path_wp_pv_eq.

  Lemma sK_App Γ (K : sf_kind Σ) S T i p :
    Γ s T ∷[i] sf_kpi S K -∗
    Γ sp p : S, i -∗
    Γ s oTApp T p ∷[i] kpSubstOne p K.
  Proof. apply sKStp_App. Qed.

  (* Maybe not interesting *)
  Lemma sKStp_AppV Γ (K : sf_kind Σ) {S T1 T2 i v} :
    Γ s T1 <:[i] T2 sf_kpi S K -∗
    Γ sp pv v : S, i -∗
    Γ s oTAppV T1 v <:[i] oTAppV T2 v K.|[v/].
    rewrite -!oTApp_pv.
    pupd'; iIntros "#HTK #Hv !>".
    iPoseProof (sKStp_App with "HTK Hv") as "#>#Happ".
    iIntros "!>!> %ρ #Hg"; rewrite kpSubstOne_eq.
    iApply ("Happ" with "Hg").

  Lemma sK_AppV Γ (K : sf_kind Σ) {S T i v} :
    Γ s T ∷[i] sf_kpi S K -∗
    Γ sp pv v : S, i -∗
    Γ s oTAppV T v ∷[i] K.|[v/].
  Proof. apply sKStp_AppV. Qed.

  (* XXX Those two semantic types are definitionally equal; show that opSubst
  agrees with syntactic path substitution for gDOT.
  The closest thing we can state is sem_psubst_one_eq. *)

  Lemma sKEq_Beta Γ S T (K : sf_kind Σ) i p :
    Γ sp p : S, i -∗
    oLaterN i (oShift S) :: Γ s T ∷[i] K -∗
    Γ s oTApp (oLam T) p =[i] T .sTp[ p /] kpSubstOne p K.
  Proof using HswapProp.
    iIntros "#Hp #HK". iApply sKEq_Refl. apply sTEq_Beta.
    (* rewrite sK_Lam. *)
    iDestruct (sK_Lam with "HK") as "{HK}#HK".
    iApply (sK_App with "HK Hp").

  Lemma sKEq_BetaV Γ S T (K : sf_kind Σ) i v :
    Γ sp pv v : S, i -∗
    oLaterN i (oShift S) :: Γ s T ∷[i] K -∗
    Γ s oTAppV (oLam T) v =[i] T.|[v/] K.|[v/].
  Proof using HswapProp.
    (* Reuses other lemma but slow. *)
    (* rewrite -oTApp_pv -opSubst_pv_eq kpSubstOne_eq.
    apply sKEq_Beta. *)

    iIntros "#Hv #HK"; iApply sKEq_Refl. apply sTEq_BetaV.
    (* rewrite sK_Lam. *)
    iDestruct (sK_Lam with "HK") as "{HK}#HK".

    iApply (sK_AppV with "HK Hv").

  Lemma sstpiK_star_to_sstp Γ i T1 T2 :
    Γ s T1 <:[ i ] T2 sf_star Γ s T1 , i <: T2 , i.
    pupd; iIntros "#Hsub !> %ρ %v #Hg".
    iDestruct (ksubtyping_spec with "Hsub Hg") as "{Hsub Hg} Hsub".
    rewrite -laterN_impl. iNext i. iApply ("Hsub" $! v).

  Lemma sstpiK_star_eq_sstp Γ i T1 T2 :
    Γ s T1 <:[ i ] T2 sf_star ⊣⊢ Γ s T1 , i <: T2 , i.
  Proof using HswapProp.
    iSplit; first iApply sstpiK_star_to_sstp.
    rewrite -ksubtyping_intro_swap /=. pupd; iIntros "#Hsub !> %ρ Hg *".
    iApply ("Hsub" with "Hg").

  Lemma sstpiK_star_eq_sstpd Γ i T1 T2 :
    Γ s T1 <:[ i ] T2 sf_star ⊣⊢ Γ sX T1 <:[ i ] T2.
  Proof. apply ksubtyping_equiv. Qed.

  Lemma sKStp_TMem Γ l (K1 K2 : sf_kind Σ) i :
    Γ s K1 <∷[ i ] K2 -∗
    Γ s oTMemK l K1 <:[ i ] oTMemK l K2 sf_star.
    rewrite -ksubtyping_intro; pupd; iIntros "#HK !> %ρ Hg *".
    iSpecialize ("HK" with "Hg"); iNext i.
    iDestruct 1 as (d Hld) "Hφ"; iExists d; iFrame (Hld).
    iDestruct "Hφ" as (φ) "[Hlφ #HK1]"; iExists φ; iFrame "Hlφ".
    iApply ("HK" with "HK1").

  Lemma sKStp_TMem_AnyKind Γ l (K : sf_kind Σ) i :
     Γ s oTMemK l K <:[ i ] oTMemAnyKind l sf_star.
    rewrite -ksubtyping_intro; pupd; iIntros "!> %ρ #Hg * !>".
    iDestruct 1 as (d Hl φ) "[Hl _]".
    iExists d; iFrame (Hl); iExists φ; iFrame "Hl".


  Lemma sK_Star_deriv Γ (T : oltyO Σ) i :
     Γ s T ∷[ i ] sf_star.
    iApply sK_Sub. iApply sK_Sing.
    iApply sSkd_Intv; rewrite sstpiK_star_eq_sstpd.
    by iApply sBot_Stp.
    by iApply sStp_Top.

Generalization of sD_Typ_Abs.
  Lemma sD_TypK_Abs {Γ} T (K : sf_kind Σ) s σ l :
    Γ s oLater T ∷[ 0 ] K -∗
    s ↝[ σ ] T -∗
    Γ s { l := dtysem σ s } : cTMemK l K.
    rewrite sdtp_eq'; iIntros "HTK #(%φ & %Hγφ & #Hγ)".
    iRevert "HTK"; pupd; iIntros "#HTK !>".
    iIntrosHpid) "Hg"; iExists (hoEnvD_inst.|[ρ]) φ).
    iDestruct (dm_to_type_intro with "Hγ") as "-#$"; first done.
    iApply (sf_kind_proper' with "(HTK Hg)")args v /=.
    rewrite -(bi.intuitionistic_intuitionistically (T _ _ _)).
    do 2!f_equiv; symmetry. exact: φ.

  Lemma oSel_equiv_intro ρ p v l d1 ψ1
    (Hal : alias_paths p.|[ρ] (pv v))
    (Hl1 : v ,, l d1) :
    d1 ψ1 hoLty_equiv (packHoLtyO ψ1) (envApply (oSel p l) ρ).
    iIntros "#Hl1 %args %w !>".
    rewrite /= alias_paths_elim_eq // path_wp_pv_eq.
    iSplit; first by iIntros "H"; iExists d1, ψ1; iFrame (Hl1) "Hl1".
    iDestruct 1 as (d2 ψ2 Hl2) "[Hl2 Hw]"; objLookupDet.
    iDestruct (dm_to_type_agree args w with "Hl1 Hl2") as "Hag {Hl1}".
    iNext. by iRewrite "Hag".

  Lemma sK_Sel {Γ} l (K : sf_kind Σ) p i :
    Γ sp p : oTMemK l K, i -∗
    Γ s oSel p l ∷[i] K.
    pupd; iIntros "#Hp !> %ρ Hg"; iSpecialize ("Hp" with "Hg"); iNext i.
    rewrite path_wp_eq.
    iDestruct "Hp" as (v Hal%alias_paths_pv_eq_1 d1 Hl1 ψ1) "[#Hl1 HK]".
    iApply (sfkind_respects with "[] HK").
    by iApply oSel_equiv_intro.

  Lemma sSngl_pq_KStp {Γ i p q T1 T2} {K : sf_kind Σ} :
    T1 ¬sTpI[ p := q ]* T2 -∗
    Γ sp p : oSing q, i -∗
    Γ s T1 ∷[i] K -∗
    Γ s T1 <:[i] T2 K.
    pupd; iIntros "#Hrepl #Hal #HK !> %ρ #Hg".
    iSpecialize ("Hal" with "Hg"); iSpecialize ("HK" with "Hg"); iNext i.
    iDestruct "Hal" as %Hal%alias_paths_simpl.
    iApply (sf_kind_sub_internal_proper with "[] [] HK").
    iApply hoLty_equiv_refl.
    iIntros "%args %v !>"; rewrite -internal_eq_iff.
    iApply ("Hrepl" $! args ρ v Hal).

  Lemma sSngl_pq_KStp_kind {Γ i p q T1 T2} {K1 K2 : sf_kind Σ} :
    K1 ¬sKpI[ p := q ]* K2 -∗
    Γ sp p : oSing q, i -∗
    Γ s T1 <:[i] T2 K1 -∗
    Γ s T1 <:[i] T2 K2.
    pupd; iIntros "#Hrepl #Hal #HK !> %ρ #Hg".
    iSpecialize ("Hal" with "Hg"); iSpecialize ("HK" with "Hg"). iNext i.
    iDestruct "Hal" as %Hal%alias_paths_simpl.
    iSpecialize ("Hrepl" $! _ _ _ Hal).
    iApply (internal_eq_rewrite _ _ id with "Hrepl HK").

  Lemma sSngl_pq_KStp_kind' {Γ i p q T1 T2} {K1 K2 : sf_kind Σ}
    (Hrepl : K1 ¬sKpP[ p := q ]* K2) :
    Γ sp p : oSing q, i -∗
    Γ s T1 <:[i] T2 K1 -∗
    Γ s T1 <:[i] T2 K2.
  Proof. iApply sSngl_pq_KStp_kind. by iApply sem_kind_path_repl_eq. Qed.
End dot_types.

(** Nope, use a more syntactic definition, else proving ho_intv_proper
becomes hopeless. *)

Section s_kind_ofe.
  Context {Σ} {n : nat}.
  Notation tpred := (s_kind Σ n).
  (* Forces inserting coercions to -d>. *)

  Instance s_kind_equiv : Equiv tpred := λ A B, A ≡@{sf_kind _ _} B.
  Instance s_kind_dist : Dist tpred := λ n A B, A ≡{n}@{sf_kind _ _}≡ B.
  Lemma s_kind_ofe_mixin : OfeMixin tpred.
  Proof. by apply (iso_ofe_mixin s_kind_to_sf_kind). Qed.
  Canonical Structure s_kindO := Ofe tpred s_kind_ofe_mixin.

  Lemma s_kind_equiv_intro (K1 K2 : sf_kind Σ) : K1 ≡@{sf_kind _ _} K2 → K1 ≡ K2.
  Proof. apply. Qed.
End s_kind_ofe.
[global] Arguments s_kindO : clear implicits. *)

Import defs_lr binding_lr examples_lr.

Section derived.
  Context `{Hdlang : !dlangG Σ} `{HswapProp : SwapPropI Σ} `{!RecTyInterp Σ}.

  Opaque sSkd sstpiK sptp sstpd sstpi.

  Lemma sT_New Γ l σ s (K : sf_kind Σ) T :
    oLater (oTMemK l K) :: Γ s oLater T ∷[ 0 ] K -∗
    s ↝[ σ ] T -∗
    Γ s vobj [ (l, dtysem σ s) ] : oMu (oTMemK l K).
    rewrite -sT_Obj_I -sD_Sing'.
    apply sD_TypK_Abs.

  Lemma sKStp_Intv_Equiv {Γ T1 T2 L U i} :
    Γ s T1 <:[i] T2 sf_kintv L U ⊣⊢
    Γ s L <:[i] T1 sf_star
    Γ s T1 <:[i] T2 sf_star
    Γ s T2 <:[i] U sf_star.
    - rewrite -(sKStp_IntvL (T2 := T2) (L := L) (U := U)).
      rewrite -(sKStp_IntvU (T1 := T1) (L := L) (U := U)).
      iIntros "#HK"; iFrame "HK".
      iApply (sKStp_Sub with "HK").
      iApply sSkd_Intv; [iApply sKStp_Bot|iApply sKStp_Top].
    - iIntros "#(HL & HT & HU)". iApply (sKStp_Intv_Split with "HL HT HU").

  Import SKindSyn.

  Lemma sK_Eta_Apply {n} Γ (K : s_kind Σ n) S T1 T2 i :
    Γ s T1 <:[ i ] T2 sf_kpi S (s_to_sf K) -∗
    oLaterN i (oShift S) :: Γ s
      oTAppV (oShift T1) (ids 0) <:[i] oTAppV (oShift T2) (ids 0) s_to_sf K.
    iIntros "HK".
    rewrite (shift_sstpiK (oLaterN i (oShift S))) kShift_sf_kpi_eq.
    (* Either *)
    iEval rewrite -(kShift_cancel' (s_to_sf K)).
    iApply (sKStp_AppV _ _ (S := oShift S) with "HK").
    (* Or *)
    (* rewrite (sKStp_AppV _ _ (S := oShift S) (v := ids 0)) .
    rewrite (kShift_cancel' K).
    iApply "HK". *)

    (* And then in both cases: *)
    rewrite -(sP_LaterN (i := 0)). by iApply sP_Var0.

  Lemma sK_HoIntv {n} Γ (K : s_kind Σ n) T1 T2 i :
    Γ s T1 <:[i] T2 s_to_sf K -∗
    Γ s T1 <:[i] T2 s_to_sf (ho_intv K T1 T2).
  Proof using HswapProp.
    elim: K Γ T1 T2 ⇒ [S1 S2|{}n S K IHK] Γ T1 T2 /=; iIntros "HK".
    - by iApply sKStp_Intv.
    - by rewrite sK_Eta_Apply IHK sKStp_Lam sKStp_EtaRed.

  Lemma ho_sing_idemp {n} (K : s_kind Σ n) T :
    s_to_sf (ho_sing (ho_sing K T) T) ≡@{sf_kind _}
    s_to_sf (ho_sing K T).
  Proof. elim: K T ⇒ [//|{}n S K +] T /=. by move→. Qed.

  Lemma sKStp_HoIntvU {n} (K : s_kind Σ n) {Γ T1 T2 L U i} :
    Γ s T1 <:[i] T2 s_to_sf (ho_intv K L U) -∗
    (* Γ s⊨ T2 <:i U ∷ K. *) (* False*)
    Γ s T2 <:[i] U s_to_sf (ho_intv K L U).
  Proof using HswapProp.
    elim: K Γ T1 T2 L U ⇒ /= [S1 S2|{}n S K IHK] Γ T1 T2 L U.
    - rewrite (sKStp_Intv_Equiv (T1 := T2)) (sKStp_Intv_Equiv (T1 := T1)).
      rewrite -sK_Star (right_id emp%I bi_sep).
      iIntros "(#HL & #HT & $)".
      iApply (sKStp_Trans with "HL HT").
    - by rewrite sK_Eta_Apply IHK sKStp_Lam sKStp_EtaRed.

  Lemma sKStp_HoIntvL {n} (K : s_kind Σ n) {Γ T1 T2 L U i} :
    Γ s T1 <:[i] T2 s_to_sf (ho_intv K L U) -∗
    (* Γ s⊨ L <:i T1 ∷ K. *) (* False*)
    (* Γ s⊨ T2 <:i U ∷ K. *) (* False*)
    Γ s L <:[i] T1 s_to_sf (ho_intv K L U).
  Proof using HswapProp.
    elim: K Γ T1 T2 L U ⇒ /= [S1 S2|{}n S K IHK] Γ T1 T2 L U.
    - rewrite (sKStp_Intv_Equiv (T1 := L)) (sKStp_Intv_Equiv (T1 := T1)).
      rewrite -sK_Star (left_id emp%I bi_sep).
      iIntros "($ & #HT & HU)".
      iApply (sKStp_Trans with "HT HU").
    - by rewrite sK_Eta_Apply IHK sKStp_Lam sKStp_EtaRed.

  Lemma sKEq_HoSing {n} (K : s_kind Σ n) Γ T U i :
    Γ s T ∷[i] s_to_sf (ho_sing K U) -∗
    Γ s T =[i] U s_to_sf (ho_sing K U).
  Proof using HswapProp.
    iIntros "#HK"; iSplit.
    by iApply sKStp_HoIntvU.
    by iApply sKStp_HoIntvL.

  Lemma sK_HoSing {n} Γ (K : s_kind Σ n) T i :
    Γ s T ∷[i] s_to_sf K -∗ Γ s T ∷[i] s_to_sf (ho_sing K T).
  Proof using HswapProp. apply sK_HoIntv. Qed.

  (* to_rename, and should this be primitive? *)
  Lemma sSkd_Intv_Sub Γ L U T1 T2 i :
    Γ s T1 <:[ i ] T2 sf_kintv L U -∗
    Γ s sf_kintv T1 T2 <∷[ i ] sf_kintv L U.
    iIntros "#HK".
    iApply sSkd_Intv.
    iApply (sKStp_IntvL with "HK").
    iApply (sKStp_IntvU with "HK").

  Lemma sSkd_HoIntv {n} Γ (K : s_kind Σ n) T1 T2 i :
    Γ s T1 <:[i] T2 s_to_sf K -∗
    Γ s s_to_sf (ho_intv K T1 T2) <∷[i] s_to_sf K.
  Proof using HswapProp.
    elim: K Γ T1 T2 ⇒ [S1 S2|{}n S K IHK] Γ T1 T2 /=; first iApply sSkd_Intv_Sub.
    iIntros "HK".
    iApply sSkd_Pi; first by iApply sK_Star.
    iApply IHK; iApply (sK_Eta_Apply with "HK").

  Lemma sStp_Singl_Widen n Γ l (K : s_kind Σ n) (T : olty Σ) :
    oLater (oTMemK l (s_to_sf (ho_sing K (oLater T)))) :: Γ s oLater T ∷[ 0 ] s_to_sf K -∗
    Γ sX oMu (oTMemK l (s_to_sf (ho_sing K (oLater T)))) <:[ 0 ] oMu (oTMemK l (s_to_sf K)).
  Proof using HswapProp.
    iIntros "#HT". iApply sMu_Stp_Mu. rewrite oLaterN_0.
    rewrite -sstpiK_star_eq_sstpd.
    iApply sKStp_TMem.
    iApply sSkd_HoIntv.
    iApply (narrow_sstpiK with "[] HT").
    iApply sstpiK_star_eq_sstpd.
    iApply sStp_Add_Later.

  Lemma sT_New_Singl n Γ l σ s (K : s_kind Σ n) (T : olty Σ) :
    oLater (oTMemK l (s_to_sf (ho_sing K (oLater T)))) :: Γ s oLater T ∷[ 0 ] s_to_sf K -∗
    s ↝[ σ ] T -∗
    Γ s vobj [ (l, dtysem σ s) ] : oMu (oTMemK l (s_to_sf K)).
  Proof using HswapProp.
    iIntros "#HT #Hs".
    iApply (sT_Sub (T1 := oMu _)).
    { rewrite sK_HoIntv; iApply (sT_New with "HT Hs"). }
    iApply (sStp_Singl_Widen with "HT").

  (* [global] Instance idstp_into_persistent Γ T ds : IntoPersistent' (idstp Γ T ds) | 0 := _. global Instance idtp_into_persistent  Γ T l d     : IntoPersistent' (idtp Γ T l d)      | 0 := _.
  [global] Instance ietp_into_persistent Γ T e : IntoPersistent' (ietp Γ T e) | 0 := _. global Instance istpd_into_persistent Γ T1 T2 i   : IntoPersistent' (istpd i Γ T1 T2)   | 0 := _.
  [global] Instance iptp_into_persistent Γ T p i : IntoPersistent' (iptp Γ T p i) | 0 := _. *)

Kind subsumption (for kinded subtyping).
  Lemma sKEq_Sub Γ (T1 T2 : oltyO Σ) (K1 K2 : sf_kind Σ) i :
    Γ s T1 =[ i ] T2 K1 -∗
    Γ s K1 <∷[ i ] K2 -∗
    Γ s T1 =[ i ] T2 K2.
    iIntros "#(Hs1 & Hs2) #HKs"; iSplit; by iApply (sKStp_Sub with "[] HKs").

  Lemma sKEq_New_Sel_Widen {n Γ l T} {K : s_kind Σ n} (vPack : vl) :
    oLater (oTMemK l (s_to_sf (ho_sing K (oLater T)))) :: Γ s oLater T ∷[ 0 ] s_to_sf K -∗
    Γ sp vPack : oMu (oTMemK l (s_to_sf (ho_sing K (oLater T)))), 0 -∗
    Γ s oSel (pv vPack) l =[0] oLater T .sTp[ vPack /] s_to_sf K.|[ vPack /].
  Proof using HswapProp.
    iIntros "#HK #Hpn".
    iApply sKEq_Sub; last iApply sSkd_HoIntv.
    - iApply sKEq_HoSing. iApply sK_Sel.
      (* rewrite opSubst_pv_eq.
      rewrite -(ho_intv_subst K) -s_kind_to_sf_kind_subst -cTMemK_subst.
      rewrite -opSubst_pv_eq.
      iApply sP_Mu_E. *)

      rewrite sP_Mu_E.
      rewrite 2!opSubst_pv_eq.
      rewrite -(ho_intv_subst K) -s_kind_to_sf_kind_subst -cTMemK_subst.
      (* rewrite cTMemK_subst s_kind_to_sf_kind_subst (ho_intv_subst K). *)
      iApply "Hpn".
    - rewrite -!s_kind_to_sf_kind_subst !opSubst_pv_eq.
      iApply (sstpiK_subst_oMu with "Hpn").
      iApply (narrow_sstpiK with "[] HK").
      iApply sstpiK_star_eq_sstpd.
      iApply sStp_Add_Later.

  (* XXX: Substituting vPack in types doesn't work robustly, so we should use an
  object-level let instead, or just assumptions on the typing context. *)

  Lemma sKEq_New_Sel {n Γ l σ s T} {K : s_kind Σ n} :
    (* oLater (oTMemK l K) :: Γ s⊨ oLater T ∷ 0  K -∗ *)
    (* oLater (cAnd (cTMemK l K) cTop) :: Γ s⊨ oLater T ∷ 0  K -∗ *)
    let vPack := vobj [ (l, dtysem σ s) ] in
    oLater (oTMemK l (s_to_sf (ho_sing K (oLater T)))) :: Γ s oLater T ∷[ 0 ] s_to_sf K -∗
    s ↝[ σ ] T -∗
      Γ s oSel (pv vPack) l =[0] oLater T .sTp[ vPack /] s_to_sf K.|[ vPack /].
  Proof using HswapProp.
    iIntros (vPack) "#HK #Hs".
    iPoseProof (sK_HoSing with "HK") as "HK1".
    (* iPoseProof (sP_New_w_And with "HK1 Hs") as "{HK1} Hpn". *)
    iPoseProof (sT_New with "HK1 Hs") as "{HK1} Hpn"; fold vPack.
    iEval (rewrite sP_Val) in "Hpn".
    iApply (sKEq_New_Sel_Widen with "HK Hpn").

  (* Wrote this during discussion with Sandro; it apparently does not hold in
  the system in his thesis. *)

  Lemma sK_Sel_Red {n} Γ p l (K : s_kind Σ n) i :
    Γ sp p : oTMemK l (s_to_sf K), i -∗
    Γ s oSel p l ∷[i] s_to_sf (ho_sing K (oSel p l)).
  Proof using HswapProp. rewrite sK_Sel. apply sK_HoSing. Qed.

End derived.

Section examples.
  Context `{!dlangG Σ} `{HswapProp : SwapPropI Σ} `{!RecTyInterp Σ}.
  Import DBNotation dot_lty.

  Definition oId := oLam (oSel x0 "A").

  Lemma oId_K Γ :
     Γ s oId ∷[0] sf_kpi (oTMemK "A" sf_star) sf_star.
  Proof using HswapProp. by rewrite -sK_Lam -sK_Star. Qed.
    (* Time iApply sK_Lam; iApply sK_Star. *)

  Lemma oId_K_Sngl Γ :
     Γ s oId ∷[0] sf_kpi (oTMemK "A" sf_star) (sf_sngl (oSel x0 "A")).
  Proof using HswapProp. by rewrite -sK_Lam -sK_Sing. Qed.
End examples.

Section dot_experimental_kinds.
  Context `{!dlangG Σ} `{HswapProp : SwapPropI Σ} `{!RecTyInterp Σ}.

As an example, we can derive this variant at an interval kind of sSngl_Stp_Sym
  Lemma sSngl_KStp_Sym Γ p q T i L U :
    Γ sp p : T, i -∗ (* Just to ensure p terminates and oSing p isn't empty. *)
    Γ s oSing p <:[i] oSing q sf_kintv L U -∗
    Γ s oSing q <:[i] oSing p sf_kintv L U.
  Proof using HswapProp.
    rewrite !(sKStp_Intv_Equiv (L := L) (U := U)).
    iIntros "#Hp #(HL & Hs1 & HU)".
    iEval (rewrite sstpiK_star_eq_sstpd) in "Hs1".
    iDestruct (sSngl_Stp_Sym with "Hp Hs1") as "Hs2".
    iEval (rewrite -sstpiK_star_eq_sstpd) in "Hs1 Hs2".
    iFrame "Hs2".
    by iApply (sKStp_Trans with "HL Hs1").
    by iApply (sKStp_Trans with "Hs1 HU").

  Lemma failed_path_equality Γ T l L U i (K : sf_kind Σ) v w :
    Γ s T ∷[i] sf_kpi (oTMemK l (sf_kintv L U)) K -∗
    Γ s oSel v l =[i] oSel w l sf_kintv L U -∗
    Γ s oTAppV T v <:[i] oTAppV T w K.|[v/].
    (* This goal is false if T uses singleton types — say T = λ x. x.type,
    that is, oLam (oSing (pv (ids 0))). *)

    rewrite /sstpiK/=.
    (* TODO workaround pupd limitation *)
    iIntros "A [B C]"; iRevert "A B C"; pupd.
    iIntros "#HT #Hsub1 #Hsub2 !> %ρ #Hg".
    iSpecialize ("HT" with "Hg");
      iSpecialize ("Hsub1" with "Hg"); iSpecialize ("Hsub2" with "Hg");
      iNext i.
    rewrite /sr_kintv/=.
    rewrite !envApply_oTAppV_eq.
    iEval asimpl.
    iApply sf_kind_sub_trans.
    { iApply (sfkind_respects with "[] (HT [])").
      { iIntros "!> % %". iSplit; iIntros "$". }

  (* WTF why am I proving this? To support more kinds? *)
  (* Make this derivable from sth. like.
  S <: T :: L..U ->
  T <: S :: * ->
  S = T :: L..U

  (* Lemma sSngl_KStp_Sym' Γ p q T i L U :
    Γ s⊨p p : T, i -∗ (* Just to ensure p terminates and oSing p isn't empty. *)
    Γ s⊨ oSing p <:i oSing q ∷ sf_kintv L U -∗
    Γ s⊨ oSing q <:i oSing p ∷ sf_kintv L U.
    Transparent sSkd sstpiK sstpi sptp.
    iIntros "Hp Hps *)

    iDestruct ("Hps" with "Hpw") as %Hqw%alias_paths_symm.
    iDestruct "Hpw" as %Hpw.
    suff Heq : !!(envApply (oSing p) ρ ≡ envApply (oSing q) ρ)
      by iApply (sf_kind_proper with "Hps").
    iIntros (args v) "/=".
    have Hal := alias_paths_trans _ _ _ Hpw Hqw.
    by rewrite !alias_paths_pv_eq_1 (alias_paths_elim_eq_pure _ Hal).
  Qed. *)

  Program Definition kAnd (K1 K2 : sf_kind Σ) : sf_kind Σ :=
    SfKind (λI ρ T1 T2, K1 ρ T1 T2 K2 ρ T1 T2).
  Next Obligation.
    moveK1 K2 ρ n T1 T2 HT U1 U2 HU /=. f_equiv; exact: sf_kind_sub_ne_2.
  Next Obligation.
    iIntros "/= * #Heq1 #Heq2 H"; iSplitWith "H" as "H";
    iApply (sf_kind_sub_internal_proper with "Heq1 Heq2 H").
  Next Obligation.
    iIntros "/= * [HK1a HK2a] [HK1b HK2b]"; iSplit.
    iApply (sf_kind_sub_trans with "HK1a HK1b").
    iApply (sf_kind_sub_trans with "HK2a HK2b").
  Next Obligation.
    by iIntros "* [HK1 HK2]"; iSplit; iApply sf_kind_sub_quasi_refl_1.
  Next Obligation.
    by iIntros "* [HK1 HK2]"; iSplit; iApply sf_kind_sub_quasi_refl_2.

This only checks that T is a sub_singleton, not necessarily an actual singleton type.
I guess that applies to Scala's Singleton, since that is modeled as an upper bound, but that will have to change.
This matters for type projections!
So if T <: { A :: L .. U } and isSing T, then we can't conclude U <: T#A; but if T is an actual singleton, we can.
  Definition isSing (T : lty Σ) : iProp Σ :=
     v1 v2, T v1 T v2 v1 = v2 .

  Lemma isSing_respects_hoLty_equiv {T1 T2 : hoLtyO Σ} args :
     hoLty_equiv T1 T2 -∗ isSing (T1 args) -∗ isSing (T2 args).
  Proof using Type×.
    rewrite /isSing /=.
    iIntros "#Heq #HS /= !> %v1 %v2 #H1 #H2".
    iApply ("HS" with "(Heq H1) (Heq H2)").

  (* Uh. Not actually checking subtyping, but passes requirements. kSing also checks requirements. *)
  Program Definition kSing' : sf_kind Σ :=
    SfKind (λI ρ T1 T2, isSing (oClose T1) isSing (oClose T2)).
  Next Obligation. rewrite /isSing/=. solve_proper_ho. Qed.

  Next Obligation.
    iIntros "* /= #Heq1 #Heq2 #Hsing"; iSplitWith "Hsing" as "Hsing'";
      iApply (isSing_respects_hoLty_equiv with "[] Hsing'");
      iIntros "{Hsing}"; [iApply "Heq1"|iApply "Heq2"].
  Next Obligation. iIntros "/= _" (T0 T1 T2) "[$_] [_$]". Qed.
  Next Obligation. iIntros "/= _" (T1 T2) "[$ _]". Qed.
  Next Obligation. iIntros "/= _" (T1 T2) "[_ $]". Qed.

  Definition kSing (K : sf_kind Σ) : sf_kind Σ := kAnd sf_star kSing'.
    (* SfKind (SrKind (λI ρ T1 T2, oClose T1 ⊆ oClose T2 ∧ ∀ v1 v2, oClose T2 v1 → oClose T2 v2 → ⌜ v1 = v2 ⌝)) _ _ _ _ _. *)
End dot_experimental_kinds.
End HkDot.